psy 3090 exam #3 Flashcards
what is physical abuse? and who is it illegal to use it against?
Any violence against a adult constitutes assault
illegal to use minor violence with a child
what age period do women suffer the most from abuse by their partner
what is the leading cause to of injury to women?
domestic violence
the difference in INTENT with women vs men
women hit in form of self defense while men hit offensively
how many stages are in a domestic cycle and what are they?
three stages
1. the build up phase or tension building
2. the acute battering incident
3. the respite or honeymoon phase
what is the build up phase/tension building?
- lasts for several hours to days or weeks
-the abuser uses threats, name calling and other scare tactics
what is the the acute battering incident?
-lasts for several minutes to days or weeks
-This is when all HELL breaks loose
-He becomes violent, may rape her or even kill her
-Take away her phone and not let her leave
what is the respite or honeymoon phase?
-lasts for several days or weeks
-He is apologetic and begs for forgiveness
-He showers her with gifts; jewelry, flowers, a cruise
female makes what percentage of rape or sexual assault and what ages are women most likely to get raped?
what females are most likely to be raped?
Female college students ages 18-24 are three times more likely to experience rape
what percentage of females victims report being raped by an intimate partner?
what percentage are raped by acquaintance?
what percentage are raped by strangers?
what was reported in 2014 in regards to military data?
20,300 members of the military who were assaulted
how many theories as to why men rape are there and what are they called?
7 theories
1. Evolutionary Theory:
2. Sexual Deprivation Theory:
3. Testosterone Theory
4. Control Theory
5. Gender Based Hate Crime Theory
6. Developmental Theory
7. Social Identity Theory
what is evolutionary theory?
Rapes are perpetrated by the fact that men want to spread their sperm
That man are the head of the household and can do whatever they want
what is Sexual Deprivation Theory?
From the 1960’s-70’s, rape was thought of as fulfilling a biological need due to sexual deprivation.
A man who did not have access to a female partner was sexually deprived and in need of sex.
what is Testosterone Theory?
Rape is due to high levels of testosterone.
Research has debunked this premise.
Both rapists and non-rapists often have the same levels of testosterone.
what is Control Theory?
Susan Brown Miller said “Rape is nothing more than a concious process of intimidation by which men keep women in a state of fear.”
The motive of rape was not sex but CONTROL and POWER
what is Gender Based Hate Crime Theory?
This theory postulates that men rape due to the hatred they have for women.
Rape is seen as an expression of their anger and loathing for women.
what is Developmental Theory?
Malamuth et al. (1998) say that rape proneness of among men is caused by developmental events involving learning.
Rape prone men come from harsh developmental backgrounds
Child abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional neglect
Relationships with caregivers are also impersonal (has caregiver but simply does not care) and short-term (in n out of the relationship)
what is social Identity Theory?
Adolescents adopt the norms that are central to the social identity of the peer group to remain in good standing
Adolescents influenced by the ideology and norms of their in groups (friends) -such as being homophobic, discrimination, sexist
what are the 5 personality characteristics of a rapist?
- They have less empathy for others.
- They are self-centered and narcissistic
- They are manipulative
- They have a negative attitude towards women
- They justify their crimes
what do rapists say about rape? (Scully 1990)
Lie about the details of the rape
Describe it as being less violent than it actually ia
Represent rape as being normal
Explain that rape is a rewarding low-risk act
what are some treatments for rapists?
They first must deal with any sexual, physical or emotional abuse in childhood
They also talk about their adolescent experiences with girls
The main goal is to help these men identify motivations and thought patterns that lead to rape
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is also utilized where men have to keep a journal of their sexual thoughts and feelings
They must also write down their triggers
In prison, rapists may attend a group where women, who have been raped by other men, tell their stories
Ellman (2014) reviewed a meta-analysis of 21 recidivism studies.
32% of sex offenders assessed as a high risk to reoffend did so within 15 years.
what is the U.S. rape rate?
27.3 per 100,000 women
what country is rape is grossly unreported and why?
United States
Due to:
Victim shaming
fear of reprisal
fear of family known
Cases not being taken seriously by law enforcement
Lack of prosecution for the perpetrator
according to (RAIIN), out of every 1,000 rapes how many perpetrators wont serve jail time? WHY?
-995 perpetrators
-This is because out of every 1,000 rapes, only 230 are reported to police
-Only 9% of reported rapists in the US get prosecuted (charged with a crime)
-Only 3% of rapists will spend a day in prison
what percentage of rapists will walk free in the US?
what are the ratios of women and men experiencing intimate physical and sexual violence?
1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience, severe intimate partner physical violence, sexual violence
what are the effects of domestic violence?
Physical injury
Post-traumatic stress disorder
what is child physical abuse?
any non accidental, physical injury to the child that results in a physical impairment of the child
what are the 2 types of punishments parents use?
