Prosthetic Prep Exam 44 Flashcards
What are reasonable ROM for the glenohumeral joint?
Flexion 180
Extension 60
Adduction 20
Abduction 180
The anterior support strap on an AE should?
Pass over the passes over shoulder connects to inverted Y strap.
There is some pronation left in a medium length BE because?
The pronator teres is still largely intact.
Inside locking elbow joints?
Lock the elbow in 11 position, need amputation through humerus approx. 5cm proximal to elbow joint.
F-M wrist disconnect? Quick disconnect wrist, easily interchangeable terminal device
Quick disconnect wrist, easily interchangeable terminal device.
Two load hook?
Lyre shaped fingers, two different springs, can have a grip load of 1.6kg or 3.2kg not heavy duty hook
“Voluntary opening, two load pretension forces”
249.Voluntary closing, automatic locking?
Is a Palmer prehensile terminal device.
In order to flex the elbow, the above elbow amputee with a figure of 8 harness?
Unlocks the elbow with slight glenohumeral ext and abduction and slight shoulder depression, the elbow is unlocked and then flexes the glenohumeral to flex the elbow.
Amount of glenohumeral joint flexion to fully flex the elbow of an AE prosthesis should not exceed?
45 degrees.
If the perhension forces of the terminal is less than the force required to flex the elbow, a AE amputee harnessed for dual control, will find what happens when he attempts to flex him elbow? The terminal device will open
The terminal device will open.
If a AE amputee is having difficulty in flexing the elbow of his prosthesis he would we aided LEAST by?
Adding a cross back strap
Most– moving the forearm lift loop distally -increasing the perhension forces of the terminal device
- replacing a steel hook with an aluminum one– makes it lighter
The lever type excursion amplifier provides increased excursion at the expense of?
Also doubles the input forces required for elbow flex or TD operation
Which one the the normal functions can be mechanically reproduce in a prosthetic arm?
Joint stabilization.
The initial socket brim for a short AE amputation would be trimmed on a line?
One to two inches above the acromion.
The basic harness for a shoulder amputation/disarticulation prosthesis is:
Chest strap.
If the application of cable and housing were made on the AE prosthesis as it is on the BE the amputee would lose?
Elbow flexion.
When fitting a socket for a short below elbow the socket should flex to?
135 degrees step up hinges.
External movable sheave type excursion amplifier is use for?
Very short below elbow.
When a control cable is broken the unilateral amputee is instructed to manually open his terminal device and allow it to close around his object to be grasped, these instruction are for what type of terminal device?
Voluntary opening hook.
What does the nudge control allow an amputee to do?
Lock and unlock the elbow by pressing a lever with the chin.
Munster style or VSBE split socket cast the patient
90 degrees.
Main advantage of using a housing cross bar assembly?
Reduces control cable bending increases the cable life.
Major limitation that is incurred by the shoulder disarticulation?
Excursion to operate a prosthesis
T/F When using a single pivot hinge the center of the joint is placed 1/2in above the medial superior brim of the socket?
False, it is place 1in above the medial superior brim of the socket.
In the forearm, the ulna remains stationary while the radius rotates around it?
True radius–radial around
In a stable anatomical elbow joint, the only motion that takes place between the forearm and humerus in flexion and extension:
Glenohumeral abduction is performed primarily by the deltoid muscle:
The 7th cervical vert, is the most prominent of all the vertebrae:
In the anatomical position, the ulnar styloid is nearer to the midline of the body then the thumb?
272.When harnessing bilateral amputees, the harness cross should be:
Centered over the vert column.
273.Quick disconnect wrist is not recommended for ?:
Shoulder disarticulation.
Triceps pad is often used for?
Long BE and wrist disarticulation.
Polycentric hinges is used for?
Short transradial amputee.
Acromion is part of the?
The basic BE control motion is glenohumeral?
Flexion Extension 60 Flexion 180 Adduction Abduction 180 External rotation 20 Internal rotation 90
When the elbow is flexed to 90 the foreman can be rotated through an arc by numeral rotation. The size of the arc is?
