Progressive Vocab Flashcards
A group of reformers who worked to improve social and political problems in the late 1800s.
The progressive movement
A period of time when American citizens brought light to the problems in society (ex. factory conditions and demanded gov’t change through public outrage.)
18th Amendment
(1919) a constitutional amendment that outlawed the production and sale of alcoholic beverages in the United States, repealed in 1933.
19th amendment
(1920) a constitutional amendment that gave women the right to vote.
21st amendment
(1933) an amendment to the constitution that ended Prohibition.
Pure Food and Drug Act
(1906) a law that set regulatory standards for industries involved in preparing food.
Women’s Suffrage Movement
led by various women, when women demanded the right to vote which was granted with the 19th Amendment.
A progressive Must Posses the following 3 things-
1- Want to make a change and believe in your mind you can
2- Have a platform- have a way to get your ideas to the masses (author, actor, photographer, newspaper or news source connections)
3- Have a big Heart- you are dedication your efforts to helping others
Jacob Riis
Talent-journalist, photographer, American newspaper reporter.
Exposed-the slum conditions in New York City.
Upton Sinclair
Talent- American novelist, author, writer, newspaper reporter
Exposed- The unsanitary conditions in the meat-packing industry.
Ida Tarbell
Talent- journalist, and author
Exposed- corrupt practices used by the Standard Oil Company to make it a monopoly.
Theodore Roosevelt (keep to workplace issues and big business NOT international affairs)
Talent- author, statesman, soldier, and naturalist
Exposed- monopolies for controlling prices and preventing competition ,, poor working conditions, and trust-busting.
Jane Addams
Talent- pioneer social worker.
Exposed- poor people/ immigrants that lived in the slums
Booker T. Washington
Talent- educator
Exposed or Helped- discrimination, and segregation. He exposed the government’s harsh ways of thinking about education and how it shaped the lives of people like African Americans.
Lincoln Steffens
Talent- journalist, philosopher
Exposed-corruption of politicians by businessmen seeking special privileges.