Pruning Flashcards
How is conservatory pruning different?
most important factor is not plant health but keeping plants off the glass. Much of the conservatory pruning is restrictive pruning and can be more severe.
Pruning steps
- Before you cut assess the plant
-What is the growth rate
-When does it bloom
-Does it flower on new or old growth - 3 Ds: Dead, diseased, damaged
- Remove suckers, crossing branches, malformed bits
- Prune to form: create a balance framework of well-spaced branches. Allow for light and air circulation to penetrate canopy and understory
Severe pruning can trigger
weak growth or overly lush growth that can trigger insects
Goals of pruning
- Keep plants off the glass (restrict)
- Size control (restrict)
- Better air flow and light penetration in the canopy and understory (thinning)
- Plant health (removing dead, damaged, diseased)
- Improved vigor and flowering
*Additional reasons
-Modify form
-Removal of disease and insect-infected wood
-Spread out mechanical stress on tree
-Improved appearance
bloom on old growth if
flower before June
when to prune plants that bloom on old growth
after flowering, before new buds form
plants that bloom on new growth
bloom after June
when to prune plants that bloom on new growth
in spring
rejuvenation pruning
-Perform on older plants that are top heavy, lack vigor, or are too big
-New growth should be vigorous
-Consider doing over two years
-May die or sprout slowly
-Plant should be vigorous and not stressed
Pruning Palms
-Require very little pruning. Older fronds are removed but pruning never occurs at the top where the growth point is
1. Begin at the lowest set of fronds and remove any that are dying, damaged, or diseased
2. Leave at least two rows of mature fronds. Over pruning will reduce capacity to photosynthesize and can reduce stability.
3. Only remove fronds that are lower than 90 degrees
4. Cut the petiole 2” or so from the trunk. *Never tear or pull down a frond.
*Some species of palms are elf-cleaning and have a crown shaft that falls away on its own.
Pruning succulents and cacti
-Maintain the size of the plant to fit within its space in the conservatory and keep plant from touching the glass
-For safety: if too heavy can break and fall
-To remove dead or diseased plant material or spent flowers and fruit
-Remove sprouts and suckers or extra pups
-To make cuttings for propagation
*Natural form should be taken into consideration
-Prune to joints if segmented
-For rosette forms only prune lower dried leaves
-Columnar cacti should only be pruned if damaged or diseased
-Use a buddy for larger cuts and control as things fall.