PSYCH Flashcards
term for incoming info that is threatening or contradictory to stored memory is refuted
term for perceptions of events that are threatening or contradictory to past experiences are neither recognized nor retrievable from memory (involuntary)
term for: an event of memory is re-conceptualized in sufficiently abstract terms to distance it from its original referent & assoc. conditioned emotional responses
term for: an idea feeling or behavior inconsistent with one’s self-concept is attributed to another person
term for: stress is responded to using cognitive processes from earlier developmental stages associated with periods of less stressful coping
what are the EEG changes seen in a pt with delirium?
the pattern of hypoactivity appears on EEG as diffuse slowing of the dominant rhythms, generalized delta waves and loss of reactivity of the EEG to eye opening and closing
term for: pattern of uncontrollable anxiety for at least 6 months that is unrelated to a specific person situation or event
generalized anxiety disorder
term for: having emotional symptoms like anxiety and depression causing impairment following an identifiable psychosocial stressor and lasting less than 6 months
adjustment disorder
the PTSD symptoms have to last how long for a diagnosis?
lasts greater than 1 month
in order to diagnose acute stress disorder you have to have symptoms with what time line?
2 days - 1 month (symptoms must start no later than 3 days after trauma)
what is the min. amount of time a pt has to show uncontrollable anxiety symptoms for so that you can diagnose genearlized anxiety disorder?
at least 6 months
symptoms of somatization disorder usually develop before what age?
30 yrs
what are the categories of complaints in multiple organ systems with somatization disorder?
at least 4 pain, 2 GI, 1 sexual, 1 pseudoneurologic
term for: sudden loss of sensory or motor function (paralysis, blindness, mutism) often following an acute stressor; pt is aware but sometimes indifferent toward symptoms
conversion disorder
term for: preoccupation with and fear of having a serious illness despite medical evaluation and reassurance
hypochondriasis (illness anxiety disorder)
term for: preoccupation with minor or imagined defect in appearance, leading to significant emotional distress or impaired functioning; pts often repeatedly seek cosmetic surgery
body dysmorphic disorder
term for: prolonged pain with no physical findings; pain is the predominant focus of clinical presentation and psychological factors play an important role in severity, exacerbation or maintenance of pain
pain disorder
term for: pt consciously creates physical and or psychological symptoms in order to assume the sick role ; they want to be the “the interesting pt”
factitious disorder
term for: pt consciously fakes or claims to have a disorder in order to attain a specific secondary gain
term for: persistent reexperiencing of a previous traumatic event (war, rape, robbery, accident); symptoms can begin anytime after the event
term for : chronic factitious disorder with predominantly physical signs and symptoms. characterized by a hx of multiple hospital admissions and willingess to receive invasive procedure
Munchausen’s syndrome (factitious disorder)
term for: unacceptable feelings and thoughts are expressed through actions
acting out
e.g. tantrums
term for: temporary, drastic change in personality, memory, consciousness, or motor behavior to avoid emotional stress
e.g. extreme forms can result in dissociative identity disorder like multiple personality disorder
term for: avoidance of awareness of some painful reality
(e.g. a common reaction in newly diagnosed AIDS and cancer pts)