Protozoa Flashcards
Are unicellular or single-celled organisms that varies in shape, size, locomotor apparatus/organelles and method of reproduction.
It is a unit that performs the vital functions of protozoa and essentially consists of nucleus and cytoplasm.
Often consists of a thin ectoplasm and an inner endoplasm.
Is the outer portion of the cell, enveloping the endoplasm.
It is the movement of protozoa
Locomotor apparatus
The inner portion of the cell. It surrounds the nucleus and concerned mainly with nutrition, food, synthesis, storage of food, and reproduction.
What are the two types of Encystment?
Positive and Regulation
It is where the cyst wall protects the organism outside the body of its host and the protection against the digestive juices of the upper gastrointestinal tract.
Positive Encystation
It is where the nuclei divides one or more times during the cystic stage, with a corresponding increase in the number of trophozoites following excystation.
Reproduction Encystment
The stage considered as the transfer of infective stage of some protozoa. it is also the non-motile and resistant stage.