Prowords Flashcards
Yes: permission granted or that is correct.
Let me know you received and understood the message.
All after
Everything which follows.
All before
Everything which precedes.
Indicates the separation of text from other message portions.
Cancel my transmission (identify transmission)
Note: Does not have same meaning as “Disregard.”
Go Ahead
Proceed with your message.
I Read Back
The following message is my response to your instructions to read back.
I Say Again
I am repeating the transmission or portion indicated.
I Spell
I shall the word phonetically.
Message Follows
A message that requires recording is about to follow. Transmitted immediately after the call.
No: permission is not granted; or that is not correct.
This is the end of my transmission to you and no answer is required or expected.
Note: This PROWORD is always preceded by the user’s call sign.
This is the end of the transmission and a response is necessary. Go ahead and transmit your response.
Note: Normally used only in tactical communications.
*Read Back
Repeat all of the specific part of this message back to me exactly as received.
Relay To (Or For)
Transmit this message to all address or to the address designation immediately following this PROWORD.
I have received your last transmission satisfactorily.
Say Again.
Repeat all or the following part of your transmission.
Cease transmission immediately. Maintain silence until instructed to resume.
Note: Only a net control station may impose “silence.”
*Silence lifted
Resume normal radio transmissions.
Note: Only a net control station or higher authority may terminate “silence.”
Speak Slower
You are speaking too quickly to be clearly understood. Speak slower and calmer.
Stand By
Wait for further instructions or information.
That Is Correct
You are correct or what you transmitted is correct.
This Is
The transmission is from whose call sign immediately follows.
That which immediately follows is the time or date/time group of an electric message.
Unknown Station
The call sign I am attempting to contact is unknown. Previously known as “last calling.”
Confirm entire message (or portion indicated) with the sender. If original message (or portion indicated) is incorrect, send correct version.
I must pause for a few seconds.
*Word after
The word after.
*Word Before
The word before.