PSY2002 W8 Cognitive Control Flashcards
Inhibition and the race model of stopping
What is behavioural inhibition?
stopping actions
What is cognitive inhibition?
stopping mental processes
What is reaction time and how is it used?
RT is the time between the onset of the stimulus (e.g. the green square) and the onset of your response (clap) is here the reaction time. RT vary across different individual, very across diferent repeitions (trials).
What is stop-signal task?
2 trials types: Go and Stop. They are mixed randomly, so that the stop-signal cnanot be predicted.
There are many different variants of stop-signal task using different types of stimuli, responses, and trial types. One key parameter is the Stop-Signal Delay, time between the Go and Stop signal.
How is stop-signal task cna be used to asses inhibitory control?
Stop-signal task: behavioural tasks, commonly used to study inhibitory control. Behavioural data in the stop-signal task.
Basic measures: reaction time (Go trials and Failed stop trials). Nb of correct/error trails. Problem waiting strategies: never clap 100% success rate on correct stops.
Advance measure: inhibition functions, stop-signal reaction times, probability of motor response based on stop signal delay.
What is race model of stopping?
Stopping can be modelled as a race between two different types processes: Go process (response) and Stop process (inhibition). The process that reaches the threshold first determines behaviour.
- Go wins: a response happens (ie failure to stop)
- Stop wins: no response happens (ie successful stop)
What is the difference between reactive adn proactive inhibition?
Reactive inhibition: how quickmly participannts can react to the stop signal ( measured by the SSRT)
Proactive inhibition: ability to adjust behaviour in anticipation of potentially having to inhibit a response. “Being prepared to stop”. Evidence that proactive control involves increasing response thresholds
What are the implications of impaired inhibition in clinical examples?
Parkinson Disorder, ALcohol dependence, methamphetamine abuse, cocaine abuse
What have studies found about the race model of go-stop race?
Some studies have found evidence that there is a lot of variability in the (slope of the) Go process, but not so much in the Stop process
This means that:
Stopping fails for steep Go process slopes (ie fast Go reaction times)
Stopping succeeds for small Go process slopes (ie slow Go reaction times)
What are some hiegh-order/insight realted cognitive abilities?
- Object permanence
- Self recognition
- Mental time travel
- Theory of mind
- Tool use / causal reasoning
What are some core/basic cognitive abilities?
WM, inhibiotry contorl, flexibility
Why is inhibition important in Psychology?
fundamental concept to describe behaviour, decision making, cognitive processes. It’s important tool, relates to many areas such a clinical and developmental psychology and neuroscience. Relates to artificial intelligence adn robotics.
What is a task used to measure deferred gratifiction?
marshmallow test
deay discounting, probability discounting, effort discounting
What is response inhibition?
Not answering the phone while driving Could overlap with delayed gratification.
What is reversal leanring?
Wisconsin Card Sorting Task - Updating understanding of rules
discrimination reversal
Rule/strategy reversal
What is cognitive response inhibition?
inhibiting unhelpful thoughts. Difficult to quantify and study. Control of movement similar to control of “ideas”
Action postponing (waiting)
Action restraint/witholding (no-go)
Action cancellation (stopping)
What is the current view inhibition and executive function?
executive functions require one another so that a combination of attention, inhibition, and flexibility allows complex behaviour
What is impulsivity?
The ability to make decisions and act quickly without hesitation can be advantageous in many settings. However, when persistently expressed, impulsive decisions and actions are considered risky, maladaptive and symptomatic of such diverse brain disorders as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, drug addiction and affective disorders.”