Programming Flashcards
Gross floor area (for programming)
Measured from the outside face of exterior walls
Gross floor area ( for code)
Measured to the inside face of exterior walls
Rentable floor area
Excludes elevators/stairs
Usable floor area
Excludes elevators, stairs, lobbies, lavatories
Net floor area
Excludes elevators, stairs, lobbus, lavatories, corridors
Catchment areas
Stormwater runoff- the region from which rainfall flows into a stream, culvert, catch basin, or roof drain
The region from which residents are expected to visit your building
Where is the most effective location for an outdoor noise barrier?
As near as possible to the source or the receiver - least effective is halfway between
What is a population pyramid?
“Ideal” structural parti for seismic design
Inform loading of structural elements (stress connections from non- inform loading - for instance, cantilevers - are weak points in an earthquake)
Low, wide buildings (prevents overturning)
Equal floor heights (means fewer stress connections)
Symmetrical plan shape (minimizes torsion / twisting)
Shear walls or bracing at the perimeter (more efficient at resisting torsion/ twisting than shear walls in the core )
Short spans ( less stress on members and more columns provide redundancy if some are lost in an earthquake)
Minimize openings in floors and roots (more efficient diaphragms)
Exterior shear walls continuously from post to foundation
The problem with re-entrant corners in earthquakes
Ré-entrant corners - interior corners
Each portion of the building twists out of phase with the other
Solutions for the re-entrant corner problem in seismic design
Separation (expansion joints), strengthening(reinforcing), or stiff wall elements (shear walls)
Irregularly-loaded buildings and seismic failure
Soft story problem-tall first story with slender columns and not much lateral bracing- most common and causes the most death and destruction
Weight irregularity - more weight in the top floor
Shear wal doesn’t extend full height of the building
Shear wall not continuous over full height of the building
One story weaker than the others
Jutting building elevations
Irregularly-shaped buildings and seismic failure
Irregularly shaped buildings are less efficient, and there fore in need of extra care (bracing, itc)
Torsional irregularity, ré-entrant corners I diaphragm eccentricity(atriums), non-parallel lateral force- resisting system.’ out-of-plane offsets
When the shear wall is overly - perforated with apertures or doesn’t continue uninterrupted all the way from roof to foundation :
It fails to bestow the benefit of a shear wall. it I no longer protects the building from failure under a lateral load like an earthquake
Can foundations bear on loam?
Yes, loam can support a building: it is a combination of sand, silt and clay.
Gravel, clay, silt, sand are okay - rock (bedrock, limestone, sandstone) is great for supporting foundations of heavy buildings
Organic soil and peat (dark brown a black and easily compressible) are not competent soils.
What is the difference between a phase I and phase II Environmental site assessment (esa)?
A phase II ESA is more thorough than a phase I ESA
Phase I- includes site inspection by an environmental professional, a historical records review of the property, and interviews with owners, occupants, neighbors, and local government officials, it a phase I ESA turns up a recognized environmental concern (rec) then the environmental professionals conducting it will recommend a phase II environmental site assessment (esa)
Phase II - 15 invasive, involves sall testing, groundwater sample testing and testing of building materials
ESA is an established standard for a before you- purchase land environmental due diligence, and is used by the buyer and lender to assess risk and protect from future litigation - IF do you an ESA and it’s clear, but later toxins are found, you are protected from liability
Building foundations should rest on__
shallow soils intemperate climates (less than 2 feet deep)
Peat and topsoil are organic, so they are temperate and cold climates, foundations should rest below the frost line, typically more than 2 feet deep, sand may not seem stable, but it is ‘
Can you build on a floodplain?
Generally, new or substantially renovated buildings must be built so that your lowest floor sits above base flood elevation (bfe) - can be on piles, crawlspace or on fill - IF you build on a floodplain, the Feds may require you to purchase flood insurance (which can be hard to get)
Most municipalities will allow you to build within the 100 - year floodplain but some disallow the 25-year floodplain
25 year means I in 25 chance it floods this year
What is the building efficiencies ratio of an office building with 100,000 sf, given that 20,000 sf is dedicated to elevators, physical plant equipment, restrooms, hallways, lobby, and the building management office?