-time out or taking away a privilege
what is transgenerational transmission?
What happened to you, you will pass on to the next generation
what is a euphemism? and what does it mean?
-This means it is a pleasant sounding word for a practice that is not pleasant
EX: Spanking, popping, beating, slapping, whipping
what are some common phrases parents use when spanking?
I’m doing this because I love you”
“Someday you will thank me for this beating”
“This is going to hurt me much more than its going to hurt you”
hitting is an act of what?
what do child psychologists say?
that spanking and love have nothing to do with one another.
how many children come to the attention of Child Protective Services each year due to abuse?
7 million
rate of child abuse under age of 3?
250 children per 1,000.
what are the 5 Negative repercussions from hitting a child?
- It teaches the child that hitting is an acceptable way to resolve a conflict
- The parent becomes aversive or unpleasant
- The parent does not learn new ways of interacting with the child
- It is a leading cause of child abuse and violent deaths among children
- It is physically dangerous to the child
It teaches the child that hitting is an acceptable way to resolve a conflict by:
They will then hit, shove, push, kick and bite
In adulthood, this person may become a batterer
We must dialogue with children and help them learn to express themselves verbally.
Teach them to use their WORDS not their FISTS
who got corporal punishment disallowed on any LAUSD campus?
Jordan Riak
who and what law wanted to pass in 2007?
-assemblywoman Sally Lieber wanted to get a law passed where parents would not be allowed to hit a baby.
Birth to age 2
- The parent becomes aversive or unpleasant by:
The experience of being hit erodes trust
The child learns to fear the parent
May also come to hate their mother or father
The child cannot love someone who is hurting him or her
- The parent does not learn new ways of interacting with the child
The parents is reacting, not interacting
- It is a leading cause of child abuse and violent deaths among children by:
As the parent’s anger escalates, the child is in more and more danger of being seriously hurt
Over 2000 children die every year due to having been HIT
Breaks down to 5 children dying every day
The problem is, when the parents hits the child they do not know what damage they may cause
Blind (parent slaps the child in the face)
Deaf (parents pops the child on the ear)
disfigured (parents twists a child’s arm, cuts their face, puts their cigarette out on their body, throws the child against a wall breaking bones)
what is the role of a mandated reporter?
make sure to report any sign of abuse or neglect to DCFS.
what is the # of DCFS?
1 (800) 540-4000
- It is physically dangerous to the child by:
No part of the body was made for physical punishment
Tulane University Researchers found what evidence?
-find spanking can make children more aggressive later (published in paternal pediatrics in 2010)
Children who are spanked frequently at age 3 are more likely to be aggressive when they are 5 (behavioral domain)
Duke university researchers found?
spanking affects cognitive developmental
Spanking 1 year olds leads to more aggressive behavior and less sophisticated cognitive development in the next 2 years
New hampshire university researchers found?
spanking affects children’s intelligence
Spanking 1 year olds leads to more aggressive behavior and less sophisticated cognitive development in the next two years (cognitive domain)
Kids who had parents that spanked had lower IQ’s four years later when compared to kids who were not spanked
University of Michigan found?
-panking leads to devastating emotional issues in life
Spanking can lead to mental health problems in adulthood
This includes the following:
Suicide ideation/ suicide attempts
Binge drinking/alcoholism
Illegal drug use
Criminal activity
what are the short term and long term negative effects of spanking?
Low self-esteem
Worsening behavior problems
Fractured parent-child bonds
Cognitive impairment
Harsh Corporal Punishment (HCP) found? think of greys anatomy
childhood reduces gray matter volume
GMV was reduced by 19.1% in the right medial frontal gyrus
14.5% in the left medial frontal gyrus
16.9% in the right anterior cingulate gyrus
Significant correlations between GMV in these identification regions and performance IQ on the WAIS
Three important concepts come to light from what we know about spanking are?
We create the monsters in our society
2. Hurt people, hurt people
If you want to stop violence in the community you must first stop it in your own home
what do other studies find about spanking? children are more likely to become what?
-spanking children can eventually lead to teenagers and adults committing horrendous crimes
-Mass shooters and arsonits have a long history of child abuse
-The overwhelming evidence is that prison inmates endured violence in childhood.
how many countries have outlawed spanking and which ones were the first one in 1960?
66 and the Scandinavian countries
what are the 3 alternative methods of discipline?
- A time out
- Take away a privilege
- Teach by using an example
what is a time out?
Start at the age of 2
The length of the time-out corresponds the age of a the child
A 3 year old gets a 3 minute time out, 4 year old a 4 min, etc
The child is thinking about and reflecting on his or her behavior.
take away a privilege?
Find out what matters to the child and then remove that from them
teach by using an example?
Make sure it is not too scary looking
You have to be creative and think of ways to teach lessons without violence
what defines a serial killer?
