Psych-Soc-VISUAL Flashcards
first 77 including visual
retinal disparity
eyes are 2.5 inches apart
contraction of eyes
when thins are close to us our eyes are __
wen things are further from us our eyes__
interposition of objects make them seem to __
the relative height of objects - the higher something is the c/f it seems
motion parallax refers to the movement of objects such that the farther aways the __ i moves
constancy refers to the __ perception of actually changing objects
the inner ear muscle during high noise
after touching the temperature receptors are __
once you are smelling something your olfactory receptors get __
proprioception helps you __
understand where and in what position your body is through muscular spindles connecting to spinal nerves sending signal to your brain about muscle relaxation that allows your brain to unconsciously understand your position and keeps you in balance
down regulation
down regulation and adaption refer to
not sending more sensory signals about the same stimulus after a while so that the brain is not overwhelmed
up regulation
up regulation and amplification refer to
the strengthening of a single stimulus into a stronger one
adaptation/down regulation of sight
pupils constrict, rods and cones become desensitized by high amount of light
amplification/up regulation of sight
pupils dilate in darkness until your are in dark
Weber’s law describes the__
the minimum change in stimulus for it to be noticeable at 10% of the original amount you notice it
absolute threshold is the __
minimum strength or amount of stimulus needed for a person to sense. for example if you touch me with very light force such as 0.0001N i wont feel it, but if you touch me with anything above 0.2N i will feel it.
absolute threshold can be influenced by 4 factors
Motivation, Alertness, Xpectation, Experience,
subliminal stimuli
stimulus that is so small that you can’t feel it
Vestibular system is in __, and is responsible for __ and __.
inner ear, semicircular canals, balance and spatial orientation
in the vestibular system our semicircular canals in the inner ears are filled with __
endolymph is a gel like liquid that houses __ and __
crystals and hair cells
Ca crystals position in regards to our spatial orientation and pull on __ which helps in __
hair cells
understanding spatial orientation
bottom up processing
stimulus influences perception
top down processing
background knowledge influences perception
gestalt principles
similarity pragnanz proximity continuity closure
gestalt-similarity principle
similar items are grouped together in the most ordered fashion
gestalt-pragnanz principle
reality is organized to the simplest forms like the olympic circles
gestalt-proximity principle
objects closer to one another are grouped together
gestalt-continuity principle
lines are following the most continuous smoothest path
gestalt-closure principle
objects grouped together are seen as a whole picture rather than individual items
conjuctiva of the eye
epithelial outer lining of the eye
transparent thick sheet of tissue under the conjunctiva
bends the light
aqueous humor
salty water filling the anterior chamber of the eye
anterior chamber
water chamber of the eye
biconvex lenses and iris make it up
it is a hole that
can change shape based on the proximity and light because or iris muscle
pupil contracts in __ proximity and __ light
pupil relaxes in __ proximity and __ light
bends the light so it goes to the back of the eye ball
ciliary body
secretes the aqueous humor
made up of suspensory ligaments and ciliary muscle
posterior chamber
area behind ciliary muscle filled with aqueous humor
part of he eye that is colored
are muscles that contract and expand to control the size of the pupil
vitreous chamber
filled with vitreous humor that is like the aqueous humor with some added protein that makes it a little jelly-like
provide structure to the eye
it is red colored
entire back of the eye-ball
composed of photoreceptors
made up of macula and fovea
macula of retina
rich in cones
fovea of the retina
completely covered in the cones NO RODS
optic nerve
nerve getting signal from the retina sending the message to the brain
pigmented black in humans
no pigmentation in animals so it can reflect light-enhancing night vision
network of blood vessels nourishes cells of the eye
whites of the eye
help you see in more details
what is light?
electromagnetic wave part of a large spectrum
light enters pupil and goes to the retina which contains in __ and __
rods and cones
rods are responsible for __
sensing ligth
cones are responsible for __
sensing colors
rods in the dark are turned __
rods in the light are turned __
when the rod is off it activates __ , which then activates __ which enters the __ to reach the __
bipolar cell
optic nerve
3 types of cones
red, blue, green
almost all cones are located in the __ of the __
fovea of the retina
main protein in rods
what turns off the rod cells
the closing of Na channels in rods which hyper-polarizes the cell
what is a photoreceptor
a cell that can convert light into a neuronal signal
cones detect colors color sensitivity of our cones red\_\_ green \_\_ blue\_\_
rods have __ recovery time
cones have __ recovery time
in the blind spot
there are no rods or cones
rods can be found
retina/outside of the fovea on its periphery
cones can be found
retina/in the fovea
optic chiasm
where the eft and the right optic nerve converge in the brain
left visual image is processed in the __ side of the brain
right visual image is processed in the __ side of the brain
parvo pathway
spatial recognition
high spatial resolution-used for static objects
low temporal resolution- can’t detect details of a moving object
trichromatic theory
serves as a feature detection devise which encompasses the
color, parvo and magno pathway
parallel processing
seeing colors, movement and shape of an image all at the same time
simultaneous visual processing
magno pathway
high temporal resolution- can see details about moving objects
low spatial resolution- can’t see details about localized objects