Course Introduction & Recognising Argumentation Flashcards
What new type of worker is there an increased demand for in the workforce?
the “knowledge worker” or the “symbol analyst,” a phrase that is used by the U.S. secretary of labor to describe someone who can carry out multistep operations, manipulate abstract and complex symbols and ideas, acquire new information efficiently, and remain flexible enough to recognize the need for continuing change and for
new paradigms for life-long learning
What is meant by the term knowledge structures?
All of the interrelated concepts each of us have about different subjects
What do most definitions of the term critical thinking include? (6)
Reasoning/ logic, judgement, meta-cognition, reflection, questioning and mental processes
What definition does the book give for critical thinking?
Critical thinking is the use of those cognitive skills or strategies that increase the probability of a desirable outcome. It is used to describe thinking that is purposeful, reasoned, and goal directed-the kind of thinking involved in solving problems, formulating inferences, calculating likelihoods, and making decisions, when the thinker is using skills that are thoughtful and effective for the particular context and type of thinking task
What is Russell equation for critical thinking?
Attitude + Knowledge + Thinking Skills = Critical Thinking
What is thinking involved in routine habits such as brushing teeth categorised as?
non directed, automatic thinking or noncritical thinking
What is meant by cognitive process instruction?
An area of psychology which aims to utilise the knowledge we have accumulated about human thinking processes and mechanisms in ways that help people improve how they think
What 4 parts are contained in the proposed model for critical thinking?
- Explicitly learn the skills of critical thinking
- develop the disposition for effortful thinking and learning
- direct learning activities in ways that increase the probability of trans contextual transfer (structure thinking)
- Make metacognitive monitoring explicit and overt
What is meant by semantic slanting?
Semantic slanting is part of the art of persuasion or “spin.” It is the purposeful choice of words and usages that are aimed at persuading the listener to embrace a point-of-view.
What are plans in regard to critical thinking?
Prescriptive descriptions about what to do and they prevent habitual responses that may not work
What is meant by cognitive flexibility?
The ability to change how we think about something (someone else view, multiple options, several ways to respond etc)
Name a main deterrent to admitting, and therefore learning from mistakes
Self justification
How does Langer (2000) define mindfulness?
“the simple act of drawing novel distinctions”
What is meant by consensus seeking?
A disposition that allows individuals to accept what is good or true about an alternative position as a way of gaining support for ones own position; an openness in thinking that allows members to agree on aspects of a solution and disagree on others. it does not mean craving to majority opinion or forcing others to agree with you
What dispositions are mentioned in the book for critical thinking? (7)
Effortful thinking and learning Willingness to plan Flexibility Persistence Willingness to self-correct Being mindful Consensus seeking