PSY Test Four Flashcards
refers to a combination of long-lasting and distinctive behaviors, thoughts, motives, and emotions that typify how we react and adapt to other people and situations.
is an organized attempt to describe and explain how personalities develop and why personalities differ.
theory of personality
emphasizes the importance of early childhood experiences, unconscious or repressed thoughts that we cannot voluntarily access, and the conflicts between conscious and unconscious forces that influence our feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.
freud’s psychodynamic theory of personality
are wishes, desires, or thoughts that we are aware of, or can recall, at any given moment.
conscious thoughts
represent wishes, desires, or thoughts that, because of their disturbing or threatening content, we automatically repress and cannot voluntarily access.
unconscious forces
is a Freudian concept that refers to the influence of repressed thoughts, desires, or impulses on our conscious thoughts and behaviors.
unconscious motivation
Freud’s three techniques to uncover the unconsiousness
free association, dream interpretation, analysis of slips of the tongue
is a Freudian technique in which clients are encouraged to talk about any thoughts or images that enter their head; the assumption is that this kind of free-owing, uncensored talking will provide clues to unconscious material.
free association
a Freudian technique of analyzing dreams, is based on the assumption that dreams contain underlying, hidden meanings and symbols that provide clues to unconscious thoughts and desires.
dream interpretation
are mistakes or slips of the tongue that we make in everyday speech; such mistakes, which are often embarrassing, are thought to reflect unconscious thoughts or wishes.
freudian slips
three separate mental processes
id, ego, superego
which is Freud’s first division of the mind to develop, contains two biological drives—sex and aggression—that are the source of all psychic or mental energy;
operates to satisfy drives and avoid pain, without concern for moral restrictions or society’s regulations.
pleasure principle
executive Negotiator between Id and Superego
which is Freud’s second division of the mind, develops from the id during infancy
is a policy of satisfying a wish or desire only if there is a socially acceptable outlet available.
reality principle
which is Freud’s third division of the mind, develops from the ego during early childhood;
in Freudian theory, is an uncomfortable feeling that results from inner conflicts between the primitive desires of the id and the moral goals of the superego.
are Freudian processes that operate at unconscious levels and that use self-deception or untrue explanations to protect the ego from being overwhelmed by anxiety.
defense mechanisms
involves covering up the true reasons for actions, thoughts, or feelings by making up excuses and incorrect explanations.
is refusing to recognize some anxiety-provoking event or piece of information that is clear to others.
falsely and unconsciously attributes your own unacceptable feelings, traits, or thoughts to individuals or objects.
involves substituting behaviors, thoughts, or feelings that are the direct opposite of unacceptable ones.
reaction formation
involves transferring feelings about, or response to, an object that causes anxiety to another person or object that is less threatening.
which is a type of displacement, involves redirecting a threatening or forbidden desire, usually sexual, into a socially acceptable one.
is a process in which a child competes with the parent of the same sex for the affections and pleasures of the parent of the opposite sex.
oedipus complex
according to Jung, consists of ancient memory traces and symbols that are passed on by birth and are shared by all peoples in all cultures.
collective unconscious
people who change and renovate Freud’s theories
means learning without awareness, such as occurs in experiencing emotional situations or acquiring motor habits.
nondeclarative memory
emphasize our capacity for personal growth, development of our potential, and freedom to choose our destiny.
humanistic theories
means that your perception or view of the world, whether or not it is accurate, becomes your reality.
phenomenological perspective
means that a person’s personality is more than the sum of its individual parts; instead, the individual parts form a unique and total entity that functions as a unit.
holistic view
refers to our inherent tendency to develop and reach our true potentials.
arranges needs in ascending order (figure on left), with biological needs at the bottom and social and personal needs at the top.
maslow’s hierarchy of needs
are physiological needs (food, sleep) and psychological needs (safety, love, esteem) that we try to fulfill if they are not met.
deficiency needs
are those at the higher levels and include the desire for truth, goodness, beauty, and justice.
growth needs
is based on two major assumptions: that personality development is guided by each person’s unique self-actualization tendency, and that each of us has a personal need for positive regard.
self theory
refers to an inborn tendency for us to develop all of our capacities in ways that best maintain and benefit our lives.
self actualizing tendency
refers to how we see or describe ourselves.
self concept
according to Rogers, is based on our actual experiences and represents how we really see ourselves.
real self
according to Rogers, is based on our hopes and wishes and reflects how we would like to see ourselves.
