Protein Flashcards
Structure of protein
proteins are chains of amino acids
linked together by peptide bonds
Are all proteins equal?
Protein digestibility corrected amino acid scores reflects quality of a protein based on both the amino acid requirements of humans and their ability to digest it. If after digestion all indispensable amino acids are provided per unit of protein, the value of 1
Essential amino acids
Can’t be made from other amino acids in the diet
Animal proteins have the highest concentration of essential amino acids
Need regular intake
Non essential amino acids
Can be made from other amino acids
Protein digestibility corrected amino acid score
What amino acids are in he protein
Extent that it can be digested
Score of 1- everything you need in terms of amino acids and can be digested
All body protein is turning over all the time
Add exercise- more turnover
Can oxidise amino acids- not as influential as fats and carbs
Lysine and methionine
Essential amino acids
Have to ingest concurrently all the time
Up to 15 % of energy metabolism can be from oxidising amino acids