Psych Political & Spiritual Self Flashcards
This is you in your most beautiful and powerful form. It is the part of you that is connect to everything from humans, animals, nature, Higher Power, and that part that is love.
Spiritual Self
According to him, spiritual self as man’s inner or subjective being, his psychic faculties or dispositions.
William James
Concerns with faith in the claims of one faith tradition or involving organizations
Concerns with the qualities of human-spirit such as love, forgiveness, care, hope, etc.
An individual & personal experience that leads to discovery of one’s soul, purpose, & meaning.
What is the holy book of
Their Holy books are
Holy Bible
Qu’ran & Hadith
Who is the founder of
Their Founders are
Jesus Christ’s followers
Sidharta Gautama aka “Buddha”
Logotherapy means?
“therapy through meaning”
What is the major Theology of
Their Beliefs are
1 God10 Commandments
1 God10 Commandments, Pray in church,
1 God 5 Pillars Pray in mosque
Many Gods Karma, deities, reincarnation, Pray in temples
No God 4 Noble Truths, 8 Fold Path, Karma, reincarnation Pray in temples, shrines
What are the holidays of
Their Holidays are
Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Passover
Easter, Christmas
Ramadan month of fasting, Eid-al-Fitr
Holi, Diwali
Nirvana Day, Buddha Day
Where is the place of worship for
Their places of worship are
Church, Temples
Temples, Shrines
Temples, Shrines
Who is the Spiritual Leader of
Their Spiritual Leaders are
Pope, Prophet
Monks, Dalai Lama
Who pioneered Logotherapy?
Viktor Frankl
Influenced by his personal experiences of suffering and loss in Nazi concentration camps.
This strength of the Filipino Character is manifested in a basic sense of justice, fairness, and concern for others. It is also demonstrated in the Filipino’s ability to empathize and help others in times of need (pakikiramay), in the practice of bayanihan, and in the famous Filipino hospitality.
This is a reflection of your selfhood in relation to his national identity.
Political Self
This strength of the Filipino Character are manifested in the Filipino’s love for socials and celebrations, in our capacity to laugh even in the most trying of times, and in the appeal of political satire.
Joy and Humor
What are the themes of Logotherapy?
Life has meaning, under all circumstances;
The will to meaning is the central motivation for living;
All have the freedom to find meaning in all that one thinks; and
All must integrate the body, mind, and spirit to be fully alive.
This strength of the Filipino Character is manifested in the honor and respect given to parents and elders, in the care given to children, the generosity towards kin in need, and in the great sacrifices one endures for the welfare of the family.
Family Orientation
This strength of the Filipino Character are manifested in the ability to adapt to life in the any part of the world and in the ability to make new things out of old scraps. It is likewise seen in the ability to accept change.
Flexibility, Adaptability, and Capability
This strength of the Filipino Character are manifested most noticeably in willingness to take risks with jobs abroad and while there, to work at two or three jobs.
Hard Work and Industry
This strength of the Filipino Character are manifested in the Filipinos’ deep faith in God. Our innate religiosity enables us to comprehend and genuinely accept reality in the context of God’s will and plan.
Faith and Religiosity
This strength of the Filipino Character is shown in our capacity to persevere despite difficult times and in our ability to get by on so very little.
Ability to Survive
This weakness of the Filipino Character is manifested in the tendency to give personal interpretation to actions, thus, a sincere question may be viewed as a challenge to one’s competence or positive feedback may be interpreted as a sign of special affection.
Extreme Personalism
This weakness of the Filipino Character is manifested through the use of one’s office and power as a means of promoting the interest of the family, in factionalism, patronage, political dynasties, and in the protection of erring family member.
Extreme Family-Centeredness
This weakness of the Filipino Character is manifested through causal and relaxed attitude towards time and space which manifests itself in lack of precision and compulsiveness, in poor time management, and in procrastination.
Lack of Discipline
This weakness of the Filipino Character are described as the tendency to wait to be told what has to be done and strong reliance on others to do things for us. Filipinos are also described as submissive to those in authority and are not likely to raise issues or to question decisions.
Passivity and Lack of Initiative
This weakness of the Filipino Character is the inferiority towards Filipino culture and actual preference for foreign things.
Colonial Mentality
This weakness of the Filipino Character is evident through demonstrating selfish and self-serving attitudes that generate a feeling of envy and competitiveness toward others, particularly to one’s peers who seem to have gained some status or prestige.
Kanya-Kanya Syndrome
This weakness of the Filipino Character is described as the tendency to be superficial and even somewhat flighty. In the face of serious problems, both personal and social, there is lack of analysis and reflection.
Lack of Self-Analysis and Self-Reflection