The leasable space, divided by the total space = the building efficiency ratio
What is net present value?
A technique in life - cycle cost analysis - allows you to compare the total cost of the two system chase because the cost of installation plus the operation of each choice is translated into today’s dollars. it accounts for inflation, it accounts for compound interest, and accounts for maintenance cost and now long each chase is expected to last before you need a replacement
Phase I Environmental site assessment
Offer required in commercial real estate before a bank loans money to develop a site, environmental engineers will attempt to determine if there is asbestos, lead paint, contaminated soil, etc.
Phase I is a cursory evaluation, involving a walk-through, interviews with occupants, inspections of adjoining properties and review o government records pertaining to the site
A STM E 1903
Phase II Environmental site assessment
A more in-depth analysis often required IF phase I turns up a red flag - soil samples are taken or pipe insulation samples are taken to a lab etc.
Ashrae 55
Thermal comfort
Cited in LEED, this establishes ranges for temperature, humidity, airspeed, and thermal radiation as it relates to the clothing and activity of the occupants. It’s easier to achieve low energy use IF you allow the building to get too warm or too cold, so requiring that it meets AShrae 55 keeps the energy modeler honest
Ashrae 62
Ventilation and indoor Air quality (iaq)
Also cited in LEED - establishes just how “fresh” air must be, establishes required outside air ventilation rates, etc.
Ashrae 90.1
Energy and lighting
Also cited in LEED, this checks greenwashing by owners, architects, and energy consultants- it establishes minimum performance for energy use intensity (EUi) which measures annual kbtus - used per square foot of floor area
Historic preservation and sustainability
The Department of Interior (National Park service)
Begin with the least invasive, most cost-effective, weatherization measures, address air tightness before adding insulation, insulate unfinished spaces (attics, basements, crawl spaces) first, then only it the energy model deems it necessary should you remove historic plaster and trim in finished spaces to insulate there . Weather stripping and caulking windows is acceptable, as is installing storm windows. Don’t remove a historic, durable heart pine floor and replace it with bamboo because it seems to be sustainable. Use solar only when other less- intrusive options have been exhausted.
When upgrading heating and coding, use the least invasive strategies first: smart, programmable thermostats and ductless HVAC (systems that use refrigerant or water pipes instead of ducts, don’t put outdoor equipment where it can he seen, - geothermal is good - capture rainwater. Retain roofs character
What do you need to consider when adding a new exterior addition to a historic building?
Only do this ‘ IF the current interior space cannot accommodate the new functions. New addition should compliment but be different from the historic building. Make it so it can be removed in the future without destroying the historic building
Standards for preservation
1) use the property to maximize the retention of distinctive features
2) retain the historic character
3) recognize the property as a physical record of its time
4) preserve past renovations that have acquired historic significance in their own right
5) repair historic features so that the new material, color, texture, and design match the old
6) preserve archaeological resources in place
How do you repair masonry walls in historic structures?
Repair and replace only the deteriorated masonry; don’t replace the whole wall,
Match the brick or stone that was removed
Don’t clean old masonry unless necessary and then only clean it gently - cleaning can damage it
Report mortar joints only with evidence of deterioration, cracks, or loose bricks - match mortar strength - old mortar was lime based and softer (type o) - don’t use high Portland cement, too hard
Detention ponds
Hold stormwater for a while, then slowly drains out. - dry between storms, control flooding, require large amounts of space, can breed mosquitoes
Retention ponds
Holds stormwater and are always wet. They look like regular ponds, control flooding and promote e higher water quality because the soil below filters out pollutants. Can breed mosquitoes, can be swam in.
Vegetated or mulched channels that convey stormwater away slowly enough to allow for water to seep into the soil which removes pollutants before recharging groundwater, more ecologically thoughtful than a detention pond
Bio retention pond - similar but wet
Under ground temporary storage container for roof or pavement runoff. No extra space required and no mosquitos - may be constructed of an array of large pipes - most medium plus sized project require on-site stormwater management
Cut and fill
Bank measure- earth in its natural state
Loose-measure - earth in transport
Compacted - measure _ loose soil once its compacted
Shrink and swell factor - change in volume of earth, expressed as a percentage, as compared to the volume of earth in its natural “bank” state.