ideal self
includes love, sympathy, warmth, acceptance, and respect, which we crave from family, friends, and people who are important to us.
positive regard
refers to the positive regard we receive if we behave in certain acceptable ways, such as living up to or meeting the standards of others.
conditional postive regard
refers to the warmth, acceptance, and love that others show you because you are valued as a human being even though you may disappoint people by behaving in ways that are different from their standards or values or the way they think.
unconditional positive regard
is a feeling of distress that comes from being tense, stressed, or awkward in social situations and from worrying about and fearing rejection.
refers to the use of various tools, such as psychological tests or interviews, to measure various characteristics, traits, or abilities in order to understand behaviors and predict future performances or behaviors.
psychological assessment
are used to measure observable or overt traits and behaviors as well as unobservable or covert characteristics
personality tests
include achievement tests, which measure what we have learned; aptitude tests, which measure our potential for learning or acquiring a specific skill; and intelligence tests, which measure our general potential to solve problems, think abstractly, and profit from experience
ability tests
require individuals to look at some meaningless object or ambiguous photo and describe what they see.
projective test
is used to assess personality by showing a person a series of ten inkblots and then asking the person to describe what he or she thinks each image is.
rorschach inkblot test
in dreams, the obvious plot is called blank content
in dreams, the symbols and not obvious content is the blank content
is characterized by recurrent and unexpected panic attacks (described below).
panic disorder
a period of intense fear or discomfort in which four or more of the following symptoms are present: pounding heart, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, feelings of choking, chest pain, nausea, dizziness, and fear of losing control or dying (APA, 2000).
panic attack
is the anxious or threatening feeling that comes when we interpret or appraise a situation as being more than our psychological resources can adequately handle (Lazarus, 1999).
refers to our initial, subjective evaluation of a situation, in which we balance the demands of a potentially stressful situation against our ability to meet these demands.
primary appraisal
of a situation means that you have already sustained some damage or injury.
harm/loss appraisal
of a situation means that the harm/loss has not yet taken place but you know it will happen in the near future.
threat appraisal
means you have the potential for gain or personal growth but you also need to mobilize your physical energy and psychological resources to meet the challenging situation.
challenge appraisal
is a measure of how much a person’s hand sweats due to physiological arousal and not to normal temperature changes.
galvanic skin response
this activates a stress fighting hormone called blank and activates the sympathetic nervous system
hypothalamus, ACTH
are real and sometimes painful physical symptoms, such as headaches, muscle pains, stomach problems, and increased susceptibility to colds and flu, that are caused by increased physiological arousal that results from psychological factors, such as worry, stress, and anxiety.
psychosomatic symptoms
refers to the body’s reaction to stressful situations during which it goes through a series of three stages—alarm, resistance, and exhaustion—that gradually increase the chances of developing psychosomatic symptoms.
general adaptation syndrome
three stages of GAS
alarm, resistance, exhaustion
is the initial reaction to stress and is marked by activation of the fight-flight response; in turn, the fight-flight response causes physiological arousal.
is the body’s reaction to continued stress during which most of the physiological responses return to normal levels but the body uses up great stores of energy.
resistance stage
is the body’s reaction to long-term, continuous stress and is marked by actual breakdown in internal organs or weakening of the infection-fighting immune system.
exhaustion stage
refers to how your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions can produce physiological changes that may be either beneficial or detrimental to your health and well-being.
mind-body connection
is based on the finding that thoughts and emotions can change physiological and immune responses.
mind body therapy
is the body’s defense and surveillance network of cells and chemicals that fight off bacteria, viruses, and other foreign or toxic substances.
immune system
is the study of the relationship among three factors: the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), the endocrine system (network of glands that secrete hormones), and psychosocial factors (stressful thoughts, personality traits, and social influences).
are those small, irritating, frustrating events that we face daily and that we usually appraise or interpret as stressful experiences.
are those small, pleasurable, happy, and satisfying experiences that we have in our daily lives.
are potentially disturbing, troubling, or disruptive situations, both positive and negative, that we appraise as having a significant impact on our lives.
major life events
is a condition in which a person is unable to cope with or adjust to a major life change.
adjustment disorder
is the awful feeling that results when your attempts to reach some goal are blocked.
refers to being physically overwhelmed and exhausted, finding the job unrewarding and becoming cynical or detached, and developing a strong sense of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment in this particular job (Maslach, 2003).
is a disabling condition that results from personally experiencing an event that involves actual or threatened death or serious injury or from witnessing or hearing of such an event happening to a family member or close friend.