Protein 1 studies Flashcards
Witard et al. 2014
Optimal amount of PRO to consume post exercise to stimulate protein synthesis
high protein breakfast
unilateral leg extensor exercise
0g, 10g, 20g or 40g of protein
continuous tracers, blood tests and muscle biopsies to determine rate of protein synthesis
same increase with 20g and 40g so no further benefit of increasing above 20g
Macnaughton et al 2016
Does lean body mass infulence the amount of PRO needed
Is 20g or 40g optimal post whole body exercise?
tracer and biopsies following whole body training and PRO intake
greater stimulation of PRO synthesis with 40g
No differences between low and high lean muscle mass groups
Wilkinson et al 2007
Is soy vs milk better for stimulating protein synthesis post exercise
unilateral resistance exercise
tracers, biopsies and blood tests
milk = greater increase in net PRO balance and greater increase in functional synthesis rate
Tang et al 2009
whey vs soy vs caesin
which increases PRO synthesis the most at rest and post exercise
infusion of tracers, biposies and bloods
25g of each protein
whey > soy > caesin
West et al 2011
Is it better to consume protein as a bolus or in small portions over a longer period of time
bolus or pulse feed of 25g whey
tracers, bloods and biopsies following unilateral exercise
bolus = greater increase in blood amino acids and stimulated MPS to a greater extent at 1-3 and 3-5 hrs
Koopman et al 2007
Does consuming carb with PRO enhance MPS
consumed PRO with different amounts of CHO post exercise
tracers, biopsies and bloods
no sig. diff in MPS with ingestion of different amounts of CHO
no benefit of consuming with CHO
Rasmussen et al 2001
Is there an anabolic window when consuming PRO gets the best increase in MPS
flavoured or placebo drinks at either 1 or 3 hours post resistance exercise
tracers and samples
no difference in the amount of MPS stimulated if PRO taken at 1 hrs of 3 hrs post exercise
Areta et al 2013
What is the best dosing stratergy of PRO intake to increase MPS
tracers, biopsies and blood tests following resistance exercise
20g every 3 hrs vs 10g every 1.5 hrs vs 40g every 6 hrs
20g every 3 hrs was best
Res et al 2012
Does 40g of caesin before sleep enhance overnight MPS
PRO or placebo
tracers, biopsies and blood
whole body MPS and PRO balance improved with caesin