Compacted cubic yards = (100 % - + shrink /swell % )x bank cubic yards
Loose cubic yards = ( 100 % + swell% )x bank cubic yards
Solar geometry
If you want year round PV use, set your roof angle to match the latitude
If you want to optimize for summer-subtract 15 from latitude
If you want t o optimize for summer add 15 to latitude
Total solar shift from latitude is 23.5, so + - 15 in either direction
Which is a better choice for a rural site with a geothermal heat pump, trenches or wells?
Horizontal trenches - when you have land, this is the best option ( 3’ underground ) vs 100’s of feet underground for vertical wells
Geothermal heat pump uses ground to heat or cool the water to condition the house - summer ground is coder than air - winter ground is warmer than air (closed loop systems)
Zoning requirements
Always follow the most restrictive rules
Things zoning can impact:
Building heights
Set-back distances
Parking space numbers
What occupancy or program is allowed (and adjacencies)
How you handle water runoff
Building sign restrictions
What are form- based codes?
Local zoning codes that shift from traditional regulating building use to an emphasis on regulating urban form. May include mandates for street trees, sidewalks, front porches, back alleys, and public spaces may have you hide dumpsters, parking lots - may dictate materiality
Meant to encourage walkability (New urbanism movement)
Covenant vs easement
Both are contractual obligations that stick to the deed of the land regardless of owner transferneither . Is mandated by municipality, but is agreed upon by interested parties
Easements - give someone else access/the right to your property - could be shared driveway, utilities etc.,
Covenants - restrict what future owners can do on the property - planned communities have hundreds of covenants like fence heights, materiality etc. - generally “negative” / restrictive
Conservation easement _ combines the two
What is the authority having jurisdiction (ahj) ?
The entity responsible for enforcing code - they usually are important For life safety (fire) code - will provide inspections
Single loaded corridors vs double loaded corridors
Single-loaded - offer opportunity for daylight in circulation areas and can allow cross-ventilation
Double-loaded - allow for larger floor plates and more efficiency
Horizontal vs vertical louvers
Design horizontal for south facing apertures where the sun is high in the sky
Design vertical lowers for east-and-west facing apertures where the sun may be low at sunrise or sunset
North doesn’t need lowers
Overhangs vs Louvers
Louvers are less impactful on the architecture and structure
Lots of small pieces vs a large jutting piece
What do we use climate zones for?
Energy and thermal comfort rules of-thumb
Insulation, low-e windows, vapor barriers, trombone walls, heat pump, heating load
Should the open lake/ field I clearing be on the north or south side of your building?
Depends on the climate -
cold climates want less shade and more sun - north side of clearing
Hot climates want more shade and less sun - south side of clearing (shade from trees)
How should you locate and orient your buildings relative to wind on the site?
Cold-block wind ‘so shelter in the “wind shadow” of other obstructions like other buildings, trees or walls - use unseated rooms like garages to buffer you from the wind
Hot-humid - be free of any wind shadow - orient long axis perpendicular to wind to provide access for breezes and cross ventilation
Where do you locate your building on a hill?
Hot - arid- bottom/in valley
Cold climate - bottom of hill
Temperate climate - mid Hill
Warm-humid- top of hill (windiest)
Cold air pools in the valley _ top of hill is windier
What climate benefits from air movement (breezes )? What climate benefits from evaporation?
Buildings in hot-humid climates benefit from breezes, but hot-arid climates do not
Buildings in hot-arid climates benefit from evaporation (evaporative cooling tower, swamp cooler, water features, spraying water ) but buildings in hot-humid climates do not
Express this slope
25’ up, 100’ over
Fraction _ 1/4
Ratio - 1:4
Percentage - 25% - if slope is steeper than 45°, the slope is more than 100 %
Angle - 14° ( use SOH CAH TOA )
Balancing ADA and historical relevance
1 review historical significance in National registry for historic places - use this to prioritize character- defining features and spaces to protect from change
2 - assess existing (. and required) level of accessibility. Look for inaccessible entrances, floor textures, walkway widths, elevators, toilets, doors, and grade charges
3- “provide the greatest amount of accessibility without threatening or destroying the materials and features that make the property significant”
In a historic preservation setting, list the most important accessibility requirements
1 - main public entrance and primary public spaces access ability
2- restroom accessibility
3 - secondary space accessibility
How do you resolve a conflict between historical preservation and the outdoor building site ( because cobblestone paths are hard for wheelchairs?)
