Psychoanalysis Flashcards
The unconscious
repository of repressed desires, feelings, memories and instinctual drives
Chapter 5 Interpretation of Dreams (Oedipus)
It is the fate of all of us, perhaps, to direct our first sexual impulse towards our mother and our first hatred and our first murderous wish against our father. Our dreams convince us that this is so”
Slips and displacement quote
‘words spoken in the dream are derived from spoken words remembered in the dream-material. The text of the speech is either retained unaltered or expressed with some slight displacement’
Slips in dreams
‘the verbal malformations in dreams greatly resemble those which are familiar in paranoia but which are also present in hysteria and obsessions’
Objects as language
‘The linguistics tricks performed by children who sometimes actually treat words as though they were objects and moreover invent new languages and artificial syntactic forms, are the common source of these things in dreams and psych-neuroses alike’
How is language important to psychoanalysis?
- W/ respect to therapeutic process; free association; dream analysis; transference
- Linked to linguistic phenomena such as parapraxes and jokes
According to Freud the essential difference between modes of thought characterised by primary…
and the secondary thought processes is one of preverbal vs verbal ways of conceptualising the world
The function of speech in Freud
“…the function of speech…brings material in the ego into a firm connection with the residues of visual, but more particularly of auditory, perceptions”
In ‘On Aphasia’ 1891 he distinguishes between….
‘word-presentations’ and ‘thing-presentations’
mental images of words; involve the linking of an idea to a verbal stimulus; secondary; orientated towards reality
irrational, governed by the id
logical, governed by the ego and external reality
representations of actual objects; primary; pre-verbal / non verbal;
one of the means by which the repressed returns in hidden ways; multiple dream-thoughts condense into composite figures or symbols
emotions are displaced so that trivial elements seem to cause distress
The Mirror Stage
the moment in which the child forms an identity or Ego as distinct from the id or the imago. Characterized by the recognition of his own image in the mirror.
Recognising his own image in the mirror….
‘an essential stage of the act of intelligence’
Mirror Play exemplifies… quote
‘the symbolic matrix in which the I is precipitated in primordial form, before it is objectified in the dialectic of identification with the other, and before language restores it, in the universal, its function as subject’
The mirror stage is the moment in which we…
acquire language
For Lacan, the mind is structured…
like a language; identity is expressed through difference
Jacques Lacan developed a structuralist theory of psychoanalysis…
based on the linguistic theory of Saussure in the 1950s and 60s
Before language assigns us an ‘I’…
we possess no sense of self - it is language that gives us identity
the Real
impossible wholeness of self, plenitude of desire satisfaction (joissance) and continuity of signified and signifier of word and object
Our being is not founded on the mythic identity of the ego…
it is founded on our initial lack-of-being (manqué-à-être) - initial fissure or béance from the mother
The bar forbidding access to the mother is akin to…
the bar that separates signifier from signified or word from thing.
The Symbolic Order
symbolic language which assigns social roles and dictate behaviour in society; it is like a language.
Most influential work of Structuralist psychoanalysis
Lacan’s Ecrits (1966)
Serge LeClaire
‘the delusory and disappointing nature of masculinity spring from its reliance upon anatomy, upon an external identity, as a safeguard against emasculation’
Kaja Silverman
phallus is transcendental signifier of meaning, and a ‘metaphor of irreducible lack’ ; women as Other confronts lack in men