Someone who commits at least 3 murders over more than a month
In the U.S. the majority of reported and investigated serial killers are?
White men
From a lower to middle class background
In their late twenties to early thirties
what are most serial killers diagnosed with?
antisocial personality disorder
what is antisocial personality disorder? emphasizes on anti?
predatory attitude towards others along with a pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15
This person is acting against society in a hurtful way- Anti=against
ASPD was first known as what and by whom?
1835 Dr. Prichard, a psychiatrist, identified this condition and called it Moral Insanity
what was ASPD categorized as in other centuries and today as well?
19th century - psychopaths
20th century -sociopaths
today - psychopathy
who said that 40% of our prison population are psychopaths?
Dr. Cleckley
why are psychopaths prisoners different from normal prisoners?
Differ from normal criminals in that their behavior is often unmotivated, impulsive and bizarre
This makes them unsuccessful criminals
gang members, rapists and serial killers are considered to be what?
today, how many active serial killers have not been caught?
who is John Wayn Gacy and what is he also known as?
“Killer Clown” murdered at least 33 young male victims
who is Harold Shipman and what was his occupation?
-The serial killer with the highest known victim count
218 proven kills and possibly as many as 250.
He was born in England and became a doctor who killed his patients.
Charles Edmund Cullen and his occupation?
-(February 22, 1960) killed up to forty patients during the courses of his sixteen year nursing career in New Jersey
What did J.M. Macdonald find and in what year?
In (1963) found there is a set of three factors that are indicative of violent tendencies
The three factors are called the Macdonald Triad or Triad of Sociopathy which include:
Cruelty to animals
Arson or fire setting
Persistent bedwetting past a certain age
what are the three J.M. Macdonald factors category name and what are they?
The three factors are called the Macdonald Triad or Triad of Sociopathy which include:
Cruelty to animals
Arson or fire setting
Persistent bedwetting past a certain age
cruelty to animals?
The child is cruel to animals and takes pleasure in torturing them.
Jeffrey Dahmer was a serial killer who as a child tortured animals.
In adulthood, serial killers get great pleasure from torturing their victims
McClellan (2003) found that 56% prisoners admitted to having committed acts of violence against animals
Children who abused animals were more often the victims of parental abuse than children who did not abuse animals
obsession with fire setting?
Singer and Hensley (2004) believe arson, or fire setting is a way to release anger and frustration.
Persistent bedwetting past a certain age?
a charactersistic of a serial killers
what are the 4 types of serial killers?
- Power and control
- Vision
- Mission
- Hedonistic
power and control - serial killer?
This type of serial killer experiences complete sexual gratification from the domination and humiliation of the victim.
They enjoy the victim’s terror, suffering and screaming.
This may include the following:
Electrocuting the genitals and nipples
Cutting off the testicles or nipples
Inserting objects into the vagina or anus like a hot curling iron
vision- serial killers
Vision-oriented killers are compelled by voices or visions they experience and are considered psychotic -schizophrenic
David Berkowitz or Son of Sam claimed a demon was transmitting orders to him through his neighbor’s dog and instructed him to commit murder.
He shot thirteen people during his reign of terror in New York City during 1976 and 1977.
mission - serial killers
Mission-oriented killers justify their murders as being necessary to rid the world of group of people that they perceive to be undesirable
They feel like they are doing society a favor by eliminating these types of people.
Joseph P. Franklin was a former member of the Ku Klux Klan, who was convicted in 1980 of four homicide
He was on a mission to rid the world of interracial couples
Hedonistic - serial killers
hedonistic -oriented killers take pleasure in doing really heinous things to their victims.
They may cut off toes, fingers or ears, pull out teeth or burn the victim
what are the subcategories for hedonistic?
A. Thrill Killers
B. Lust Killers
C. Comfort Killers
subcategory: A. Thrill Killers
They outsmart law enforcement and think of it as a game
They enjoy media attention, police pursuit, and evading the authorities.
They send messages and keep records.
subcategory: B.Lust Killers
They get satisfaction from brutally and sadistically killing multiple victims to achieve ultimate sexual satisfaction.
Edmund Kemper or the Co-ed Killer-returned to have sex with the abandoned and decomposing corpses of his young, female victims long after killing them
Lonnie David Franklin, Jr. or the Grim Sleeper- would have intercourse with his female victims as they were dying.
subcategory: C. Comfort Killers
They make up 15 percent of all serial killers
They are very effective in their work and use quieter and less messy methods to kill such as:
Poisoning with arsenic
Females tend to kill men who are emotionally and physically closest to them
The Black Widow serial killer is a woman who murders three or more husbands or lovers for financial or material gain.
what is the method of operation?
(The modus operandi)
It consists of techniques, habits, and peculiarities in the killer’s behavior.
They conduct their killings within comfort zones that are often defined by an anchor point
Serial killers experience seven phases while on a killing rampage
aura phase?