Provide short distances between arrival and destination point’s
Provide convenient parking
Paths that are at least 3’ wide with slopes less than 1:20
Stable, firm, slip-resistant outdoor surfaces (this may require resetting the paving surfaces)
Accessible ramps at entrances to historic buildings
Focus on materials - don’t make it cheap and have it blend in - provide wheelchair lifts and stair lifts - easy to remove in the future (important)
Make new main entrance it no other options
Make sure 32” clear at doors ( 36” doors) - install automatic door openers and new hinges
Add bevel to each side of threshold if its historically significant
Accessibility and historic interiors
. Door knobs - need levers - doors can be propped open it door knobs are to remain
Restrooms with historic fixtures or marble partitions pose conflict-relocate partition for larger stalls - add grab-bars, shift fixture height, protect under sink pipe s- create new unisex restroom IF preservation supersedes
New addition can provide entrance, restrooms, elevator etc it it looks appropriate and can be removed in the future
Mountains and repairs historic existing materials
Alters or adds to meet today’s needs
Depicts a property at a particular period of time, removing evidence of other periods
Recreates non-surviving portions of a property
Steepest slope for planted areas
2:1 (50% slope)
Run: rise in architecture
Rarely anything steeper than 45%
3:1 =33%
Steepest slope for parking lots
5% maximum (1% minimum for runoff)
Road hierarchy
From smallest to largest
Local - collector - arterial - expressway
What is a rough order of magnitude (ROM) cost estimate?
An early stage very approximate cost estimate focused on feasibility that can be considered accurate to something +-50 %
Common development patterns
Grid/rectangular I chessboard _ like midtown New York
Radial /star - major roads fan out from a central point-like Washington DC
Radial -Ring - concentric circles of bypass roads established to divert traffic around the dense center each time the city grows in girth, like Houston on Dallas
Contour-forming - in steep terrain, roads follow lines of elevation, like rural mountain roads
Irregular / field - roads every which way, most associated with organic (not centrally- planned) city growth, like Boston
Satellite - smaller cities linked to a central megacity, like shanghai
Most development happens as a mixture of these
What happens IF you have a high water table on your site?
Foundation footings and basement slabs should sit above the water table (soil depth where wet all year)
We may need to use a shallow footing (below frost line) or mound up the earth below the building
Or for large buildings- use piles, piling, piers, or caissons which can be drilled or driven below the water table
Can you build in a riparian zone?
Not usually, but it depends on local zoning and if the bank will loan your client money to build where it will likely flood
Riparian zones - the buffer areas adjacent to a water body. They are sometimes wet (after a rain or at high tide ) and sometimes dry; often heavily vegetated;and important for flood and erosion control, wildlife habitat, and water quality. They are especially important in dry climates where the stream banks are the only places with enough water to support trees,and heavy rains pose a considerable erosion/mudslide threat without the vegetation to shore up the banks
What are catch basins?
The box below an outdoor drain (what leads usually to storm sewer)
You are stumped on a question in PA - what design phase do you pick?
Schematic design - always pick the descent phase that correlates with the division you are taking
PA = schematic design
PPD = Design development
Pdd= construction documents
CE = construction administration
What is the minimum slope for swales to prevent standing water?
1% - 1/100 minimum slope to prevent standing water
2% - maximum cross slope for ADA walkways (1 / 48)
5% - maximum slope before accessible ramps are required (1/20)
Required land slopes
1:100 - 1%- 0.5° - min to provide stormwater runoff / min of parking lot
1:48 - 2% - 1° - max ADA cross- slope
1:20 - 5% - 3° - max before ADA ramp is required / max of parking lot
1:12 - 8% - 5° - max ADA ramp slope ( not including 5’ landings at top and bottom of every max 30’ long segment )
1:10 - 10% - 6° - max before step footing required
1:4 - 25% - 14° - max for driveway
1:1 - 100 % - 45° - max for a green roof
Very steep site - post-and- beam / pole foundation required
What do you do IF your land is too flat to drain?
