creatine and beta alanine supplementaion Flashcards
discuss the creatine cycle
Pcr –> Cr, donates a phosphate to allow ADP to be resynthesised back to ATP
in mitochondria, Cr can regain a phosphate from ATP being produced by oxidation of CHO to then be used again to drive muscle contraction
describe the general patterns seen with creatine loading
lower starting level = greater increase
but there is a ceiling effect to amount of creatine which can be stored in muscles
what are the common doses of creatine during loading and maintainance phases
4x 5g doses over 7 days
1x 2g dose for maintainance
Is there evidence to suggest that the maintainance doses are needed
those who took loading doses but then stopped supplementing saw a gradual decline in creatine levels after
is there evidence to suggest that the loading phase is neccessary
kind of
taking 3g/day for 28 days still saw creatine levels increase by the same amount but this occured at a slower rate
outline the evidence of the optimal dosing stratergy of creatine
4x 5g a day vs 20x 1g a day
4x 5g = more excreted in urine, suggesting that less is retained within the body
Is coingestion with CHO beneficial
taking with CHO increases muscle creatine content vs not taking
also decreases amount excreted in urine
what is the mechanism behind increase creatine accumilation when taken with CHO
what is a possible issue with implementing this finding
insulin stimulated increase in uptake
was with 93g of glucose therefore could be detremental to energy balance
what is another benefit of ingesting creatine with CHO (aside from creatine levels)
creatine augments increases in muscle glycogen concentrations
outline evidence showing a performance benefit associated with creatine supplementation
5 days creatine supplementation
pre and post all out cycle testing
post = increase in maximum work rate and total work rate
a positive correlation between increase in work and increase in total creatine levels
give evidence showing how creatine supplementation can be beneficial for training
placebo vs creatine supplement for 6 weeks
supplement = enhanced resistance to fatigue during resistance exercise
can do more work during gym, therefore more adaptation
explain why creatine may help with muscle buffering
resynthesis of ATP due to presence of Pcr uses a H ion as part of the reaction
therefore could slightly increase buffering capacity
what two proteins does carnosine comprise of
beta alanine and histadine
why is beta alanine supplemented and not histadine
histadine is a lot more abundant in the body and therefore is not limiting to the synthesis of carnosine
outline the evidence regarding the best supplementation stratergy to increase carnosine levels
what else did this data show
3.2 g/dl vs 5.2 g/dl vs carnosine
similar increase between high dose beta alanine and carnosine however beta alanine is much cheaper to make
some subjects had a much greater increase than others, indicating no ceiling effect
outline evidence that increased carnosine/beta alanine supplementation is beneficial to perfomance
beta alanine supplement vs placebo group
significant elevation of muscle carnosine levels at 4 weeks and then at 10 weeks
also increase in cycling capactiy test at 4 weeks and 10 weeks, not seen in placebo
(greater increase = greater increase in performance)
what findings have been published from a meta analysis of beta alanine supplementations
improvement in exercise lasting 60-240 seconds and >240 seconds
no benefit if below 60 seconds
2.85% improvement with 179g supplementation