Ciliates Flashcards
What is the largest intestinal protozoa?
Balantidium coli
What stage/s does a Balantidium coli exhibit?
Trophic and Cystic stages
What is the only pathogenic ciliates that inhabit the large intestine?
Balantidium coli
What is the size and shape of the trophozoite of Balantidium coli?
30 to 150 microns long and 25 to 120 microns wide. Ovoid shaped
What is the movement of a Balantidium coli?
Directional in rolling motion
How is Balantidium coli transmitted or acquired?
Ingestion of food and water contaminated with B. coli cyst
Which part of the body does the ingested cyst of Balantidium coli undergo excystation?
The small intestine and they become trophozoites
Which part of the body does the trophozoites inhabit?
The large intestine
True or False
B. coli is not a tissue invader
B. coli IS a tissue invader
What is the drug of choice for treating Balantidium coli?
Metronidazole and Tetracyclene