Create low points and install storm drains (into catch busins) - prevents flooding, damage, mosquitoes, pooling
Use curbs IF slope is too great to direct water
What is universal design?
The theoretical framework behind ADA - the idea that buildings should be able to be used by all people, regardless of disability, age, or size - accessibility is not a design constraint for the benefit of a small minority, but rather universal design is good design.
What causes light pollution?
Uplights, unshielded light without cut-offs (blinders), well Iit light colored ground surfaces that reflect downward facing light back up to the nightsky
From a programming point of view, what makes a building more efficient?
Mass in relation to climate, daylight availability. (Electric lighting isn’t needed) summertime shading, central mechanical systems are more efficient than in-room systems (one fan and compressor for multiple zones ), sharing heat from core to perimeter (variable refrigerant systems ), on-demand hot water heating (so hot water isn’t being stored), radiant hydronic heating and cooling systems, small openings in cold and hot - arid climates, large openings in hot-humid climates and southern glass and thermal mass (cold sunny climates)
Venturi effect
Wind flows last through breezeways and narrow openings. This relationship, between the speed of a fluid (like air ) and its pressure, is also called the Bernoulli principle
What is the most efficient parking lot layout?
One-way traffic angled parking offers the most parking spaces on a given site because of the narrower aisles (narrow one-way aisles don’t really work in. 90° stalls because there isn’t enough room to turn)
But sometimes 90° is more efficient
Exam answer- 75° angled parking, one-way aisles
Handicap parking - easy access to the building, connected by an accessible route, percentage of accessible is in 1106.1 in IBC
Minimum drainage 1% asphalt, 0.5% concrete
Best location - shallow - sloped topography near the building
Spaces-check zoning ordinance
Address erosion on steep slopes
Install perforated pipes, or catch basins and draws to redirect the water down the hill to daylight
How many accessible entrances are required?
50% of public entrances must be accessible
Card 9 9
Where on the site do you locate the building?
Not where the water table IS high
When do we compact the soil?
When construction activities disturb the soil
When the full is used as fill
Beneath footings, slabs, basement floors, driveways, sidewalks
How far apart are boring holes drilled on a site?
At a min- at corners of site and one in the middle
What is “historical cost” ?
The same as what you paid when you bought it
What is the “unit- in-place” method to valuation?
Worth what it would cost to replace it (new) IF it disappeared tomorrow
What is , sales comparison ( market approach) to valuing a property?
Worth what similar buildings sold for recently- similar location, style, size
Income approach to valuation (also called income capitalization or residual income method)
Includes the anticipation of future benefits (future rents as income)
Mechanically stabilized earth
Geomesh interlayered with earth to create strength
Early-stage cost estimating technique
Rough order of magnitude cost estimate (might be off by as much us 200 %)
“Napkin estimate” before design to determine feasibility - used in pre-design and programming
Contaminate soil remediation - when to use soil solidification / stabilization ?
To address inorganic and radioactive pollutants like toxic heavy metals, pesticides, and fertilizers. Mixes a soil binder with on-site dirt to make the soil more solid and stable
Polluted soil remediation: when do we use soil washing / soil flushing?
When the soil is contaminated by inorganic materials (toxic metals)
Soil flushing - inject water into the soil - includes additives that help with contaminant solubility - then flushed out of the soil down - to the ground water and the ground water is extracted and treated at the surface
Soil washing - excavate soil and Wash off contaminants and then return the soil to the hole
Soil remediation: when do we use soil vapor extraction?
Soils contaminated by fuels and underground vocs (but not useful for much else)
Wells dug into the soil pull contaminated vapor out with vacuum suction where it is filtered with activated carbon at the surface
Contaminated soils: when do we use bioremediation?:
Can be used for vOcs, fuels, inorganic (toxic metals), und explosives
We inject helpful microbes into the soil that “eat” the contaminant, rendering it less harmful or inert altogether
Which remediation options can’t pull contaminants from below the water table?
