Prova C5 Flashcards
You are on the remote parking bay G8 in Djibouti and are ready to start engines. The
marshaller has no headset therefore he clears you to start engine 2 by hand signals. After
starting engine 2 you get the EICAS message R ENGINE FIRE and all alarms and warning
lights that confirm that you have a fire in the right engine.
With regards to this, answer questions 1 to 3.
- After identifying and confirming the right engine fire with the first officer what will the
Captain’s initial actions be?
- After identifying and confirming the right engine fire with the first officer what will the
d) Crew to carry out NNC Engine Fire on the Ground (Back Cover .2)
You are on the remote parking bay G8 in Djibouti and are ready to start engines. The
marshaller has no headset therefore he clears you to start engine 2 by hand signals. After
starting engine 2 you get the EICAS message R ENGINE FIRE and all alarms and warning
lights that confirm that you have a fire in the right engine.
With regards to this, answer questions 1 to 3.
- After the checklists are completed the fire does not stop and an evacuation is required.
How is the back page QRH emergency evacuation checklist accomplished?
d) the checklist is challenge and response and person of responsibility followed by checking the item
and repeating the response.
You are on the remote parking bay G8 in Djibouti and are ready to start engines. The
marshaller has no headset therefore he clears you to start engine 2 by hand signals. After
starting engine 2 you get the EICAS message R ENGINE FIRE and all alarms and warning
lights that confirm that you have a fire in the right engine.
With regards to this, answer questions 1 to 3.
- What RFFS hand signals would you expect to see from the marshaller indicating
“Emergency Contained” - No outside evidence of dangerous conditions or “all clear”.
- What RFFS hand signals would you expect to see from the marshaller indicating
b) arms extended outward and down at a 45-degree angle. Arms moved inward below waistline
simultaneously until wrists crossed, then extended outward to starting position.
- On the B767-300 aircraft, what is the maximum altitude for flaps extension?
C. 20,000 feet
(OM 1.3.1)
- On the Boeing 767-300 aircraft, what is the wingspan dimension?
C. 50.88 meters (767-300 W)
At Dilmun all 767-300 have winglets.
767 without winglets 47.57m
- What does this symbol mean in the QRH?
d) Separator symbol used to separate the memory items from the reference items.
- What is the Maximum EGT for T/O?
c) 960 for 5 minutes
(O.M 1.8.7. Engine EGT )
- What is the Ground maneuvering group for the Boeing 767-300 aircraft?
C. Group D
(OM General - Ground Maneuvering: Boeing 767-300 belongs to Group D for airport ground maneuvering. )
- What would constitute an aerodrome as Category B and what do we need to do before conducting a flight to a Cat B aerodrome?
d) The PIC should be briefed or self-briefed on the aerodrome concerned. Commander acknowledges this by ticking A/F brief at the bottom of the Journey log page in the OFP
- On the Boeing 767-300 aircraft, the speed trend vector indicates:
C. Predicted airspeed in 10 seconds based on current acceleration or deceleration.
- During Engine start, name some conditions that would require an aborted start?
c) ENGINE OIL PRESSURE light does not extinguish when the engine stabilised at idle.
Engine Start Procedure FCOM.
Do the Aborted Engine Start checklist for one or more of the following abort start conditions:
• the EGT does not increase by 25 seconds after the fuel control switch is moved to RUN
• there is no N1 rotation by 30 seconds after N2 is stabilized at idle
• the EGT quickly nears or exceeds the start limit
• the oil pressure indication is not normal by the time that the engine is stabilized at idle
- What is the minimum in-flight weight on A9C-DHS?
a) 179,000lb
- How is climb thrust 1 or 2 selected after take-off?
c) climb thrust is manually selected by the PNF by pushing CLB 1 or 2 in the TMC
- What is recommended if a Low - Level Altitude capture occurs during a Go - Around?
c) FMA will change to SPD / Alt Cap - select CLB thrust and set an appropriate speed for flap retraction (example Vref30+80)
Note 5: If a “Low-level Altitude Capture” occurs, the following procedure is recommended: Allow the pitch mode FMA to change from GA to ALT CAP (Autothrottle mode will change to SPD and the MCP speed window will open at the aircrafts current IAS), select CLB thrust and set the IAS/Mach speed window to an appropriate speed for flap retraction (example VREF 30+80).
- If you experience a Low - Level Altitude capture after take-off, what is the recommended
a) FMA will change to N1 / Alt Cap - select CLB thrust and set an appropriate speed for flap retraction (example Vref30+80) then select SPD mode (N1 will change to SPD)
Note 4: If a “Low-level Altitude Capture” occurs, the following procedure is recommended:
Allow the pitch mode FMA to change from TO to ALT CAP (A/T mode will change to N1), select CLB thrust and set the IAS/Mach speed window to an appropriate speed for flap retraction (example VREF 30+80). Select/engage the autothrottle SPD mode.
“CLB Thrust, Vref 30+80, Speed Mode” is the suggested call if the PF is manually flying. “
- How do we actuate the SCOTT PBE?
c) Pulling the actuation ring in the direction indicated away from the smoke hood firmly.
(OM Protective Breathing Equipment - PBE (Smoke Hood)
- When is the start of the monsoon season in Bengaluru?
a) June to September
- On a flight to Hong Kong you are told to climb to 11600 meters.
What is this in FLs and where can you find this information?
b) FL 381
- Historically, an upset was defined as unintentionally exceeding one or more of the
following conditions:
d) Pitch attitude greater than 25 degrees nose up; pitch attitude greater than 10 degrees nose down;
bank angle greater than 45 degrees; less than above parameters but flying at an airspeed
inappropriate for the conditions.
- What are the maximum allowable wind speeds when conducting an Autoland?
d) headwind 25 kts,
crosswind 25 kts,
tailwind 15kts
(OM 1.4.2. Automatic Landing )
The maximum allowable wind speeds for automatic landing are: Headwind – 25 Knots, Tailwind – 15 Knots, Crosswind – 25 Knots [AFM]