Progressivism and WWI Flashcards
society capable of improvement didn’t like natural laws, laissez faire, or social darwinism
Reform impulses
antimonopoly-breakup/ regulate trusts
social cohesion-individuals are part of a great web of social relations
knowledge- apply knowledge to society
journalists who directed public attention toward social, economic, and political injustice, commited o exposing scandal, corruption, injustice,
Targets: Trusts and Railroads
helped inspire americans to take action
Charles Francis Adams Jr.
uncovered corruption among the railroad barons
Ida Tarbell
muckracker studied Standard Oil trust
Lincoln Steffens
muckracker reporter for McClures magazine wrote the Shame of the Cities portarits of “machine governemnt” and “boss rule” studied moral outrage helped arouse for refrom
social justice
justice that goes beyond the individual, seeking justice for sociaty as a whole( support egaltarian society and poor and oppressed people?
social gospel
redeeming the nations cities
applied Christian ethics to social problems, especially issues of social justice such as wealth perceived as excessive, poverty, alcoholism, crime, racial tensions, slums, bad hygiene, child labor, inadequate labor unions, poor schools, and the danger of war
Walter Rauschenbush
protestant theologian published influnetial ideas for human salvation thru christian reform believed all individual should work together to ensure a humanitarian evolution of the social fabric
Father John A Ryan
worked to expand scope of catholic social welfare organizations
social darwinism
survival of the fittest
Jacob Riis
exposed immigrant neighborhoods with photos
settlement house
immigrant homes that helped immigrants settle and adapt to to the language plus customs, staffed by members of educated middle class college women iportant participants, social workers began to appear in universities because of settlement houses
Hull House
1889 Chicago settlement house by Jane Addams model for many, staffed by members of educated middle class
Thorstein Veblem
proposed a new economic system in which power would reside in the hands of highly trained engineers
a new middle class
new professional jobs ex. managers, technicians, accountanats workers etc, cities required commercial, medical, legal, educational services valued education
American Medical Association(AMA)
called for strict, scientific standards for admission to the practice of medicin with doctors as standards
National Association of Manufactures and States Chamber of Commerce(1912)
1895 like the AMA for busisness
National Farm Bureau Federation
netwrok of agricultural organizations designed to spread scientific farming methods
Women in wrokplace
felt that women needed to be protcted so the ony jobs available were settlement houses, social work, teaching, nursing
“new women”-reasons for women in workplace
income came from factory not home, children began school earlier, home no longer an all consuming place, technological improvemnts made housewrok easier,declining family size
Lillian Wald
helped with settlement house
Frances Willard
temperance movement
Anna Howard Shay`
suffrage movement`
believed they had to stay single in order to play roles in the public world
“Boston marriages”
Lesbian Marriage
Womens Clubs
began as cultural organizations to provide middle and high class women an outlet for their intellectual energies began to concern with social betterment had nonpartisan images, raised challenges of the proper role of women in society, movement allowe women to define a space for hemselves in the public world withoout challenging male dominated order did uncontroversial reforms
General Federation of Womens Clubs
coordinate activties of local organizations 1892
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
book women and Economicssaid gender roles were dumb club
Children’s Bureau in the Labor Departemnt
directed to develop policies to protect children
Womens Trade Union League(WTUL)
1903 founded by female union members and upperclass reforms committeed to persuading women to join unions held public meetings on behalf of female workers, raised money to support strikes, marched on picket lines, bailded strking women out of jail.
