PSY280 - 4. VISION IN THE CORTEX Flashcards
in the light
packets of light hit retinal - isomerization - retinal changes shape to detach to opsin
once rhodopsin is activated - cGMP becomes GMP
no cGMP means sodium channels shut
more K moves out driving potential down -70mV
thus in the light release more neurotransmitter
in the dark
CGMP: keep doors open, sodium rushes in cell, K+ channels open, K moves out
trading ions to return them, creating a dark current, -40mV in the dark which is slightly depolarized
it releases a lot of neurotransmitter
On + Off Bipolar
On bipolar: in light less neurotransmitter - spontaneously releases more in the absence of light - stimulating ganglion cell to fire more
product of strength of activation - inhibition
inhibition lateral is proportional to excitation
doesn’t reflect diff in illumination - enunciates the shift in contrast
On + Off Bipolar
lights are off - photoreceptors releasing a lot of neurotransmitter
off bipolar cells release a lot + excite ganglion cells
now it’s opposite
mirror curve - reversed
these 2 curves do not cancel each other out
at the level of cortex, they see it as a signal that there is a change in light intensity
On + Off Bipolar
Lateral connections via horizontal & amacrine cells send information to nearby bipolar & RGCs, changing the firing rate of the RGCs under non- uniform lighting conditions.
in uniform light you activate centre surround cells which cancel each other out
boost contrast signals
On + Off Bipolar
horizontal cells connecting lateral cells creating lateral inhibition
centre shine = active ganglion cell
surround = less activation on ganglion cell
whether the bipolar cells are on or off dictate whether its centre surround
retinotopic mapping & cortical magnification
Activity on the retina causes activity in the cortex.
There is disproportionately more cortex dedicated processing information from the fovea.
info adjacent on retina is processed in adjacent neurons in the cortex
retinotopic mapping & cortical magnification
beside each other in visual field, on the retina, processed by neurons in V1 that are also adjacent
cortical magnification” more cortex processing fovea
necessary for tasks that require high visual acuity - reading, object recognition
Vernier acuity & grating judgments
vernier acuity: high acuity, can sense smallest diff
how diff does reference have to be just to notice the diff
both use JNDs to estimate visual acuity in participants.
• Spatial organization
way stimuli at specific locations in the environment are represented by activity at specific locations in the nervous system
Electronic map of V1
Points on the retinal image cause activity in the cortex
Retinotopic map: electronic map of the retina where locations on the cortex correspond to locations in the retina
Points that are close together on the object and on the right noble activate neurons that are close together in the brain
Electronic map of V1
More space being allocated two locations near the fovea then to locations in the peripheral retina
Cortical magnification: apportioning to the small phobia of a large area on the cortex
Extra cortical space allotted to letters and words at which person is looking provides extra neural processing needed to accomplish tasks such as reading
Visual angle
amount of space something takes up on the retina
depends on how far away it is
visual angle is absolute measure of how much space is taken up on the retina
mouse + elephant take up same VA
60 minutes of arc to 1 visual angle
cortical magnification
estimate of cortical magnification, researchers presented spots of light of varying visual angles & measured the size of the fMRI response.
how much of visual cortex activated by spot of light
1 degree VA + 1mm = 1:1
1 degree VA + 12 mm = 1:12
ratio = M for magnification
cortical magnification
higher participant’s visual acuity, the greater their magnitude of cortical magnification
low acuity: 12 minutes of arc necessary
high acuity: small diff in minutes can still reliably detect diff
negative relationship in both tasks
columns in V1 (striate cortex)
Neurons perpendicular to the surface of the cortex have RFs at approximately the same location on the retina.
highly systemic organized of preference neurons
receptive field locations on retina are same location
receptive fields are one on top of each other perpendicular of cortex
columns in V1 (striate cortex)
neurons perpendicular are interested not only to same location, but also stimuli of same orientation
move just a little bit, preference changes just a little bit
Location and orientation columns
Striate cortex is organized into location columns that are perpendicular to the surface of the cortex so that all of the neurons within a location call them have their receptive fields at the same location on the retina
Cortex is organized into orientation columns, each column containing cells that correspond best to a particular orientation
One location: many orientation columns
Neurons in that location: receive signals from a particular location on the retina, which correspond to a small area in the visual field
Hyper column: Receives info about all possible orientations that fall within a small area of the retina and therefore well-suited for processing info from a small area in the visual field
columns in V1 (striate cortex)
cut across the orientation columns, they found orientation preference changed systematically
systematic variation across orientations along the parallel of the cortex surface
Ocular dominance
neurons in striate cortex will respond to stimulation from either eye, but tend to prefer one eye over the other
LGN are eye specific, but in V1, neurons respond to both eyes
however, they tend to have a preference
ocular dominance varies specifically as well
pair of ocular dominance columns in conjunction with one complete series of orientation columns.
columns of neurons that prefer info from the right eye beside columns that prefer left eye
respond more strongly to preference
cubes in V1 that are 1/4 mm x 1/2 mm
ice cube tray model
retina organization then will also be the same
columns prefer a certain area of the visual field
working together these columns cover the entire visual field
Any scene is presented in the striate cortex by amazingly complex pattern of firing
hypercolumns in cortical region on the fovea have a small receptive field
large receptive fields give sensitivity not detail
small receptive field means you need more (hypercolumns) cortex which explains cortical magnification
midget cells receiving info from fovea cones to details (stationary, colour contrast) all of which importnant for object identification
Parallel visual channels
Pathways from LGN to V1 stay segregated
compartementalization allows brain to be more efficient due to specialization
parallel visual channels form basis for seperation of duties at early stage of visual processing