Protists Group Flashcards
What are the key features of Diplomonadida?
Lack plastids, possess small mitochondria without DNA, possess flagella, found in anaerobic environments. Diplomonads have two equal sized nuclei. Parabasalids have an undulating membrane.
What are the key features of Euglenozoans?
Possesses a spiral or crystalline rod within their flagella.
What are the key features of Alveolates?
Possess membrane-bounded sacs called ‘alveoli’ just under the plasma membrane, can possess flagella or cilia.
What are the key features of Stramenopiles?
Possess a ‘hairy’ flagellum with numerous hairlike projections as well as a ‘smooth’ flagellum lacking these hairlike projections.
What are the key features of Cercozoans and Radiolarians?
Possess threadlike pseudopodia and a shell-like structure called a ‘test.’
What are the key features of Amoebozoans?
Possess lobe-shaped pseudopodia.
What are the key features of Red Algae and Green Algae?
Possess plastids for photosynthesis.