women suffrage
largets reform movement radical demand “natural rights” women deserved equality but there was a “female” sphere suffrage was associated with divorce, and promiscuity, looseness and neglect of children
ELizabeth Cady Stanton
said women should be equal with men
Carrie Chapman Catt
journalist who helped increase membership of the NAWSA
National American Woman Suffrage Association
justified suffrage in a safer way
said it wouldnt challenge the public sphere
help temperance movement
war would end
WWI helped movemnent
suffrage was gained in 1910 -1920 where every state had suffrage
19TH amendment
gave political rights to women 1920
Alice Paul
head of the militant national womens party founded in 1916 argued that 19th amendment wouldnt be enough
Secret Ballot
reduced political party influence
Middle Class Progressives
attacked city bosses, saloon owners, brothel keepers, political machines , urban working people (immigrants)
Commision Plan
mayor and council replaced by an elected , nonpartisan commision 1907 des moines iowa tried this
City-manager plan
officials hired an outside expert-often a professionally trained busisness manager or engineer to take charge of the city government
Tom Johnson
mayor of Cleveland waged a long war against the powerful streetcar intersts in his city
social democracy
bettterment of society= progressivism
allowed reformers to circumventstate legislatures by submitting new legislation directly to voters in general elections
provided a method by which actions of the legislature could be returned to the electorate approval
direct primary
attempt to take the selection of candidates away from the bosses and give it to the people
gave voters the right to remove a public official from office at a special election which could be called after a sufficient number of citizens had signed a petition
Reform measures 1903-1908
laws restricting lobbying by busisness interests in state legislatures, banned campaign contributioons by corporations, forbade public officials to accept free passes from railroads, workmens compensation, pensions for widows with children
Governor Charles Evans Hughes
exploited progressive sentiment to create a commission to regulate public utiliities (NY)
Governor Hiram Johnson
(california) limited political power of the SOuthern Pacific railroad
Woodrow Wilson
(NJ)used executive leadership to win reforms designed to end New Jerseys widely denounced position as the mother of trusts
Robert M La Follette
Wisconsin under his leadership WIsconsin won approval of direct primaries, initiatives, referendrums, regulated railroads+ utilities, passed laws to regulate the workplace and provide compensation for laborers on the job, graduated taxes on inheritied fortunes, doubled levies on RR, said reform was not just responsibility of politicans but also newspapers, citizens, educational institutions, busisness,etc
Secret Ballot
reduced political party influence
“interest groups”
professional organizations, trade associations, industries, labor organizations, farm lobbies, social workers, settlement house movement, womens clubs,
Samuel Gompers aid people shouldnt rely on government
Union Labor Party
passed a child labor law, workmens compensation law, limitation on working hours for women`
Charles Francis Murphy
fused techniques of boss rule with concerns of social reform
Tammany Hall
used its political power on behalf of legislation to improve working conditions, protect child laborers
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
fire in factory people were trapped so a state commision evaluated conditions if workplace and issues a series of reports calling fro reforms with support of Senator RObert F. Wagner and Assemblyman Alfred E. Smith they steered through pioneering labor laws that imposed strict regulations on factory owners
Booker T. Washington
work for immediate self improvement rather than long range change(moderate)
W.E.B. Du Bois
wanted to eliminate prejudicie and race, wanted full university education, fight for civil rights(Radical)
Niagara Movement
led by W.E.B. du bois in canada a call for opposition to racial segregation
National Association of Colored People(NAACP)
du bois director led the drive for equal rights using as its principal weapon lawsuits in the federal courts
Guinn v. United States(1915)
grandafather clause unconstitutional denied vote to any citizen whose ancestors had not been enfranchised in 1860
Buchanon v. Worley(1917)
law requiring raciail segregation was struck down in louisville KY
Jessie Daniel Ames(white)
southern women opposed to lynching
Ida Wells Barnett
worked both on her own and with National assocaition of colored women and the womens convention of national baptisit church to try and discredit lynching and challenge segregation
Temperance movement
Wroking class wives and mothers-reform male behavior+improve womens lives
Employers-employees came late and drunk
Critics of Economic privildege-a sinister trust was the liquor industry
political reformers-saw it as urabn machines
Womens Christian Temperance Union(WCTU)
