Project Performance Domains Flashcards
What is a “project performance domain”?
It is a group of related activities that are critical for the effective delivery of project outcomes. They are interactive, interrelated, and interdependent areas of focus that work in unison to achieve desired outcomes.
What are 8 project performance domains?
1) Stakeholders
2) Team
3) Developing Approach and Life Cycle
4) Planning
5) Project work
6) Delivery
7) Measurement
8) Uncertainty
What is a “stakeholder”?
An individual, group, or organization that may affect, be affected by or perceive itself to be affected by a decision, activity, or outcome of a project, program, or portfolio.
What is “stakeholder analysis”?
A method of systematically gathering and analyzing quantitative and qualitative information to determine whose interests should be taken into account throughout the project.
What are the 6 steps of stakeholder engagement?
1) Identify
2) Understand
3) Analyze
4) Prioritize
5) Engage
6) Monitor
What is “push” communication?
It is a communication sent to stakeholders such as memos, emails, status, reports, voice mail, and so forth.
Push communication is one-way.
What is “pull” communication?
This is information sought by a stakeholder, and is used for indirect sensing of stakeholder concerns.
Why are quick feedback loops helpful?
They can be used to:
1) Confirm the degree to which the stakeholders hear a message.
2) Determine if stakeholders agree with a message.
3) Identify nuanced or other unintended messages the recipient detected.
4) Gain other helpful insights.
What is the “Team Performance Domain”?
This domain entails establishing the culture and environment that enables a collection of diverse individuals to evolve into a high-performing project team. This includes recognizing the activities needed to foster project team development and encouraging leadership behaviors from all project team members.
What is a “proejct manager”?
The person assigned by the performing organization to lead the project teal that is responsible for achieving the project objectives.
What is the “project management team”?
The members of the project team who are directly involved in project management activities.
What is a “project team”?
A set of individuals performing the work of the project to achieve its objectives.
What is “servant leadership”?
It is a style of leadership that focuses on understanding and addressing the needs and development of project team members in order to enable the highest possible project team performance. Itis all about allowing project team members to grow in their roles to be better team members.
What are 3 servant leadership behaviors?
1) Obstacle removal.
2) Diversion shield.
3) Encouragement and development opportunities.
What is meant by “obstacle removal” in servant leadership?
This is solving problems and removing obstacles that may be hampering the project team’s work. By solving or easing problems, the project team can deliver value to the business faster.
What is meant by “diversion shield” in servant leadership?
Servant leaders protect the team from time-stealing or time-fragmenting activities, which helps the team stay focused.
What is meant by “encouragement and development opportunities” in servant leadership?
This is when the leader provides tools and encouragement to keep the project team satisfied and productive.
What are 5 common aspects of team development?
1) Vision and outcomes.
2) Roles and responsibilities.
3) Project team operations.
4) Guidance
5) Growth
What is “vision and objectives” in team development?
This is when everyone is aware of the project vision and objectives.
What is “roles and responsibilities” in team development?
This is making sure project team members understand and fulfill their roles and responsibilities.
What is “project team operations” in team development?
This is facilitating project team communication, problem-solving, and coming to a consensus to develop a product charter and operating guidelines or norms.
What is “guidance” in team development?
This is the role of keeping everyone headed in the right direct, or providing guidance on a particular task or deliverable.
What is “growth” in team development?
This is working collaboratively to identify areas where the team needs to grow, to make goals, and to make steps toward those goals.
What is “transparency”?
This is providing clarity in how one thinks, makes choices and processes information to help others identify and share their own processes.
What is “integrity”?
This is ethical behavior and honesty. Individuals demonstrate honesty by surfacing risks, communicating their assumptions and basis of estimates, delivering bad news early, providing accurate status reports, disclosing conflicts of interest, ensuring fairness, and making decisions based on environmental, stakeholder, and financial impacts.
9 factors of high-performing teams.
1) Open communications.
2) Shared understanding
3) Shared ownership
4) Trust
5) Collaboration
6) Adaptability
7) Resilience
8) Empowerment
9) Recognition
What are 5 key components of good vision in a project?
1) Clear, concise, and actionable.
2) Summarizes the project with a powerful phrase or short description.
3) Describes the best achievable outcome.
4) Creates a common, cohesive picture in project team members’ minds.
5) Inspires passion for the outcome.
What is “critical thinking”?
This is disciplined, rational, logical, and evidenced-based thinking.
What are two aspects in motivating team members?
1) understanding what motivates them to perform
2) working with them so they remain committed to project.
What is intrinsic motivation?
This comes from inside the individual.
What is extrinsic motivation?
Performing work because of some external reward.
What are 3 components of interpersonal skills?
1) Emotional intelligence.
2) Decision making
3) Conflict resolution
What is emotional intelligence?
The ability to recognize our own emotions and those of others.
What are 4 key areas of emotional intelligence?
1) Self-awareness
2) Self-management
3) Social awareness
4) Social skill
What is “self-awareness”?
The ability to conduct a realistic self-assessment, including understanding:
1) emotions
2) goals
3) motivations
4) strengths
5) weaknesses
What is “self-management”?
+ think before you act
+ build trust
What is “social awareness”?
+ Be empathetic
+ Employ active listening.
What is “social skills”?
+ Establish rapport
+ Build effective teams
+ Manage attitude
What is “unilateral decision making”?
Following a linear thought in decisions, this can demotivate people, that they do not have a say.
What is “group-based decision making”?
Benefit = tapping into group-think or -knowledge. Increases buy-in as well.
Downside = takes more time and higher opportunity to take longer to make decisions.
What is “project-team decision making”?
Benefit = all stakeholders are involved.
Downside = Many possible solutions must be considered.
4 great approaches to conflict management.
1) Keep communications open and respectful.
2) Focus on the issues, not the people.
3) Focus on the present and future, not the past.
4) Search for alternatives together.
What are 4 variables that influence leadership styles?
1) Experience with the type of project.
2) Maturity of the project team members.
3) Organizational governance structures.
4) Distributed project teams.
What does the “Team Peomain Emphasize”?
the skills used y project managers and project team members throughout the project.
What is “shared ownernship”?
When all team members know the vision and objectives. The project team owns the deliverables and the outcomes of the project.
What is “a high-performing team”?
This team trust and collaborates. The team adapts to changing situations and is resilient in the face of challenges. It also provides empowerment to members of the project team.
What are “applicable leadership and interpersonal skills”?
When project team members apply critical thinking and interpersonal skills.