psychological explanation Flashcards
AO1: family dysfunction- schizophrenogenic mother
reichmann proposed that sz comes from being reared by a cold and dominant mother who is both overprotective but rejected. As this is confusing for the child they develop sz
AO1: family dysfunction- double blind theory
- suggests that schizophrenia is a reaction to a pathological parent presenting the child with a no win situation
- created by contradictory communication leading to a negative reaction of social withdrawal in order to escape double blind situations
- the children who frequently recieve contradictory messaged are more likely to develop sz
AO3: double blind theory: strength- case study
However, low pop validity
P: case study of a schizophrenic visited in hospital by mother.
E: he hugs her and she stiffens.
E: he says ‘don’t you love me anymore?’
L:this gives support to idea of double blind theory
HOWEVER, as it is a case study it is low in population validity and can’t be generalised to the target population
AO1: family dysfunction- expressed emotions families
- a negative climate
- these families talk more and listen less
- are over involved/concerned
- critical and hostile
- leads to arousal and stress
AO3: expressed emotions: strength- meta analysis
however, individual differences
P: meta analysis fond that sz returning to a family environment of high EE experiences more than twice the average rate of relapse
E: supported by another meta-analysis, finding that relapse rates for sz who returned to live with high EE families was 48% compared to 21% for those who when to live with low EE families
HOWEVER, not all patients who live in high EE families relapse and not all patients who live in low EE homes avoid relapse.