Psych Flashcards
Freud: 3 parts of consciousness
Ego: Rational part of mind that operates on reality principal, Suppresses the urges of the id
Id (Devil): Driven by the pleasure principle and strives for immediate gratification of all desires, wants and needs
Superego (Angel): Moral center of the mind and acts as the minds conscience! Suppresses urges of the id
Freud Key Terms: Unconscious
- A reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges and memories that are outside conscious awareness.
- Influences behaviours even though not fully aware
Freud Key Terms: Conscious
- Contains all the thoughts, memories, feelings and wishes were aware of at any moment
- Thinks and talks rationally
Freud Key Terms: Free Association
Freely sharing thoughts (therapy)
Freud Key Terms: Neo-Freudians
Psychologist who have modified Freud’s theories due to social and cultural aspects.
Founder of feminist psych
Development is lifelong not like Freud states
Classical conditioning
neutral stimulus is linked to another neutral stimulus & therefore acquires the power to elicit a consistent innate reflex
Basic needs
Safety & security
Love & belonging
Self-esteem & status
Self Actualization
suggests that observation and modeling play a primary role in how and why people learn.
Positive Reinforcement
The process of increasing the future probability of some behaviour by following that behaviour with a pleasant consequence.
Negative Reinforcement
The encouragement of certain behaviours by removing or avoiding a negative outcome or stimuli.
Primary reinforcement
Something that is naturally reinforcing
secondary reinforcement
Something you have learned is a reward because it has historically been paired with primary reinforcement.
Neurotic disorders
Type of psychological disorder. People who suffer from neurosis usually experience very high levels of anxiety or tension
Neurotic disorders: Panic Attacks
A person with general anxiety disorder lives in a state of constant nervousness. People with this disorder usually overreact to any type of stress
Neurotic disorders: Phobias
Simple Phobias - fear of a specific thing or situation. You may have one phobia but be normal in all other aspects
Social Phobias - individuals with this class of phobia have an extreme fear of social situations and embarrassing themselves. The most common type is public speaking and eating in public
Agoraphobia - most common kind to seek professional help for. It is a fear of unfamiliar situations, which causes people to avoid open spaces, traveling, crowds, and may not leave their homes.
Neurotic disorders: obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
the persistent intrusion of unwelcome thoughts, images, or impulses that carry anxiety.
Neurotic disorders: eating disorders
Group of conditions characterized by abnormal eating habits that may involve either insufficient or excessive food intake
psychotic disorders: Schizophrenia
Changes in behaviour or symptoms have been continuing for at least a period of 6 months.
Includes disorder of thought. Such as apathy. Inability to concentrate & social withdrawal
Most severe forms include hallucinations, delusions & unpredictable behaviour.
Psychotic disorders: Bipolar DIsorders
Mood disturbance rather than thought disturbance
Mood is characterized by extreme highs (mania, extreme lows & depression)
Mania: may believe they are God or are amazing at everything (delusions of grandeur)
Depression: may hear voices that put them down
Psychotic disorders: Depression
Include symptoms of psychosis
Very different from just feeling sad
Feelings of despair over a long period
Psychotic disorders: PTSD
Natural reaction to terrible experiences: Bombings, assault, torture, death, etc
Reliving the experience repeatedly
Avoiding reminders of the event
Losing emotions & loss of interest in activities
Feeling dread that something is going to happen
Erikson’s stages of development:
Trust vs mistrust: needs
Autonomy vs shame: independence
Initiative vs guilt: responsibility
Industry vs inferiority: knowledge
Identity vs role confusion: who am I
Intimacy vs isolation: love
Generativity vs stagnation: guide
Integrity vs despair: reflect
Freud: Psychosexual development theory
Oral (birth - 18 months): things with mouth
Anal (18 months - 3 years): toilet trainings
Phallic ( 3 - 6 years) : genitive pleasure
Latency ( 6 years - puberty): same gender friends
Genital ( puberty onward): develop sexual urges
Conditioned stimulus
An originally neutral stimulus that comes to trigger a conditioned response after being paired with an unconditioned stimulus
unconditioned stimulus
A stimulus that naturally triggers a response
Intrinsic motivation
Desire to perform a task for its own sake
extrinsic motivation
Desire to perform a task due to external factors, such as a reward or the threat of punishment
Freud Psychosocial Theory Defense Mechanisms: Repression
Occurs when thought, memory or feeling is too painful so they unconsciously push it out of conscious awareness
Freud Psychosocial Theory Defense Mechanisms: Denial
Refusing to recognize or acknowledge objective facts or principles
Freud Psychosocial Theory Defense Mechanisms: Displacement
Shifting impulses from an unacceptable target to a more acceptable or less threatening
Freud Psychosocial Theory Defense Mechanisms: Projection
Subconsciously employ in order to cope with difficult feelings
Neutral stimulus:
any stimulus that produces no conditioned response prior to learning