Psych/Soc Missed Questions Flashcards
Describe the different types of intelligence.
crystallized: solving problems using previous experience or already-acquired intelligence
emotional: understanding the emotions of others and oneself
practical: ability to adapt to everyday environments and solve issues that arise in everyday life
fluid: ability to reason abstractly and solve new problems through logic
What is stereotype threat?
individuals feel at risk for confirming negative stereotypes about their social group
- causes anxiety which can impair cognitive function, focus, and decreased performance
What is assimilation?
minority group conforms to practices, behaviors, and beliefs of the majority group
What is cognitive dissonance?
individual has two conflicting thoughts or beliefs
What is selection bias?
selection of a sample for a study is not done randomly
What is a primary group?
family or close individuals
What is social capital?
benefits gained from social networks
What is Gardner’s Theory?
individuals have multiple different types of intelligences
What is Social interactionist theory?
language is acquired due to desire to communicate with others, not due to innate abilities
What is Nativist theory?
language ability is inherent
What is behaviorist theory?
language is learned through reinforcement, imitation, and conditioning, not through innate ability
Describe the sleep stages.
4-6 cycles per night
NREM1: prominent in initial stages of falling asleep, light
- alpha waves transition into theta waves
NREM2: 50% of sleep cycle, intermediate sleep with spindles (bursts)/K-complexes (large, slow brain waves)
- consolidate memories
NREM3: deepest sleep stage, delta waves, decreased in later sleep cycles
- GH release, immune function
REM: vivid dreaming, wakeful brain activity, increases later in sleep cycle
- memory consolidation, emotional and cognitive recovery
What is game theory?
rational people act according to their own self-interest
What is altruism?
doing a good deed for someone else without any personal benefit or self-motive
What is urbanization?
encroachment of urban areas on suburban or rural areas and the migration of previously suburban or rural people to the city
- increasing population density
- land being converted for urban use