Psoas Syndrome Flashcards
5 important PE findings of psoas syndrome?
Tight iliopsoas, tight hamstrings, tummy is stuck out, Changes in lumbar lordosis, changes in cervical lordosis
2 OSE findings for psoas syndrome?
Tight psoas
L1 is flexed rotated and side bent toward the side of the tight psoas
What is stage one of psoas syndrome called? What is the main dysfunction? Pain site? 4 things found on exam? Treatment, 3 things?
Bilateral spasm
Lumbar flexion
Belt line, wraps all around
Lumbar lordosis changes, positive Thomas test, trouble standing up straight, pain on hip extension
NSAIDS, muscle relaxants, and gentle indirect treatments
2 things never to do as far as treatment with acute setting psoas?
No direct
Don’t use heat
What is stage 2 of psoas syndrome called? Key dysfunction? 2 things found on exam? Pain site? Treatment?
Unilateral spasm of the affected side
L1 F Rotated and sidebent toward the side
Unilateral spasm and same side hip external dysfunction
Affected side belt line
Treat L1, treat rest of lumbar spine, stretch psoas
What is stage three of psoas syndrome?
Pain site
Sacral torsion and side shift
Torsion is with an axis on the side of the affected psoas and pelvis shift away from affected side
LS junction on side of affected psoas
Treat the torsion
What is stage 4 of psoas syndrome?
1 exam finding
Piriformis spasm
Piriformis spasm opposite the side of the psoas
Same side of piriformis you will find LE externally rotated
Treat piriformis
What is stage 5 of psoas syndrome?
Sciatica in the piriformis side, so opposite of the psoas
6 common etiologies of psoas syndrome?
Flexion stress of lumbar spine Sit ups Deadlifts squats Quick lengthening of psoas Arthritis of hip VS reflexes
2 VS reflexes causing psoas?
Kidney stone
What is the one way not to lay with psoas?