Psych Modules Flashcards
Module 24
Relaxation and meditation
Meditation and relaxation reduced heart attacks
Mindfulness meditation- relax and attend inner state w/o judging it
Module 24
Short life of emotional ups and down
More likely to be happy on friday and saturday
and in the morning to mid day
When you have a bad day you’ll most likely have a better day tomorrow
Module 24
evidence-based suggestions for a happier life
Money doesn't buy happiness Control your time Act happy Seek work and leisure that engage your skills Spend money on experiences exercise sleep keep close relationships act of kindness
Module 35
Foot on the door phenomenon
Chinese started with small request to prisoners and it made it easier to comply later with larger requests
Module 35
Automatic Mimicry
Yawning causes others to yawn, we tend to go with a group
People micmic other people (empathy, and social acceptance)
Module 35
Group think
harmonious but unrealistic group thinking
Module 36
Explicit ethnic prejudice
People are not overtly perjudce but have microaggressions with subtle racism
Module 36
Implicit ethnic prejudice
Percieve anger in black peoples faces
Associated good words with white names
People chose to shoot black men in study
Module 27
Promoting peace
Contact- noncompetative contact between parties help
Cooperation- When you cooperate you get along, camp where boys were forced to cooperate
Communication- mediators help each party voice the opinion. go from (win-lose) to (win-win)
GRIT- mutual intentions reduce tensions
Module 28
Research vs Frued
Development is lifelong, not fixed at childhood.
Module 28
Modern research and unconsious mind
unconcisous invovles schemes priming right-left hemisphere emotions before analysis stereotypes (PROJECTION ANDREACTION FORMATION CORRECT)
recurring haunting memories and nightmares
Is psychotherapy effective
placebo effect, time passes, want therapy worth the effort. They are better than no treatment
which therapy
behavior - specific behavior problems (phobias, bed-wetting)
psychodynamic- depression and anxiety
humanistic- mild depression