Vapor extraction
What does a vertical crack in a concrete foundation mean? A diagonal crack? A horizontal crack?
Vertical crack - not typically serious - caused by shrinkage as the concrete cures. May be, several hairline cracks - may have to be sealed to prevent leaks
Diagonal cracks _ often a problem. Caused by differential settlement
Horizontal crack - big problem, caused by shear failure. What is shear failure? The foundation wall is no longer supported the foundation is no longer sitting on the footing)
Stair step crack in masonry: same as diagonal crack-caused by differential settlement
Soil treatments to remediate a brownfield
Soil rinsing
Soil washing
Vapor extraction
Incineration - controlled burning of contaminated soil or solids to make them safe (on or off site)
Solvent extraction: like soil washing but solvents used with water
Dechlorination - chemical treatment used to remove chlorine atoms and detoxify chemicals in the soil
Photo remediation - vegetation planted to patiently absorb contaminants (takes time)
Air sparging- air injected into soil the to and the vapor extraction process
Passive treatment wells -groundwater is contaminated - intentionally insert barrier to aquifer to purify
When does a project trigger an ADA compliance requirement?
New buildings IF they are public or are commercial spaces that need to be accessible
renovated existing non-compliant IF a primary function is part of the alteration, if making the room accessible will exceed 20%. Of the total alterations, considered, disproportionate, and accessibility related spending is capped at 20% provided the alterations are prioritized
In which project are space efficiency most important?
In which projects are energy efficiency most important?
Buildings built to be rented require space efficiency - more rentable space = more profit
Owners planning to occupy a building themselves look for more energy efficiency
What is required for crime prevention through environmental design (cpted)?
Design so activities in public spaces are easily observed by others (see-thru fences)
Involve the community
Effective lighting
Traffic-calming measures to reduce the fun of joyriding
Anticipated escape routes
Locate evidence of formal and informal surveillance
Defensible space design has 3 tenets: territory, access, and surveillance. What do they mean?
Territory: define the boundaries of public and private space - the idea IS that if your front yard is clearly demarcated , criminals won’t hang out on the sidewalk next to it
Access-narrow streets with s-curves, one way streets, and turn restrictions - also security fencing and gates “ target hardening”
Surveillance - windows, doors, and porches facing the street ( W/ lighting and cameras)
What do retailers want from a site?
Traffic, access, visual cues that ample parking is near the front door
Design charettes
Held in pre-design/ programming - bring stakeholders In to flush out final program requirements
What is adaptive use?
Rehabilitation _ ex. Turning an dd train station into a market
Best answers soil remediation
On-site (cheaper)
Vapor extraction - above water table only
Soil washing
Now many square feet in an acre?
45,560 = 66 X 660
7-11 rule
4 + 3 =7 ) 5 + 6 =11
What is “loamy soil “
Approximately equal parts sand, tile and clay - plants do well because it holds moisture, drains well, and allows air to reach roots
From fastest to slowest- soil remediation
Offsite soil washing (not cost effective)
Capped site - when we won’t be penetrating site (difficult todo) but could be a parking lot
Onsite soil washing - fastest for large sites - expensive and only addresses certain types of contaminants in certain soil types
Bioremediation - takes longer but is cheaper
Vapor extraction - same time as bioremediation - less expensive
phytoremediation - plants - takes years
Soil liquefaction
Like quick sand
Can happen in earthquakes
Otherwise happens in water saturated, lose, sandy soil
When are walkability and public transportation not the right answer?
When designing a gas station adjacent to an interstate in a rural area
When in doubt-assume we live in a world with street trees, fewer parking lots, more sidewalks, more eyes on the street, less air pollution ‘less vehicular traffic, more bikes etc.
Shopping centers access and visibility
Can you build a parking lot below base flood elevation?
Yes - just don’t build buildings or underground parking garages
Where do I locate the well relative to the livestock yard, septic tank, and buried fuel tank to avoid contaminating my drinking water?
On the hill above them
A boring report suggests that the soil has very high plasticity- should you build there?
