Psych Flashcards
Acute stress reaction definition
transient disorder
develops in an individual without any other apparent mental disorder
in response to exceptional physical and mental stress
usually subsides within hours or days
key features of acute stress reaction
- initial state of daze
- constriction of field of consciousness
- narrowing of attention
- inability to comprehend stimuli
- disorientation
what other things can be noted with an acute stress reaction?
- severe withdrawal from surrounding situation could manifest as stupor
- may cause agitation and over reactivity
- autonomic signs of panic (tachycardia, sweating): occur within mins of a stimulus and disappear within hours/days
- partial or complete amnesia
what is the duration of an acute stress reaction?
- at least 3 days
- if symptoms persist >1 month consider diagnosis of PTSD
define adjustment disorder
- states of subjective distress and emotional disturbance
- usually interferes with social functioning and performance
- arises in period of adaption to a significant life change or stressful life event
manifestations of adjustment disorder
- depressed mood
- anxiety
- worry
- feeling of inability to cope, plan ahead or continue with present situation
- disability in performance of daily routine
what can be an associated feature in adjustment disorder?
conduct disorder (mainly in adolescents)
What is generalised anxiety disorder?
- anxiety that is generalised and persistent
- but not restricted to any particular environment (is free floating)
duration of GAD
at least 6 months with prominent tension, worry and feelings of apprehension about everyday events and problems
symptoms of GAD and how many do you need?
at least 4 of following including at least 1 autonomic
- Autonomic: palpitations, sweating, trembling, dry mouth
- Chest/Abdo: difficulty breathing, feeling of choking, chest pain, nausea/abdo distress
- Brain/mind: dizziness, light headedness, derealisation/depersonalisation, fear of losing control, fear of dying
- General: hot flushes/ cold chills, numbess or tingling sensation
- Tension: muscle tension/ aches/pains, restlessness, mental tension, lump in throat
- Other: exaggerated startle response, difficult concentrating, persistant irritbaility, difficulty sleeping
common fear in GAD
that they themselves or a relative will shortle become ill or have an accident
key things to remember about GAD classification
does not meet criteria for panic disorder, phobic anxiety disorder, OCD or hypochondriacal disorder
not caused by organic health problem or substance misuse
Define OCD
recurrent obsessional thoughts or compulsive acts
what are the obsessional thoughts in OCD?
- obsessional thoughts can be: ideas, imaged, impulses
- they are distressing
- patient often tries to resist them
- recognised as their own thoughts
what are the compulsive acts in OCD?
- compulsive acts/rituals repeated again and again
- they are NOT enjoyable/ don’t result in completion of an inherently useful task
- are thought to prevent some unlikely event
- behaviour recognised as pointless
- attempts made to resist
- anxiety present which gets worse if compulsive acts resisted
what is body dysmorphic disorder characterised by?
- appearance preoccupations (preoccupied with slight defects of flaws in physical appearance)
- repetitive behaviours (repetitive, compulsive behaviours in response to appearance concerns)
- clinical significance (causes distress or impairment of functioning)
- specifiers