Psychodynamic Approach Flashcards
What is the main assumption?
All behaviour is driven by the unconscious mind
What is the tripartite?
The 3 parts of the personality- Id, Ego and Superego
3 defence mechanisms?
Denial, displacement, repression
What are the 3 levels of the mind?
Conscious, pre-conscious and the unconscious
What are the 5 psychosexual stages?
When does the ID emerge?
Before birth- the first component of personality before birth
What is the ID in control of?
All innate needs and basic urges- hunger, thirst, aggression, primal urges
What behaviours does the ID link to?
Impulsive behaviours, uncontrollable behaviours or even criminal
What principle is the ID?
The pleasure principle- seeking out instant gratification and avoiding pain and discomfort at all costs
When does the ego emerge?
Between 2 and 4 years old as a young child
What is the ego in control of?
From sorting out what is real and not real
Helps us to understand our own thoughts
Controls our consciousness
What behaviours does the ego link to?
Prevents us from acting on basic urges that are created by the ID but also achieves a balance with moral and idealistic standards
What principle is the ego?
The reality principle- it strives to satisfy the id’s desires in realistic and morally appropriate ways
Balances cost and benefits of actions and decides whether to act upon it or not
When does the superego emerge?
Develops during the phallic stage at around 5 years old
What is the superego in control of?
Suppressing entirely any urges or desires of the ID that are considered wrong or socially unacceptable