PSYCH SOC Flashcards
this kind of learning process by which person learns a behaviour or response to avoid a stressful or unpleasant situation
avoidance - behaviour where you learn to avoid or remove oneself from the situation - experience the absence of punishment
escape and avoidance are what type of conditon behaviour
aversive control
with ____ learning you have an element of surprise, thrown into situation and have to escape - you already exp the aversive stimulus
this learning - you hear the fire alarm and aovid the fire breakout - learn behavour or response to not exp the aversive stimulus
when anticipating aversive events and viewing fear induced pictures what system control this
sympathetic - also incr skin conductivity - anticipation, startle response,
when a person learns to respond differently to various stimulu its called
stimulus discrimination
if particiapants are presented with numbers but they had to respond correctly in order to receive the incentive what are the numbers functioning as
discriminatory stimuli
unconditioned stimuli elecit a —–
reflexive response
_____ this approach holds that actual outcomes determine the behaviour not cognitions regarding the potential outcomes
the behaviourist approach deals with how _____ factors affect observable behaviour and does/not take into account for thoughts/feelings
environmental, NOT
this theory is the bridge between behavioural and psychoanlytic (mental) theory
COGNITIVE - how an individual’s thoughts and beliefs influence their feelings and behaviors.
_______ refers to any motivation that results from incentives to perform a behaviour that are not inherent to the behaviour itself
extrinsic motivation
______ is a broader term that acc includs external motivation
extrinisic motivation
this kind of motivation stems form perosn drives, goal, and fulfillment - students studies bc they want to
intrisic motivation
this kind of motivation is when you want a reward or to avoid punishment - other ppl factors - ex student stuidies os get scholarhsip
extrinsic motivation
extrinsic motivation includes both
punishers and reinforcers
this refers to the gap bw persona actual self and ideal self
this is described as: desire to reach ones goals creates a drive that individuals are motivated to fulfill
autonomous motivation - self initiating behaviours that are tied to ones values and goals
this refers to the error people make when they ignore the base rates (prior probabilities) when evaluating the probablities of events (freq) - librarian
base rate fallacy - you think something is true, but you are ignoring the fact that there is NO possible way it can be true due to the stats of it occurring.
this is when you really believe something despite there BEING EVIDENCE
belief perservance
this bias is when youre like i knew it all along, tendency for person to overestimate how well they successful predict oucome
hindsight bias
this bias part of the observeers recording the data, no ebing blind,
this is refers to reason the next scientist are testing the intial drug - replicate
public verifiability
Base rate fallacy - When you ignore the actual data and go ahead with categorizing people using representative heuristic
Base rate fallacy -
: actively seek out only confirming facts.
Confirmation bias
: if we succeed it is due to internal qualities, if we fail it is due to external qualities.
Self-serving bias
: bad things happen to others but not us.
Optimism bias
: first impression/information is more important/easier to remember.
Primacy bias
: assuming others share the same belief as us.
Projection bias
: the situation will stay normal, nothing bad will happen
Normalcy bias
: memory isn’t reliable, it has been reconstructed.
-Reconstructive bias
when a participant drops out of a long term study or experiment.
Attrition bias: