Focus Group Discussion and Interviews (W5) Flashcards
Qualitative research
Research whose findings are not subject to quantification or quantitative analysis
Characteristics of qualitative research
Probing questions Small sample size Large amounts of data from each respondent Low degree of replicability Used in exploratory research
Disadvantages of qualitative research
Requires interviewer with special skills
Not representative of the population
Quantitative research
Addresses research objectives through empirical assessment that involves numerical/ statistical or computational analysis
Using personal communication between researcher to gain insight into customer behaviour
Types of interview
In-depth interview
One-to-one interviews that probe detailed answers and uncover hidden motivations (projective tests), typically last 1-2hrs/ carried out in office or at home
Name projective tests
Word association Analogies Personification Sentence and story completion Cartoon Photo sorts Consumer drawings Storytelling
When are in depth interviews used?
Research question is related to individual behaviour
Group dynamics might be a problem
Subject matter is highly sensitive
Advantages of in-depth interview
Time saving Comfortable Able to recall Participants respond in their own words Allows time to develop ideas Probing allowed
Disadvantages of in-depth interview
Intimidation Reluctance Travel time Needs a skilled interviewer Small sample size Subjective
Advantages of intercept interview
Interest level
Lots of participants
Disadvantages of intercept interview
Only current customers
Advantages of expert interview (in office)
Sign of respect
Convenient for participant
Cost/time savings
Privacy for participants
Disadvantages of expert interview (in office)
Lack of privacy
Lack of candor
No nonverbal cues
Advantages of expert interview (online)
Time and money savings
Disadvantages of expert interview (online)
No nonverbal cues
The interview process
Design the interview protocol (based on research objectives) Identify target participants Recruiting participants Scheduling the interviews The interview Transcription Data Analysis
Explain: Design the interview protocol (based on research objectives)
Literature review/ secondary research
Look for emerging themes
Create: goals/ time limit/ questions
Pilot test interview
Sample interview protocol layout
Introduction - how report will be used Warm up - introductory questions Topic 1 questions Topic 2 questions Other relevant topics not discussed Finalize interview
What do you do after an interview?
Write up field notes Write letter of thanks Check/ edit transcript Arrange follow-up meeting if necessary Enter content into a database
Focus group discussion guide
Outline of the topic that need to be covered during the session, 3 stages:
Building rapport
Intensive discussion
How long are focus groups normally?
Focus group process
Prepare for the group: select facility/ recruit
Select moderator/ create discussion guide
Conduct group
Prepare the report
Advantages of focus groups
Stimulate new ideas
Pressure keeps them responding realistically
Opportunity to observe from one-way mirror etc.
Disadvantages of focus groups
Opinions of only a few
Group think
Introverted less likely to answer
Structure of focus group discussion guide
Introduction (welcome/ format/ rules/ consent) Warm up (introduce everyone) Topic one Suggestions End (thank/ gift)
Rules for selection of focus group participants
Specify exact selection criteria
Maintain control of the selection process
Beware of the potential selection balance
Incorporate randomisation
Check respondents knowledge
When are focus groups used?
Group dynamic helpful
Broad topics
Interaction/ discussion/ debate useful
Teamwork desired