led by Frances Willard 1879 joined by the anti-saloon league began to press for a speccific legislative solution to the legal abolition of saloons , and prohibtion of sale and manufactures of alcohol
18th amendment
aboltion of alcohol not ratified by CT and RI january 1920
science of altering the reproductive proceses of plants and animals to produce bew hybrids/breeds it was an effort to grade races and groups according to genetic qualities funded by the Carnagie foundation
Madison Grant
wrote the Passsing of the Great Race nativist warned of the importance of protecting the anglo-saxon race
opponents of nativists
TR, employers, immigrants, political representatives but WWI helped block immigraton temporarily
socialist party
leader Eugene V. Debs advocates: urban immigrants, Protestant farmers in south and Midwest, Lincoln Steffens, Walter Lippmann, Florence Kelly, Frances Willard supported pacifism and labor organizing agreed on basic structural changes in the economy
Industrial Workers of The World( IWW) “Wobblies”
under leadership of Willam “BIg Bill” Hay… advoacted a single union for all workers and aboltion of the “wage Slave” system championed cause of unskilled workers it was shutdown by the govt after the timber strike
Louis D. Brandies
wrote Othe rPeoples Moeny it was about the “curse of bigness” said that large busisness were inefficient said gobt must regulate competition
Herbert Croly
19090 book the promise of American Life focused on the coordination of the industrail ecnomy
Theodore Roosevelt
Conservative-became presidentwhen William McKinley was assassinated champion of cautcious moderate change advoacted regualtion of trusts etc
Department of Commerce and Labor
1903 was to assist in the task through its instiagatory arm, the aBureau of corporations
1904 election
Roosevelt vs Alton B. Parker
“square Deal”
conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection
Hepburn Act
1906 sought to restore some regulatory authority to the govt satisfied few
Pure foods and Drug Act
restricted the sale of dangerous or ineffective medicines
Upton Sinclairs
book the Jungle 1906 descriebed meatpacking indusrty helped gain the meat act
Meat Inspection Act
helped eliminate many disseases once transmitted in impure meat
Gifford Pinchot
chief forester(conservative)
National Reclamation Act (Newlands Act)
provided federal funds fo the constuction of dams, reservoirs, canals in the wast
John Muir
leading perservationist founder of the Sierra club`
National park System
purpose to protect public land from any exploitation or develpopment
Hetch Hetchy Controversy
worried about finding water to serve population saw Hetch Hetchy as an idal place for a dam Muir opposed Pinchot approved of this dam with no regard to muir
Panic of 1907
blame roosevelts economic plan constucted a pool of the assets of several NY banks to prop up shaky financial institutions
William Howard Tf=aft
president in 1909 vs William Jennings Bryan
Payne-Aldrich Tariff
reduced tariff rates `
Children’s Bureau
to investigate welfare of the lives of children Julia Lathrop first chief of the burea
Louis Glavis
charged ballinger for corruption etc took the evidencet to Pinchot wh took the charges to the president taft said it was fine but Pinchot was not ahppy Glavis was fired and Pinchot was too for insubordinaion
President William Howard Taft disappointed many conservationists by the appointment of Richard Ballinger, a lawyer and former mayor of Seattle, to head the Department of the Interior in 1909. Ballinger was convinced that Theodore Roosevelt had improperly used his power to move large tracts of public lands into reserve status; the new secretary of the interior began the process of opening some tracts to commercial users.This issue became a national controversy when Louis Glavis, an Interior employee, charged that Ballinger had acted improperly by opening Alaskan coal fields to private mining interests. Glavis turned for support to Gifford Pinchot, the Chief Forester and longtime friend of Roosevelt. In the public eye, the matter became a struggle between Pinchot and Ballinger over the future of conservation; Glavis was soon forgotten.
Both Congress and the president conducted investigations and concluded that Ballinger had acted properly in the Alaskan coal matter. Pinchot was dismissed for insubordination, having criticized Ballinger openly and Taft indirectly. Pinchot had clearly violated administration rules by corresponding directly with a member of Congress, rather than going through his superior. The savvy forester realized that he would lose his job, but was pleased to have the opportunity to bring the conservation issue front and center.The Ballinger-Pinchot revealed deep fault lines in the Republican Party and finally ended the strained friendship between Taft and Roosevelt.
New Naionalism
roosevelt moved away from conservatism he supported graduated income, inheritence taxees, workers compensation for industrial accidents, regulation of labor of women and children, tariff revision, friemer regualtion of corporations advocated acceptin economic concentration and using government to regulate