Pseudo reasoning Flashcards
What is meant by Equivocation?
When we deliberately use a word or form of words with the intention of confusing the audience
Failing to notice what can lead to falling to equivication?
To fall prey to an argument that employs equivocation, by contrast, is to fail to notice an ambiguity, or in some cases an instance of vagueness, thereby accepting the conclusion of an argument
What is meant by red herring technique?
Using irrelevant information and rhetorics to distract from the argument (Throwing them off the scent)
Is the red herring technique a substantive fallacy? Why?
Note that although red herring arguments can easily be represented as valid, red herring is not a substantive fallacy, what is and what is not relevant to a conclusion will depend on the conclusion’s particular subject matter.
What is meant by the slippery slope technique
when an arguer wrongly assumes that to permit or forbid a course of action will inevitably lead to the occurrence of further related and undesirable events, without providing good reasons to suppose that the further events will indeed inevitably follow; and thus to allow the first is to tread on a slippery slope down which we will slide to the other events.
Give another name for the slippery slope technique
What is meant by the straw target technique?
This is the technique used when an arguer ignores their opponent’s real position on an issue and sets up a weaker version of that position by misrepresentation, exaggeration, distortion or simplification.
What is meant by the false dilemma technique?
This is the technique of limiting consideration of positions on an issue to fewer alternatives than are actually available to be considered.
What is meant by begging the question?
An argument commits the fallacy of begging the question – sometimes called ‘circular reasoning’ – when the truth of its conclusion is assumed by one or more of its premises, and the truth of the premise(s) depends for its justification on the truth of the conclusion.
Explain the difference between relative and absolute risk in terms of a medication trial.
Relative risk is a measure of the difference in risk between someone taking the medication that’s being trialled and someone who’s not taking it.
The absolute risk is the risk of someone in the general population.
So if trials of Roccastatin are reported to reduce the risk of heart attack by 54 per cent, we should understand this as a 54 per cent reduction in the absolute risk. Suppose that risk is 0.5 per cent – 1 in 200 – then taking the new medication would reduce that risk to 0.27 per cent – 1 in approximately 370
Is the red herring technique a substantive fallacy? Why?
Note that although red herring arguments can easily be represented as valid, red herring is not a substantive fallacy, what is and what is not relevant to a conclusion will depend on the conclusion’s particular subject matter.
What is meant by the slippery slope technique
when an arguer wrongly assumes that to permit or forbid a course of action will inevitably lead to the occurrence of further related and undesirable events, without providing good reasons to suppose that the further events will indeed inevitably follow; and thus to allow the first is to tread on a slippery slope down which we will slide to the other events.
Give another name for the slippery slope technique
What is meant by the straw target technique?
This is the technique used when an arguer ignores their opponent’s real position on an issue and sets up a weaker version of that position by misrepresentation, exaggeration, distortion or simplification.
What is meant by the false dilemma technique?
This is the technique of limiting consideration of positions on an issue to fewer alternatives than are actually available to be considered.