Pronouns 01 Flashcards
with him
μαζί του
with her
μαζί της
with us
μαζί μας
with them
μαζί τους
with it
μαζί αυτός, -ή, -ό
with you
μαζί σας (σου)
with me
μαζί μου
I see him.
Τον βλέπω.
He sees me.
Με βλέπει.
I see you.
Σε βλέπω.
They see us.
Μας βλέπουν.
We see it.
Το βλέπουμε.
Do you see her?
Την βλέπετε; (βλέπεις;)
[People] Who sees them?
Ποιος τους βλέπει.
[Horses] Who sees them?
Ποιος τα βλέπει;
[Cats] Who sees them?
Ποιος τις βλέπει;
[the apple]
I gave it to her.
Της το έδωσα.
[the dog]
I gave it to her.
Της τον έδωσα.
[the skirt]
I gave it to him.
Της την έδωσα.
[the book]
I gave it to him.
Του το έδωσα.
[the coffee]
I gave it to him.
Του τον έδωσα.
[the chair]
I gave it to him.
Του την έδωσα.
[the apple]
I gave them to him.
Του το έδωσα.
the dog]
I gave them to him.
Του τους έδωσα.