Depression and New Deal Flashcards
economic boom after ww1 cause
aftermath of ww1
great industrial expansion
automobile industry
automibile indusrty
automobile indusrtry started assembly line helped the economic boom
also increased suburban housing demands
theory of modulation made radios possible by reginald Fessenden
car, radio, planes, radial energy, plastic,electronics,home apppliances, nylon, aluminium, magnesium, oil, electric power , phones,
howard aiiken, vannevar bush, helped make the computer
gregor mendel, thomas hunt etc helped understand genetics
administrative system (used for companies with consolidation)
created by alfred p sloan, it was an efficient divisional organization that made it easier to control the companies subsidies
cooperation/trade association
a national organization created by various members of an industry to encourage coordination in production and marketing techniques worked well in mass production areas where competition was already limited through consolidation
goal of new era
unrealized dream was to find a way to stabilize the economy that a collapse would never happen again
new era labor
poeple were increasing welath and purchasing power 2/3 were at or above “minim comfort zone”
Welfare Capitalism
ex. Henry Ford, trade unions within a company shortened wrok week, increased wages, but labor grievances werent able to behear helped bring economic benefits but no real help/ decision on their own fate they also only survived as long as the industry itself
American Federation of Labor
it stayed to only help skilled workers, although the fastest growing area in the work force was unskilled labor William Green became president in 1924frowned on strikes
no women/minorities
pink-collar jobs
low paying service occupations, ex secreatatries, salesclerks, telephone operators,etc AFL not interested in them
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters 1925
by A.PHilip Randolph union led by black he increades waged shortend hours, etc he enclisted union in battles for civili rigght for blacks
japanese immigrants
japanese immigrants american born children
took unskilled jobs etc but soem managed to escape and start busisnesss that were very skilled that us made laws to make it hard for them to buy/sell land`
large mexian barrios
raw urban communities of mexiancas they made a big majority of the unskilled workforce they found work in factories, shops, mines, faced hostility/discrimination no one actaully tried to exclude because they needed a work force
open shop
a shop in which no worked could be required to join a union
American plan
busting unions received the endorsement of National association of manufactures to help end unions courts also supported businesses
agricultural tecnologies
increased production but demand was not increasing so that left us with surpluses, decline in food prices, severe drop in farmers income, many lost ownership of their lands and had to rent instead from banks or other landlords
complicated fromula for setting up adequate price for farm good and ensuring that farmers would earn back at least their production costs champions of this uged high tariffs, and a govt comittement to buy surplus domesic crops at parity and sell them abroad
McNary-Haugen Bill
legislative epression of parity this bil approved aprity for grain, cootin, tobacco, and rice, coolidge vetoed it 2times
automobile effects
expanded geographical horizons, staple of urban leisure, new suburbs, transformed idea of vacations, emergence of a well developed and relatively independent youth culture
sought to identify products with a lifestyle, invest them with glamour, and prestige, and to persuade consumers that purchasing a commodity could be a persoanlly fulfullling and enriching experience
being absorbed into national chains and wire sevices were making it possible for independent newspapers to carry nationally syndicated material
new from of mass consumerism
motion picture association
new trade association hired will hays to head it gave hays power to review films and to ban anything likely to offend viewers(politicians)
also feared govt regulation and control so it monitored program content carefully and excluded controversial/provovactive material it was less centralized than filmmaking so not as monitored
evangelical Christianity
literl interpretation of the bible, belief in trinity, attribution of human traits to the deity and to accept a faith that would help individuals to live more fulfulling lives
Harry Emerson Fosdick
most infulential spokesman for liberal protetantism but new era americans paid lessattention to religion than their elders
ledy by john b watson benag to challenfe the long held assumption that women had an instincitve capacity of motherhood maternal affection was not efficiant and they needed more professional help to help children
companionate marriage
middle class wife shared increasingly in husbands social life, devoted attention to cosmentics, and clothing, not willing to let children get in the way of the marriage
margaret snager
pioneer of american birtch control movement
believed that large families were the cause of poverty
emma goldman
russian immigrnat and political radical who had agitated for birth contol before wwI
less respected becsause they smoke, drunk, danced, wore seductive clothing, and makeup, attened parties started the “flapper” lifestyle liberated lifestyl found expression in dress hair speech behavior etc seen a sindependent but in reality women were still bery dependent
National Womens Party
