Proof Of Systematic Racism Flashcards
Judicial sentencing
2017 study by the u.s. sentencing commission that showed that black men get sentences 20% longer than white men for the same crimes. This is controlled for in terms of age and criminal histories
2014 study of Manhattan criminal cases found that blacks were 20% more likely to be offered plea deals with jail time- Washington post
Innocent blacks are 3.5x more likely to be falsely convicted of sexual assault -WAP
80% of prosecutors are White men according to the women’s donor network
Death penalty
According to a 2000 federal study, white murderers were 50% more likely to be offered plea deals that avoided the death penalty -WAPO
80% of people on death row are for crimes against whites(yet we’re like Half or slightly more of the murder victims)- amnesty international 2003
A 2014 study of 33 years worth of murder concluded that jurors are 4 and a half times more likely to give blacks the death penalty over whites. Adjusts for number of victims and brutality of crimes-
According to he national registry of exoneration blacks are 12x more likely to be wrongfully convicted of drug crimes and 5x more likely to go to prison for possession of drugs
Blacks are 12% of drug users and 29% of arrests-NAACP
Profiling by police
2020 study of 95 million traffic stops, showed that blacks and Latinos were more likely to get pulled over and searched for contraband than whites. Even though whites are more likely to have contraband. The discrepancy disappears at night- WAPO
A study on the 8 largest police agencies in California showed this ^too(including the contraband) not sure about the night discrepancy disappearance tho, and it just was blacks and whites -u.s. news and world report
The book “suspect citizens” confirms profiling in being pulled over and less contraband too
2013 justice department study said we’re 3x more likely to be searched and 30% more likely to be pulled over
We’re 2x as likely to be arrested for misdemeanor as opposed to whites, 2018 Boston university
Use of force by police
According to fryer blacks are 53% more likely to have non lethal force used against them. Now for compliance, compliant blacks are 21% more likely to have force used against them. Even though there’s no nationwide database tracking police use of force, fryer did the work