The serial killer experiences a withdrawal from reality
Their senses are heightened
Violent fantasies begin to form and they feel the urge to act on them
serial killers what type of seven phases?
- Aura Phase:
- Trolling Phase
- Wooing Phase
- Capture Phase:
- Murder phase
- Totem Phase
- Depression phase:
trolling phase?
The killer starts to search for their victim as well as looking for a place to commit the crime or dump their body.
This phase lasts for days or months until he finds the perfect victim
Wooing Phase?
The killer tries to gain the victim’s trust
They may present themselves as charming and wanting to help
Or, they may appear to be in need of help themselves
murder phase?
The murder takes place
Some kill their victim slowly by torturing them
Others kill their victims instantly and commit further acts on the dead body
-mutilation or necrophilia (sexual intercourse with a dead body)
totem phase?
The thrill of the kill begins to fade
To keep some excitement, they will take a souvenir or trophy.
These remind the killer of the moment they made their wrapped fantasy real
depression phase?
The anticlimax causes a depression
The killer feels that his fantasy was not properly funded
Some may even kill themselves in this phase
Those who don’t, begin to have the violent fantasies of the aura phase.
what are the 2 factors of the making of a serial killer?
biological and psychological bases
capture phase?
The killer reveals his true sadistic self
The victim becomes incapacitated - knocked unconscious or restrained or trapped somewhere
biological basis?
Behavioral genetic studies of twins and adoptees have demonstrated that heredity plays a role in antisocial behavior.
2. Abnormal brain structures and circuitry have been found in the anti-social personality.
MRI’s have found abnormalities in the orbitofrontal cortex, amygdala, cingulate and limbic structures.
No one is born being a serial killer, its more about a combination of genes, biology, and the environment
what are the four types of genocide? and who invented them (think of Carti)?
Helen Fein
1. developmental genocide
2. despotic genocide
3. ideological genocide
4. Retributive genocide??
- ideological (think of Travis/Drake) genocide
the destruction of a population because of a belief system
-utopianism -the pursuit of a state which everything is perfect
-typically unrealistic or idealistic
Psychological basis?
The main cause of ASPD and hence serial killers is a very dysfunctional childhood.
Dysfunction includes:
1. Physical, verbal and sexual abuse
Extensive amounts of humiliation have been found in the childhoods of children who became serial killers
2. Being raised in a cold, loveless household
3. Being raised in a household which is surrounded by violence, drugs, mentally ill parents
- Retributive genocide??
one group struggles with another group for political and social power (doesn’t have power but will fight for it)
- developmental genocide?
the targeted group is seen as impediment
-to the colonization/exploration of a given geographic area
- despotic genocide
a government that is already in power uses genocide to stay in power (already has power and control)
the genocides included?
-Jehovah witnesses
-Slavic people
who performed experiments on Jews without aneshtesia?
Dr. Jospeh Mengele, aka the Angel of Death
how many Jews were in Europe before WWII? and what about after?
9.5 million before
3.5 after
how many people died during the genocide and how?
21 million people died through:
-expose of the elements
-killing hostages
-forced labor
why do genocides happen?
nationalistic -racial ideology
-desire for revenge
-desire for prosperity
what is genocide referred to?
in the 1900’s as the “age of Total War”
how did genocide kill worst than what?
killed four times as many people as all the wars combined
where are genocides occurring?
Darfu, Syria, Iraq, and Myanmar
what does genocide consist of?
widespread killing, arrests, torture, and massive population displacement
whats the definition of genocide?
the killing of a race or tribe
-killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
who are the perpetuators of genocide?
ancient babylonians
what did Julius Cesar do?
destroyed 800 towns and enslaved or killed over 3 million people
how did the US experience with genocide?
In the 17-1800’s, the policies and practices against various native American tribes constituted genocide
Armenian genocide?
1915 -murder of one million ethnic Armenians.
what did Adolph Hitler do?
exterminated at least 6 million Jews in Europe.
how did Africa do genocide in the 1900’s
in 1994 100 days, 800,000 Rwandan Tutsi civilians were killed.
About 250,000 to 500,000 women were raped during the genocide.
the Khmer Rouge?
Buddhist monks
Intellectuals and professionals
Civil servants
(mass killings of ethnic minority groups)
who asked five experts on Hitler to evaluate him on the basis of DSM-IV psychopathological syndromes and personality disorders?
Coolidge and Segal in 2007
Hitler had highly elevated scores in what?
Hitler’s personality profile suggested?
that he had schizophrenic tendencies, including excessive grandiosity and aberrant thinking.
what are the “big six” of personality disorder that may reflect personalities of dictators?
why does the government participate in genocide?
- self defense
- economic betterment of the country
- the need to rid society of a menace
- fear of being imprisoned or killed if the person does not join the government movement