Med 0-90
Lat 0-20
110 degrees
The following description is of which level of upper extremity amputation— wrist loss, forearm rotation absent, good numeral rotation, good shoulder motion?
Standard AE
The proximal posterior border of the VSBE socket is shaped to contain the olecranon process, as a result the?
Elbow can not fully extend due to trim lines?
The terminal device most desirable for use with cineplasty amputee?
Voluntary opening– APRL hand
Cineplasty– using the biceps or pectoralis major to power the prosthetic arm
282.In which portion of stance phase is the prosthetic side in knee extension most likely to occur?
Mid stance
When wrapping a BK limb for shrinkage, it is important that?
Most of the pressure is in the distal end of the limb.
Purpose for wearing shocks?
Volume control
Decreases sheers force
Provide cushion/absorb moisture
The PTB cuff suspension strap derives it’s suspension over which areas:
Proximal patella
Redundant tissue is described as?
Excessive soft tissue
A lack of total contact in the PTB limb?
Can lead to edema
Three ways to describe residual limb shape?
The A-P measurement of Bk amputee is taken in flexion at?
5 degrees
The AP measurement of a BK is taken at the?
Patella tendon and the popliteal fossa
The M-L dimension of these plaster model when using a soft liner should be?
Smaller by 1/8
With in 1/8 -1/4 in never exceed 12mm
Two advantaged of using a check socket?
Check volume
Check pressure areas
Check relief areas
The purpose if a compression bandage before fitting of a prosthesis is?
To shrink the residual limb
The shape the residual limb
To prevent edema.
The sensation of feeling the amputated leg is?
Phantom sensation.
Anterior proximal trim lines are normally?
Midway between the upper and lower boarder of the patella.
In evaluating the unilateral amputees ability to utilize a prosthesis successfully, an important consideration is his?
Balance and coordination on crutches
Piston action of a BK PTB prosthesis is a result of?
Inadequate suspension
Loose socket fit.
As the amputee rolls over the foot in stance, his knee joint should?
Remain flexed
During normal human locomotion how many inches does the center of gravity shift from side to side?
One inch.
The center of gravity of that adult male is located on the midline of of the body at approximately the level of the?
Second sacral vert.
To Minimize lateral bending of their trunk subsequent to unilateral hip abductor weakness, it is best to use: A cone in the uninvolved side
A cone in the uninvolved side.
Pressure is determined my?
Force divided by area
In that scapulothoracic amputee, which of the following motion can be used to operate the prosthesis?
Chest expansion.
Above knee prosthetics biomechanics in frontal plane?
Provide mediolateral stability of pelvis mid stance– ischial weight bearing, proper positioning of prosthetic foot,
Conserve energy by minimizing lateral displacement of center of gravity during gait
AK biomechanics in saggital plane?
Anterioposterior stability of prosthetic knee heel strike to heel off
Permit amputee to take a normal step on the sound side.
306.Quad socket …go?
Weight bearing in socket is achieved through gluteal musculature and ischium, I wide seat is parallel to the ground. Which the skeletal and muscles rest on top of. Counter pressure in on three medial third of anterior wall– scarpus triangle-
Goal of socket is to reestablish normal addiction angle. Done thought lateral wall, entire lateral wall flattened along the shaft of femur except distal femur. The lateral wall is contoured over the hip abductors muscles to discourage abduction
Medial wall is flat in hedge Sagittal plane along the proximal 4 in of these socket before flaring out
Designed with initial flexion to avoid lumbar lordosis
307.Ischial containment socket …go?
6 objectives 1- maintain normal femoral adduction
2-enclosure of ischial tuberosity and Ramus creating “boney lock”
3- max effort to distribute forces a long shaft of femur 4-decrease narrow A-P
5- total contact
6- use of suction whenever possible
Which muscles internally rotate the humerus?
Subscapularis, latissimus dorsi, Pectoralis major
Infraspinatus does not.
Major limitation of shoulder disarticulation?