Progression of Natural Resource Policy Act (NEPA) Flashcards
Define the Tragedy of the Commons
a situation in which individuals with access to a public resource (also called a common) act in their interest and, in doing so, ultimately deplete the resource.
What is the Laissez-faire forestry?
Costa Rica’s Land Use Policies:
Laissez-faire forestry is a policy of minimum governmental interference in the economic affairs of individuals and society.
Created a wasteful mentality.
Cleared and more valuable.
Trees = enemies
What is the Interventionist forestry regime?
Costa Rica’s Land Use Policies:
National Park system was created.
Punishment for deforestation- reward for reforesting
What is the hybrid regime used in Costa Rica in the 1990s?
Decentralization (lessening the distance between policymakers and their targets.
Environmental service payments (PSAs or ESPs)
What is the Era of Abundance
Settlement of the West
Important Acts in the Settlement of Western North America
Era of Abundance: What Act was passed in 1783
The 1783 Treaty of Paris with Great Britain defined the original borders of the United States. It generally stretched from the Eastern Seaboard to the Mississippi River in the west.
Era of Abundance: What Act was passed in 1803
Louisiana Purchase
Era of Abundance: What Act was passed in 1845
Texas Annexation
Era of Abundance: What Act was passed in 1818
Oregon Treaty
Era of Abundance: What Act was passed in 1853
Gadsden Purchase
Era of Abundance: What Act was passed in 1867
Alaska Purchase from Russian Empire
Era of Abundance: What Act was passed in 1959
Admission of Hawaii Act
What is the Era of Exploitation
Beginning to see the decline of those sources that were overexploited.
* Ex: beavers and bison
Homestead Act of 1862
What is the Era of Protection/Preservation/Conservation
The ideals and arguments between John Muir and Teddy Roosevelt.
* Roosevelt argued for conservation.
* Muir argued for naturalization.
Era of Protection: What Act was passed in 1872
Yellowstone as National Park
Era of Protection: What Act was passed in 1890
Yosemite as a National Park
Era of Protection: What Act was passed in 1891
Forest Reserve Act
Era of Protection: What Act was passed in 1892
Sierra Club was founded
Era of Protection: What Act was passed in 1901-1909
Theodore Roosevelt was president
Era of Protection: What Act was passed in 1903
Pelican Island is the 1st National Wildlife Refuge
Era of Protection: What Act was passed in 1916
The US National Park System is instated
What is the Era of Management
Era of Management: What Act was passed in 1934
Taylor Grazing Act
Era of Protection: What Act was passed in 1935
Soil Conservation Service
Era of Protection: What Act was passed in 1940
The US Fish and Wildlife Service is instated
What is the Era of Environmentalism
Lots of environmental legislation:
* Examples: Clean Air, Clean Water, Coastal Zone Management, Endangered Species, Soil and Water Resources Conservation, Public Rangeland Improvement Act, and Wilderness Act.
Era of Environmentalism: What Act was passed in 1960
Multiple-Use Sustained Yield Act
Era of Environmentalism: What Act was passed in 1962
Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring and the banning of DTT
Era of Environmentalism: What Act was passed in 1969
Era of Environmentalism: What Act was passed in 1970
Earth Day
What is the Era of Global Environmentalism
Precautionary principle
Global context/climate change