Psychoanalytic Perspective Flashcards
Psychoanalytic Perspective
Sigmmund Freud
Provinces of the mind
Id, ego, super ego
(Pleasure Principle) - mainly focused on satisfying
basic physical
urges and desires.
(Reality Principle) - the part which operates based on reason and deals with the demands of reality. Its duty is for decision making.
(Moral Principle) - concerned with social norms or rules or those that are considered moral
Psychosexual Theory
Sigmmund Freud
Chewing, biting, and sucking is the child’s main source of pleasure that decreases tension in the infant.
Oral stage
Most children during this period is involved in toilet training, the child’s utmost desires are centered in the excretory function through the urethra and anus.
Anal stage
Gratification is centered in the manipulation of genitals. Oedipus complex is developed.
Phallic Stage
Psychosexual development is dormant in this stage. It is considered an intermission stage.
Latency stage
The stage of
sexual resurgence where the individual is now interested to the opposite sex.
Genital stage
developing an extreme desire for the parent of the opposite sex.
Oedipus complex
is a boy’s fear of losing or damaging his genitals as punishment for incestuous wishes and murderous fantasies.
Castration anxiety
proposes that very young girls feel deprived and envious that they do not have a penis.
Penis envy
Psychosocial Development in Childhood
Erik Erikson
Infants learn a basic sense of trust dependent upon how their needs are met.
Trust Versus Mistrust
Toddlers begin to understand that they can control their own
Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
children learn to take responsibility for their own behavior as they develop self-control.
Initiative Versus
The school-aged child must learn new skills in both the academic world and the social world.
They compare themselves to others to measure their success or failure
Industry Versus Inferiority
Adolescents must decide who they are, what they are, what they believe, and what they want to be as an adult
Identity Versus Role Confusion
Young adults face the task of finding a person with whom they can share their identity in an ongoing, close, and personal relationship.
Intimacy Versus Isolation
The focus of this task is to find a way to be a creative ad productive person who is nurturing the next generation.
Generativity Versus Stagnation
The task in this stage involves coming to terms with the end of life, reaching a sense of wholeness and acceptance of life as it has been.
Ego Integrity Versus Despair
Cognitive Development Theory
Jean Piaget