No - high plasticity means lots of clay and day swells when it gets wet, heaving the foundation
Why would you want to officially designate your building a historic landmark?
Access to grants, tax incentives, assistance with preservation, boost tourism, protect something you think is ethically worth protecting
In what kind of soil is a benched excavation appropriate?
Cohesive soil (lots - of clay to keep it in place)
Bentonite vs EPDM
Bentonite clay - comes in medium-sized sheets that swell when they get wet - they are self healing. They deteriorate when exposed to UV
EPDM membrane - often associated with roofs - UV resistant foundation membranes that come in rolls of sheet - they are not self healing, requiring careful treatment at the seams but are fully- adhered to the concrete ‘better leak protection - higher cost
Bashed vs solid lines on topo:
Dashed - delineate existing conditions (sometimes intermediate topo, utilities, boundaries)
Sold-delineates proposed condition
Don’t build a structure on them-may get destroyed
Show on Alta survey
Gross-up factor
4000 sf usable
5000 sf rentable
6000 sf gross
Rentable / usable
5000 / 4000 = 1.25
The tenant pays for 25% of the common area
Neighborhood conservation overlay (nco) district
A zoning layer on top of the base zoning map that protects some unique feature of a residential neighborhood like “pastel colors on all front doors” - neighborhood works with the city, creates its own neighborhood conservation overlay rules, and once adopted, the city helps property owners adhere to those rules
Can an owner purchasing a property use a 5 year old ESA phase I from the previous owner?
No they have to get their own
Should do phase I even IF you think you’L need phase II - liability protection - phase I acts as a record of previous owner/ conditions
Active floodplain
The river might flood to that level in this. year’s heaviest rainfall event, and and one would be surprised - don’t build here
Regulatory floodplain
We have to build above this level. 1in100 chance I’ll flood In next 12 months (hundred-year floodplain)
Geologic floodplain
In some past event, it flooded to this level - no longer worry because It’s a 1 in 100,000 chance
List the strategies for handling a brownfield site in general order of increasing cost and decreasing liability
1) do nothing
2) administrative or institutional controls
3) engineering controls
4) on-site remedial action
5) off-site disposal or treatment
Demising wall vs. Party wall
Same - separate 2 different tenants (must be fire-rated typically) - STC 50 min per IBC
Mechanical equipment in a flood zone
Must be above flood elevation
Assignable area
Like net area-just offices used and nothing else -no lobbies, elevators, shared corridors, private corridors
You are designing a multi-family housing project, what document or ruIe tells you how many accessible units you need to have?
The fair housing act
An architect is designing an un- air conditioned building in a not-humid climate and would like to minimize energy use what should be prioritized?
Large operable windows, shade, sprawling building form
Hot-humid climate
Use large openings for breezes, long east-west dimension, orientation to breezes, tall ceilings, ceiling fans, sprawling building form, the top of a hill and south of a pond - vapor control layer on outside (warm side) of insulation. Very long and thin in plan in the east- west dimension (one room wide promotes breezes).
Hot - arid climate
Use thermal mass, shade, small windows, thick walls, water features, courtyards, low-e windows the bottom of a valley and the south of a pond are the best locations to build fairly compact in plan, but a but longer in the east-west dimension
Temperate climate
Use long east-west dimension, insulation, south-facing windows, buffers for winter winds, minimize north face of the building and maximize south face of the building , 3/4 of the way up the hill is best. Somewhat long and then in the east-west dimension
Cold climate
Compact building form to minimize heat loss (a little longer in east- west dimension) ‘ insulation, low-e value windows, air-tightness, plant evergreen trees on the windy side as buffer, 1/4 of the way up a hill and the north side of a pond are the best sites - Vapor control layer on the inside (warm side) of the insulation. Compact form, but slightly longer in the e-w dimension
Single unit rate (sur) estimating
Used for early cost estimates during programming or pre-design. Take a single punt (square footage) and use only that to come up with a $ amount.
Capping a site
A parking lot on a capped site will require more maintenance than a normal parking lot
Capped sites may use covenants to keep future land owners from disturbing the caps
Capping can also be done with impervious Geotextiles, asphalt, clay, concrete