PSYC 301- final exam Flashcards
data fishiness- definition
properties of data or statistical tests that suggest potential problems (Abelson calls it this)
two approaches to evaluating the assumptions of normality
NHST and descriptive approaches
repeated measures (within subjects) one way ANOVA tests
mean differences in repeated measure studies with 3+ levels of a single factor
what does
mean in within subjects anove
T- sum of scores within a condition
K- # of levels of the IV
G- sum of all scores
n- sample size
N- total # of scores for the sample (kxn=N)
P- sum total of scores for given person in sample
variability in the means of scores across conditions exists for two reasons in within subjects ANOVA
(variance between treatments)
treatment effect- the manipulation distinguishing between conditions
experimental error- random chance errors that occur when measuring the construct of interest
*note no individual differences bc this is a constant across conditions; individual is baseline to themselves
variability in the means of scores within conditions could be a result of 2 sources
(variance within treatments)
individual differences- differences in backgrounds, abilities, circumstances etc of individual ppl (this can be calculated out though)
experimental error- chance errors that occur when measuring the construct of interest
SSerror =
SSerror = SSwithin treatments - SS between subjects (individual diffs)
conceptually the F test for repeated measures becomes (4.16)
treatment effect + experimental error/ experimental error
4.17 ** repeated measures in a nutshell
F = MSbetween treatments/MSerror
computing within treatment variability (4.19)
SSwithin treatments = ∑SSwithin each treatment
SStotal =
SStotal = SSwithin + SSbetween
total df for repeated measures ANOVA (4.23)
dftotal = N-1
df between treatments
df between treatments = k -1
df within treatments
df within treatments = N-k
formulas for specific MS values in ANOVA
MSbetween treatments = SS between treatments/df between treatments
MSerror = SSerror/dferror
assumptions of the repeated measures ANOVA
- independence of sets of observations
- distribution of the outcome variable should be normally distributed in each level of the IV
- sphercity (type of homogeneity of variance; equality of variances in different scores across all levels of the IV)
- homogeneity of covariance
what is sphercity
Are the differences in performance between Program A and Program B, Program B and Program C, and Program A and Program C equally variable?
equality of variances in different scores across all levels of the IV
data fishiness assumptions
assumption of normality
assumption of homogeneity of variance
independence of observations
assumption of normality
scores the DV within each group are assumed to be sampled from a normal distribution
evaluating the assumption of normality
NHST approach
- tests if sample dist is sig. different from normal dist
- skew- captures symmetry
- kurtosis- captures extreme scores in tails ( 0= normal)
Descriptive approach
- look at descriptive/ graphical displays to quantify the magnitude and nature of non- normality
- skew and kurtosis threshold values ( skew greater than 2, and kurtosis greater than 7), positive kurtosis tends to be worse
- graphical displays (normal qq plots) plot your dist against normal dist with same sample size, if data is normal it looks like straight line, tails, thin or fat
pros and cons of NHST and descriptive approachin evaluating normality
NHST bad bc of the role of sample size
- insensitive to non-normality in small samples and too sensitive to non-normality in large samples
- doesn’t take into account the type of non normality and how much, the question itself doesn’t make conceptual sense bc we want to know if the size (magnitude) of the non normality will alter our data
Descriptive approach better than NHST bc it allows us to see magnitude and type of non normality, but there is still the element of subjectivity meaning that it’s easy to see results when clearly good or bad, but its difficult to judge if deviations are consequential in ambiguous cases
assumptions of homogeneity of variance
assumption that variances around the means are generally the same
variances in scores on the DV within each group are the same across groups
evaluating the assumption of homogeneity of variance
NHST approach
- tests if variances in groups are sig diff from each other; levens test, hartleys variance ratio and f-max test
descriptive approach
- looks at descriptobe stats/ graphical displays to quantify the magnitude of differential variances
- threshold ratio of largest to smallest variances (recommended threshold 3:1)
- graphical displays (qq plots) take data from 2 conditions and plot (lowest and lowest together etc), if condiions satisfied it’ll be a straight line with slope of 1 and intercept equal to the difference between the means
assumption of independence of observations
each observation (between subjects) or each set of observations (within subjects) comprising the data set is independent of all other observations or sets of observations in the data set
basically, no inherent structure in the nature of our data; no cluster
excluding couples data or roomates data
positive associations inflate alpha
negative associations inflate beta
evaluating the assumption of independence of observations
examine structural properties of data to see if a basis exists for questioning the validity of the assumption
if no basis is evident, generally fine to conclude the assumption holds
if a basis exists, independence can be assessed by computing the intraclass correlation for the structural property in the data presumed to produce the violation of independence
if intraclass correlation is very small (less than .10), prob fine to use t tests or ANOVA
clear thresholds for intraclass correlations remain debated so the conceptual basis for expecting violations is important in evaluating this index
if violation occurs, best to use alt analysis that accounts for lack of independence
addressing violations of assumptions
- use alr procedures
- transform data to normalize dist
- identify and remove outliers (80%of time this is problem)
- eval level of measurement assumptions
homogeneity of variance
- use alt procedures
- identify and remove outliers
- eval level of measurement assumptions
indep of obvs
- alt stat procedures like MLM and HLM
extreme values in a data set that differ substantially from other observations in the data set suggesting they might be drawn from a different population
often responsible for violations of normality and homogeneity of variance
have a disproportionate influence on stat results
examples of common outliers
data entry/coding errors
responses in latency data
open ended estimate data (no upper boundary)
identifying outliers
impossible values in freq tables or histograms
seen in normal qq plots as steep tails
standardized residuals (general thresholds of 4 or 5 are sufficiently weird), includes target observation in mean which can drag it
studentized deleted residuals: index of deviation from the mean NOT including the target observation in the calc of the mean
- sample of 100, 3.6
- sample of 1000, 4.07