Introduction to statistical reasoning Flashcards
What is meant by theories and hypotheses being in the conceptual domain?
You cannot observe them directly
Explain why a hypothesis is not simply a prediction
An explanatory statement about something that is not yet observable. The prediction is not the hypothesis, it is something derived from the hypothesis that operationalises it so that you can observe things that let you determine the plausibility of the hypothesis
Give other words for predictor and outcome variables
Predictor- independent
outcome- dependent
What is meant by a nominal variable?
A variable made up of different categories
What is an ordinal variable?
The categories are put in a certain order (concentrations of a liquid)
What is interval data?
Numerical data given in intervals where each equal interval on the scale represents equal differences in the quality being measured (likert scale)
How does ratio data differ from interval data ?
the ratios of the values along the scale should be meaningful. For this to be true the scale must have a true and meaningful 0 point ( 2 should be half as effective as 1 when rating a product)
What is meant by a continuous variable?
A variable that can be measured to any level of precision
What is meant by criterion validity?
Whether you can establish that an instrument measures what it claims to measure through comparison to objective criteria
What is a within subject design?
When the same subjects are all given the various conditions
What is a between subjects design?
Different subjects take part in each condition
How can carry on effects of a repeated-measures design be negated
Counter-balancing the order the conditions come in
What does it mean for a graph to be positively skewed?
Skewed to the right
What is meant by kurtosis?
The degree to which scores cluster at the end of the ends of the distribution
What would it mean for a graph to have a positive or negative kurtosis?
Positive- many score at the tails and is pointy
negative-relatively thin in the tails and tends to be flatter than normal