Psych Quiz 3 Flashcards
a change in thought or behavior resulting from experience
anything in the environment to which an organism might react
any behavior resulting from a stimulus
decrease in reaction to a repeated stimulus.
Classical Conditioning
A new stimulus begins to elicit the same response as another stimulus, when they occur together. (Dogs body realized that the sound, setting, and people around him were a sign that his food was going to be given to him)
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)
causes a reflex (food)
Unconditioned Response (UCR)
the (normal) reflex (salivate to food)
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
new thing (predicts UCS)/ (bell)
Conditioned Response (CR)
reflex to new thing (Salivate to bell)
learning occurs when the CS is paired reliably with the UCS.
What happens when pairing stops?
Extinction and Spontaneous recovery
disappearance of the CR, when CS is no longer paired with the UCS
Spontaneous recovery
the return of the CR after a delay
What happens when the stimulus (CS) is modified?
Stimulus generalization, and Stimulus discrimination
Stimulus generalization
when stimuli similar to the CS elicit a CR
Stimulus discrimination
when stimuli similar to the CS do not elicit a CR
Little Albert Experiment
Conditioned fear response in infant (Pairing of loud noise (UCS) and white rat (CS))
repeated exposure to extinguish negative emotional responses
Operant Conditioning
Learning involves voluntary behavior (not reflexes), Behavior results from reward and punishment
Thorndike’s Law of Effect
If a response, in the presence of a stimulus, is followed by a satisfying state of affairs, the bond between stimulus and response will be strengthened. (“Will press lever for food)
famous behaviorist
Positive reinforcement
(pleasant) stimulus is given to increase a behavior (giving a dog a treat when they do a trick)
Negative reinforcement
unpleasant stimulus is removed to increase a behavior (annoying seatbelt sign)
Positive punishment
(unpleasant) stimulus is given to decrease a behavior (getting spanked)
Negative punishment
(pleasant) stimulus is removed to decrease a behavior (Speeding ticket because they take away money)
Partial reinforcement
reinforcing behaviors occasionally rather than always (Giving dog pizza sometimes)
Fixed ratio
Reinforcement after a fixed number of responses
(9 responses or circles; 10th boba is free)
Fixed interval
Reinforcement after a fixed amount of time (Cookies being done)
Variable ratio
Reinforcement after a varying number of responses (Slot machine; Fastest)
Variable interval
Reinforcement after a varying amount of times (waiting for a friend to text back)