PRT Flashcards
What is PRT
Positional release technique is an indirect technique aimed to relive tender points using body positioning
A passive, positional procedure that places the body in a position of greatest comfort,
thereby relieving pain by reduction and arrest of inappropriate proprioceptor activity that maintains somatic dysfunction.
For success hyper-stimulated muscle must return to neutral length slowly
Treatment does not cure; it decreases or eliminates irritation and allows body to heal itself.
Dysfunction that characterizes the Somatic Dysfunctiondoes not arise in the joint, but areimposed by muscles that traverse thejoint
Blames the primary orannulo-spiralproprioceptor reflexes in the musclespindle
Increased gamma discharge exaggeratesafferent discharge from spindle causingreflexspasm which fixates joint in certainposition
Acute injuries (Sports!)
Fragile (osteoporosis)
Chronic pain
Post-op (e.g. lumbar, knee, shoulder)
Open wounds
Recent sutures
Healing fractures up to 6 weeks
Hypersensitivity of the skin
Systemic / localized infection
Effects of use
Normalization of muscle hypertonicity
Normalization of fascial tension
Reduction of joint hypomobility
Increased circulation
Decreased swelling
Decreased pain
Increased strength, movement, function
How to identify a tender point
Small zones of tense, tender, edematous muscle and fascial tissue about 1 cm in diameter
Sensory manifestations of a neuromuscular or musculoskeletal dysfunction
Manifestation of facilitated segment
Diagnostic indicator
Which vectors to use in relation to location
Anterior tender points are usually treatedin FLEXION
Posterior tender pints are usually treatedin EXTENSION
Tender points on or near the midlineare treated with more FLEX & EXT
Tender points lateral from the midlineare treated with more ROT & SB
Locate the tender point (TP)
Apply sub-threshold pressure on tender point while finding POC or mobile point
Monitor point response but take pressure off
Wait for Fasciculation (twitching) - can take 60 sec to appear or just Hold for 90 seconds
SLOWLY Return to neutral
Recheck tender point
INFORM Patients
Deep soreness for up to 48 hours
DO NOT Engage in vigorous physical activity for 24 hours
Pain relief may occur 48 hours after TT