Projective Techniques and Observation (W6) Flashcards
What do projective techniques do?
Tap into the subconscious
Word association tests
Interviewer says a word and the respondent mentions the first thing that comes to mind
Drawing comparisons between two items in terms of similarities e.g. mobile vs. landline
Drawing a comparison between a product and person
If this was a person how would you describe it?
Sentence/ story completion
Respondents asked to express their feelings/ ideas/ opinions by completing a sentence in their own words
E.g. Starbucks makes me think of…
Cartoon test
Respondents fill in dialogue of one or two characters in a cartoon
Photo sorts
Respondent sorts photos of different types of people, identifying those who she would use the specified product
Consumer drawings
Using drawings to understand motivation/ perception
Recording and counting of behavioural patterns in a systematic manner
Types of observation
Natural vs contrived situation
Open vs disguised
Human vs machine
Direct vs indirect
Advantages of observation research
No bias
Avoids issues with willingness/ ability for respondents to answer
Disadvantages of observation research
Only behavior and psychical personal characteristics can be examined
Don’t know about motives/ attitudes/ intentions
Only public behavior is observed
Observed behavior might not be projectable into the future
Types of human observation
Mystery shoppers
One-way mirror
Types of machine observation
Neuromarketing Galvanic skin response Eye tracking Gender and age recognition In store tracking TiVo targeting
Structured observation
Clearly defines the behaviours to be observed and the technique by which they will be measured
Unstructured observation
Participants are unaware of being observe, so they behave naturally
Disguised observation
Participants are unaware of being observe, so they behave naturally
Undisguised observation
Participants are aware of being observed
Observation methods
Personal observation
Electronic observation
Trace analysis
Online observation
Trace analysis
Data collection is based on physical traces, or evidence of past behaviour
Observation situations
People watching people
People watching phenomena
Machines watching people
Machines watching phenomena
Advantages of observation
No bias Willing participants Quick Accurate Efficient
Disadvantages of observation
Only public behaviour recorded No motivations/ attitudes etc. May not be projectable into the future Time-consuming Costly