PS121 Brain & Behaviour Term 1 Part 1 Flashcards
What does dualist mean?
Mind is different & separate from matter
What does materialist mean?
“Mind” is what brains do
Define behaviour
An organism’s internally coordinated response to its internal or external environment.
What is a nervous system good for?
- To interact flexibly with the environment:
- Register (‘sense’) the environment
- Transform (interpret ‘make sense of’ those signals;
- Generate an appropriate response
Label an axon with the following labels:
- Dendrites
- Axon Hillock
- Cell body
- Soma
- Axon terminals
What is the output of the Somatic Nervous System?
Skeletal muscles (voluntary control)
What is the output of the Autonomic Nervous System?
Eithet sympathetic part ‘fight or flight’ or ‘rest and maintenance’
Final output: muscles and glands - involuntary control
Label cross section of spinal cord with the following labels:
- Grey matter
- White matter
- Ventral roots
- Dorsal roots
- Sensory neuron
- Motor neuron
- Dorsal root ganglia
Monosynaptic Reflex Arc (e.g knee-jerk reflex)
- Inside each muscle fibre, specific sense organs (muscle spindles) activate a sensory neuron when muscle is quickly stretched
- Their axons enter spinal cord (via dorsal root), connecting directly with
- Motor neuron, which send their axons out (via ventral root)
- Activating the same muscles from which signals originated
What is a polysynaptic reflex arc?
- Sensory and motor neurons connected via one or more interneurons
- Sensor and effector in different locations (e.g withdrawal response)
Spinal Cord Resection
- Spinal cord neurons can even generate complex movement patterns (e.g walking - see stepping reflex in young infants)
- but CANNOT VOLUNTARILY initiate movements - patterns are only elicited in response to appropriate responses
- Experimental evidence: cat with spinal cord section CAN still walk on a treadmill
Long myelinated axon of sensory neurons from all over the body (except the head) enter the spinal cord via the dorsal root of the spinal nerves
- Neurons transmitting precisely localised information send axons to the top of the spinal cord
- Neurons transmitting poorly localised information synapse immediately with other neurons upon entering the spinal cord
True or false sensory neurons from the head send axons directly into the brain via cranial nerves (e.g optic nerve)
What does the brainstem consist of?
Hindbrain and midbrain
- Medulla and pons: where the spinal cord enters the brain (Functions: contains several nuclei of the autonomic nervous system)
- Cerebellum - not part of the brain stem (Function: balance, motor learning)
Midbrain (mesencephalon)
Above the pons (functions include combination of information from different sense modalities: direction of attention)
What does the forebrain (diencephalon) include?
Thalamus and hypothalamus
Massive structure on top of the midbrain, deep in the centre of the brain.
- Main relay station for incoming sensory signals
- Recieved downward-going input from higher areas, modulating the relay of sensory signals
Small structure in front and below thalamus
- Directly connected to pituitary gland (‘master gland’ of the ES, controls activity of all other glands)
- ‘Gateway to endocrine system the nervous system can influence endocrine system via hypothalamus - pituitary connection
The Forebrain - Telencephalon
- From the diencephalon, incoming signals go up to cerebum
- Divided into two highly similar (but not identical hemispheres)
- Each covered in cerebral cortex (thin layer of neurons covering each hemisphere) also contains several groups of sub-cortical nuclei (tight cluster of neuron’s cell bodies)
What is grey matter?
Cortex and sub-cortical nuclei
What is white matter?
Myelinated axons of neurons
Each hemisphere mainly receives input from and sends output to the ________ side of the body
Basal Ganglia
Group of nuclei surrounding the thalamus
Involved in motor control process
Consist of globus pallidus, putamen and caudate
Putamen and caudate often referred to as corpus striatum (‘striped body)
Amygdala closely connected to this system, therefore sometimes described as being part of the basal ganglia.
Limbic System
Several interconnected cortical and sub-cortical areas - playing a crucial role in memory and emotion.