alice paul pressed on its campain to make the equal rights amendement propsed in 1923 organized the league of womens voters and the womens auxiliaries thesses femal dominated consumer groups grew rapidly and ncreases the range and energy of their efforts
Sheppard- Towner Act
provided federal funds to states to establish prenatal and child health care programs but it was oppsed alice paul said it classified all women as mothers, margaret snager said it discouraged the birth conrtol movement, and the American Medical Association said that it would intorcude untrained workers to the medial sector
wilsonian idealism
the restoration of business as a=usalu the growing emphasisis on materialism and consumerism
lost generation
rather than trying to influenece and reform their socieys they isolated themselves from it and embarked on a restless search for personal fulfillment
savage critics of modern society by a wide range or fwriters ex, H.L. Mencken ridiculed religion, politics, arts, demcoacry etc. sinclair lewis, F. Scott Fitzgerald
civilized life was not possible under a democracy because it was a from of govt that placed power into the hands of the common people
Harlem Renaissance
clebrated black life/culture in harlem NY famous pppl Langston HUghes(poet) Aarn douglas, zora neale husrton,
noble expirament
prohibition of the sale and manufacture of alcohol went into affect in 1920, reduced driking, but procuced conspicious and growing violations , it also started organized crim ex Al Capone gained suppport because of middle class progressives
opponents of prohibiton not until the great depression were they able to repeal the 18th amendment
emergency immigration act
established a quota system by which annual immigration from an country could not exceed 3 percent of the number of persons in that nationality wh had beenin the us in 1910
national orgins act of 1924
strngthened the emergency immigration act by banning immgration from asia japanesses being the princial target, also reduced the quota fro europeans from 3 perecent to 2 percentit it would also be based on the 1890 cencus becuase there had been fewer southern/eastern europeans then
ku klux klan
foceusd on blacks led by william j simmons after ww1 they focused more on catholics, jews, and foreigners indianan had been the lagest state membership because of the industrail cities treid to present themselves as repecttable and patriots and community leaderstheyfeared anyone who posed a threat on traditional values worked to enforce prohibtion and prokmoted traditional values the klan declined when its leaders got involved into bad scandals like david stepheson head of the Indiana klan raped a young secretary, kidnapped her, and watched her die rather than call her a doctor
urban middleclass people who had attempted to adapt religion to techniques of science etc
believed in traditional values direct wor of the bible rural men and women
American Civil LIberties Union
founded in 1920 by men and women alatrmed by the repressive legal and social cliamte of WWI and its aftermath
monkey trial
the trieal between the 2 with the evolution process being taught in school
Democratic National Convention
attempted to win approval of planks calling for the repeal of prohibition and a denunciation of the klan both planks failed but what was worse was urban democrats supported Alfred E smith(irish caatholic), and rural democrats supported William McAdoo Woodrow both withredw and they settled on John W. Davis who was easily defeated by calvin coolidge next election was herbet hoover v Al smith (democrat) couldnt unite his party becaus eof the anti catholic feeling
scandal of oil reserves at teapot dome, wyoming, and elk hills,]
at he urging of of albert B. Fall harding transferred control of those oil reserves from the navy department to the interior department fall then secretly leased them to wealthy business owners and received nearly half a million in “loans” he was convicted of bribery and sent to prsion for a year
caliv coolidge and harding
both very inactive in the role of government
Herbert Hoover
considered a notable progressive he cencouraged vlountary cooperation in the private sector believed that gove hould intervene and not be passive
concept that envisoned the creaton of national organizations of busisnessmen in particular industies hoover belived stabilize their industries and promote efficency in production and marketing
stock market boom
widespread speculativ efever grew more intense beause once brokerage firms began encouraging mania by recklessly offering easy credit
black tuesday
the day the market failed people believe that it was the cause of the great depression
causes of the great depression
lack of diversifiaction maldistribution of wealth domestic crediti structure-risky loans decline in trade-high tarifff international credit sturcture-evryone else is failing too
lack of diversification
if one sector failed everything faiiled which is what happened
maldistiribution of wealth
as a result decreased consumer demand which reduced the market
ill credit structure of the economy
faremers were deeply in debt, land mortgaged, crop pries too low, couldnt pay off banks failed and some large banks were making risky investments etc
americas position in international trade
european demand for goods declined because of tariffs couldnt afford to buy goods form overseas and europeans had no money to spend as they were in debt wbecause of ww1
international credit stucture
europeans were in debt tp the us and they were trying to pay off the debts but when the us couldnt loan money to germany etc germany couldnt pay france etc and france couldnt pay us etc. (one big vray circle of a mess)