Project Planning- Ressource, Risk, quality Flashcards
Project resource management
is concerned with making effective use of the people involved with a project as well as physical resources (materials, facilities, equipment, and infrastructure)
The main outputs produced as part of project resource management planning are: (2 point)
-Project resource management plan (can be separated into a team management plan and a physical resource management plan)
-Team charter
Team Management Plan (key components)
-Project organizational chart
-Responsibility assignment matrix
-Resource histogram
-Staffing management plan
a project organizational chart
is a graphical representation of how authority and responsibility is distributed within the project
The size and complexity of the project determines..
how simple or complex the organizational chart is
A responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) is ..
a matrix that maps the work of the project as described in the work breakdown structure (WBS) to the people responsible for performing the work
For smaller projects, it is best to assign….
WBS activities to individuals
for larger projects, it is more effective to assign the work..
to organizational units or teams
RACI charts
are a type of RAM that show Responsible (who does the task), Accountable (who signs off on the task or has authority for it), Consulted (who has information necessary to complete the task), and Informed (who needs to be notified of task status/results) roles for project stakeholders
A resource histogram
is a column chart that shows the number of resources required for or assigned to a project over time
In planning project staffing needs
senior managers often create a resource histogram in which columns represent the number of people needed in each skill category. By stacking the columns, you can see the total number of people needed each month
After resources are assigned to a project, you can view ..
a resource histogram for each person to see how his/her time has been allocated
A staffing management plan
describes when and how people will be added to
and removed from a project
team charters
help promote teamwork and
clarify team communications.After core project team members have been selected
After core project team members have been selected..
they meet to prepare a team
charter to guide how the team will function.
It is crucial to emphasize the importance..
of the project team throughout the
project’s life cycle, and the team charter should be updated as needed.
Estimating activity resources involves..
estimating the type, quantity and characteristics of team resources and physical resources (i.e., materials, equipment, and supplies) required to complete the project.
–> This process is closely related to estimating activity durations and costs.
What is important when we do the “estimating activity resources”?
It is important that the people who help determine what resources are necessary include people who have experience and expertise in similar projects and with the organization performing the project.
–>Resource estimates should be updated as needed during the project.
Important Questions to Answer in Activity Resource Estimating
How difficult will it be to perform specific activities on this project?
* Is there anything unique in the project’s scope statement that will affect resources?
* Are there specific resources better suited to perform the activities?
* What is the organization’s history in doing similar activities? Have they done similar activities before? What level of personnel did the work?
* Does the organization have appropriate people, equipment, and materials available for performing the work? Are there any organizational policies that might affect the availability of resources?
* Does the organization need to acquire more resources to accomplish the work? Would it make sense to outsource some of the work? Will outsourcing increase or decrease the amount of resources needed and their availability?
* What assumptions have been made or need to be made?
Empathic Listening
-Good project managers are empathic listeners they listen with the intent to understand!
Why project professionals should develop empathic listening?
Project professionals need to develop empathic listening and other people skills to improve relationships with users and other stakeholders
Tuckman model of team development
- Forming involves the introduction of team members, either at the initiation of the team or as new members are introduced. This stage is necessary, but little work is actually achieved.
- Storming occurs when team members have different opinions for how the team should operate. People test each other, and there is often conflict within the team.
- Norming is achieved when team members have developed a common working method, and cooperation and collaboration replace the conflict and mistrust of the previous phase.
- Performing occurs when the emphasis is on reaching the team’s goals rather than working on team process. Relationships are settled, and team members are likely to build loyalty toward each other. At this stage, the team is able to manage tasks that are more complex and cope with greater change.
- Adjourning involves the break-up of the team after it successfully reaches its goals and completes the work.