Sub-cortical: almost complete circle formed by fornix and hippocampus, ending in mammillary body and amygdale
Cortical: cingulate cortex directly above corpus callosum (evolutionary older, more primitive than rest of the cortex)
Connected to hypothalamus (septum) and olfactory system
Cortex and Corpus Callosum
Cerebral cortex: thin layers of neurons covering the whole hemisphere, i.e., not just
the outside, but the inner (‘medial’) surface as well
Corpus callosum: thick bundle of axons connecting the two hemispheres
Virtually all signal transfer between the cortices of the hemispheres done via CC!
Highly folded, forming gyri (s. gyrus, outward folded areas) and sulci (s. sulcus, inward folded areas)
o Longitudinal fissure: Largest sulcus, separating left and right hemisphere
o Smaller sulci used to define boundaries of cerebral lobes:
Occipital lobe
At the back of the brain and function is visual perception.
Temporal lobe
At the sides function is auditory perception
Parietal lobe
At the top of the brain function is somatosensory perception: inter- sensory and sensory-motor integration
Frontal lobe
At the front of the brain and function is planning and motor output
Everything is reversed!
Sensory input from the right side of the body (or the right visual field) is processed in the left half of the brain (and vice versa). Motor output to the right side of the body is generated in the left half of the brain and vice versa.
Sensory signals from the diencephalon are relayed to their appropriate primary sensory cortex
Visual signals > visual cortex (occipital lobe)
Auditory signals > auditory cortex (temporal love)
Signals from skin, muscles and joints > somato-sensory cortex (pariental lobe)
Inside the specific sensory areas, signals arrive at positions corresponding to the position
of the receptor cells what is this called?
Topographic representation
Motor output
Cortical motor areas: Located in the frontal cortex, at the boundary to the parietal cortex
o Supplementary motor cortex & premotor cortex: involved in planning, monitoring, &
sensory guidance of movements
o Primary motor cortex: final execution stage – its motor neurons send axons directly
down the spinal cord (the pyramidal tract)
Cortical motor areas are massively interconnected with two sub-cortical structures, forming complex motor control circuits:
o Basal ganglia: modulate movements, particularly in-volved in selective inhibition of
o Cerebellum: involved in maintaining posture & balance, timing of movements, & motor learning
o Both receive input from motor cortex, sensory cortex, and from other sub-cortical
True or false motor signals are ultimately sent around the brain
False - motor signals are ultimately sent down the spinal cord
Why do more complex organisms need a nervous system?
o cells on the inside of the body are not in direct contact with the outside world
o cells live in different environments
o cells have become specialised
Neurons have no possibility to store energy
Therefore glucose and oxygen MUST be constantly supplied. Without supply, neurons stop working within seconds and die within minutes.
Neurons do not divide
They develop from neural stem cells.
o cells on the inside of the body are not in direct contact with the outside world
o cells live in different environments
o cells have become specialised
Glia cells
- Provide ‘protected environment’ for neurons to survive
- Develop – like neurons! – from neural stem cells
- About as many glia as neurons in the brain
o star-shaped
o physical & nutritional support for neurons (‘Blood-Brain-Barrier’):
▪ transport nutrients from blood vessels to neurons
▪ waste products away from neurons
▪ hold neurons in place
o take part in neural signalling (!!)
o small
o mobile for defensive function
▪ produce chemicals that aid repair of damaged neurons
▪ digest dead neurons (‘phago-cytosis’)
o large, flat branches, wrapping themselves around axons
o consist of fatty substance, insulating the axon (‘myelin sheath’)
Membrane hyperpolarisation and depolarisation
- All based on movement of electrically charged particles (ions):
o Ion-specific channels in cell membrane are ‘gates’ that can open (either by chance or in response to stimulation)
▪ If positive ions enter (or negative ions leave): membrane depolarises (inside less negative
than usually)
▪ If negative ions enter (or positive ions leave): membrane hyperpolarises (inside more
negative than usually)
Action potential
- Voltage gated membrane channels:
o Na+
channels open or close in response to
electrical changes at the membrane
o Sequence of events:
Start: Membrane depolarised
→ Na+
channels open
→ Na+
ions enter the cell
→ Membrane depolarises further
Threshold potential and the Hodgkin-Huxley cycle:
o IF membrane potential at axon hillock remains below ~ -50mV
=> resting potential returns
o IF membrane at axon hillock depolarises beyond ~ -50mV
=> all Na+
channels (at axon hillock) open
=> action potential generated (‘triggered’)