Progressive Era Presidents and their Amsi Flashcards
name all the progressive presidents in order
William McKinley (not but in era) ?
Theodore Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Woodrow Wilson ?
give the start and end of each presidents term
WM: 1897-1901
TR: 1901-1909
WT: 1909-1913
WW: 1913-1921
name all of BH’s main policies, year what they mean
McKinley Tariff 1890 (imposed historic protective trade rates)
Sherman Anti-Trust Act 1890 (makes trusts illegal so no one can monopolise the market)
Sherman Silver Purchase Act 1890 (gov buys 4.5mil oz of silver monthly to use as coinage)
give GC’s main policies/ events and years
repeals Silver Purchase Act
1894 Pullman Strike
1895 Sherman Anti-Trust Act ruled unconstitutional by Congress
Plessy v Ferguson (courts rule separate but equal for AA)
British Venezuela border dispute
give McKinleys main policies and years
- Dingley Tariff Act 1897 (tariffs higher than ever)
- 1899 PROGRESSIVE ERA STARTS and Currency Act (commits to gold standard)
give Roosevelt’s main policies events and years
1902 Anthracite Coal Strike
1903 Department of Labour and Commerce Act (inc business regulation)
and support Panama’s revolt for Panama Canal
1906 Hepburn Act (gov sets max rates for railway companies)
1907 Great White Fleet/ Tour de Force
1908 Root Takahira agreement
give Taft’s main policies/ events and years
1909 Payne Aldrich Act (ineffectual in lowering tariffs) and NAACP formed
1911 Standard Oil Co broken by SATA
give Wilson’s main policies events and years
-1913 Federal Reserve Act (more gov control of banks)
-1914Clayton Anti Trust Act (empowers SATA) and WW1 starts
1916- Federal Child Labour Act (limits hours) and Workmen’s Compensation Act (benefits)
-1917 Espionage Act due to Zimmerman telegram, Black Tom’s Munitions and sub warfare
-1919 18th Amendment prohibition and Sedition Act (empowers espionage act)
-1920 19th amendment women vote
overall what were McKinleys main aims and was he progressive
- administration full of wealthy men so business friendly policies helped corporations
- very laissez-faire and isolationist, supported big business (eg Dingley Tariff)
overall what was Roosevelt’s main aims and was he progressive
- very conservationist (5 national parks)
- after 1906 he attacked big business and proposed welfare state supported labour unions
- very popular and used presidential power forcefully unlike others (Anthracite Coal Strike)
- economic and social reform but not very Progressive?
overall what was Taft’s main aims and was he progressive
Taft was progressive to a point but not the most as he doesn’t challenge congress and lives by law; doesn’t do much for women, children or minorities
overall what were Wilson’s aims and were they progressive ?
what happened in the anthracite coal strike 1902
Roosevelt told employers to arbitrate with workers who wanted better pay and 8 hour work day or he’d send troops into mines ; settler for raises and 9 hour wd but employers just put up prices to compensate for raises; R popular with w/c
what was Roosevelt’s conservation policy
- put 150 million acres of forest onto fed reserves
- 1908 organised National Conservation Conference
- 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act (fed meat inspections)
give 3 economic things Taft did
- 80 SATA suits (double Roosevelt’s )
- allowed Interstate Commission to set railroad rates
- Payne Aldrich Act
give 2 social things Taft did
- 8 hour work day gov employees
- safety mine legislation
how did Taft split the republican party
more conservative than Roosevelt who expected him to veto Payne Aldrich Act and failed to handle the conservative-progressive divisions in the party by firing conservationist Roosevelt appointed
how did wilson manage to pass progressive reforms
- he had majority vote off public
- support of democrats and progressive republicans ; HoR and Senate were in democratic control
- willing to work with congress