Profile/Googlness Questions Flashcards
Who is your leader and why?
My leader is my father. It has been the captain of the spanish national team of waterpolo and to this date considered one of the best players in history. His journey made him develop what I consider the best understanding of leadership: “The essential is not scoring most goals, it is to contribute that a game ends in a goal”. Took my father half of this life to assimilate this lesson and I expect it will take me just as much. Yet for me my dad has been and is the leader I am aspiring to become.
What are you most proud of?
I have always been proud of not being competitive. Better said, I have never been competitive with others yet I am highly demanding with myself. For example, during my academic experience I got the habit of preparing very well exhaustive notes, I spend a lot of time preparing them. I have always shared the notes with the whole promotion before an exam. Even if no one ever did the same, and was even hard to get the notes of a class I missed, I have never stopped doing so.
How do you invest in your learning?
First, I invest in acquiring diverse knowledge and skills by engaging in extra courses, case competitions, project, seminars. For example I try to attend every year the World Mobile Congress.
Secondly, I invest in expanding my creativity. I challenge myself to step up from my confort area by constantly trying new things. For example, as I am not a highly patient person, I am currently practicing yoga.
Why people like you?
A. I believe people like me because I am enthusiastic and positive. I transmit my energy to others, which helps them face personal and professional challenges with a new drive.
B. I believe people like me because I am always willing to help. At Adidas, I used my spare time to assist my colleagues and other departments whenever needed.
What are your three best traits?
- Proactivity: I am a person that always try to go beyond formal job requirements. For example during my experience in Guatemala, I used some spare time to visit the indegeous community where the NGO operated in other activites. As a result, while I was designing the business plan for a new shopping center, I found a way to discover and apply synergies to the project.
- Diligence. I am very committed and not afraid of challenges. When I was given the lead of the CRM project at Urbanite, I had very limited knowledge of the softwares. I learned how to use the platforms in record time
- Problem-solving skills: I mostly developed this skill during my academic experience as I have been exposed to a great variety of business cases. My university provided me with technical abilities and tools to tackle business problems in different ways. If you like, I can mention an example.
Walk me through your CV
Short, Simple, Storytelling, Highlighting learnings, Breath
Tell me about your experience in Marketing and Sales
I had two main different yet complementary experiences in marketing and sales. At Adidas HQ, I was in charge of managing some of the key accounts of the football department. How I approached the job was making use of different departments to satisfy and exceed our accounts requests. I also had to have a keen marketing eye to understand opportunities to show and nurture the brand in every activity.
During my time at Urbanite I was in charge of everything related to the customer. This included designing and implementing the UX, acquiring new clients, optimizing go-to-market activities, managing the customer service from the beginning to the end. From my arrival we tripled sales, increase satisfaction rate to around 95/100 and boosted loyalty rate. During a short time I worked with clients, property owners, I closed a deal for the most important property we had in our portfolio.
What are your three weaknesses?
- I feel demotivated in highly competitive and aggressive business environments. I believe in cooperation.
- I also find myself uncomfortable in too- burocratic an inflexible environment
- I do not have a technical background, which may be a disadvantage in a company based on technology. I however am a very fast learner. When I got the lead of the CRM project at Urbanite, I had to knowledge of the platforms. Yet, I learned to customise and use three different softwares in about two weeks.
How do you see yourself in the future?
I have often seen myself achieving a position of leadership in this time range. My experience as second in charge has been extremely rewarding and I would like to develop leadership skills. However, I am aware Google is an horizontal organisation. Due to my curiosity and hunger for learning, gaining experience in different areas or markets would be a path just as rewarding.
Why Google?
First, because I share Google’s innovative and entrepreneurial Spirit. I am constantly overwhelmed with ideas and projects I would like to develop and I would love to work in an environment where this would not only be possible, but valued.
Secondly, because I believe everlasting self-improvement. I know Google is the best ground to foster personal and professional learning not only because of programs such as the Global Education Leave but mostly because it gathers the brightest and most creative minds.
Finally, I consider the tech industry very challenging due to its fast-growth and changing dynamics. Since I am a very dynamic and autonomous person, I love the idea of working in a flexible and unpredictable environment.
Why this role?
There are two things that really impressed my about this job offer:
- It allowes me to be in direct contact with clients, with people. When I started working at Urbanite I had the opportunity to experiment almost every área of business. As long as I enjoyed every side of the job I felt there was nothing was more rewarding to me than talking to people, transmit my enthusiams for the Brand and receive customer’s emails or reviews thanking me for the experience, wishing to come back. This opportunity as Account Strategist will allow me to feel the same way.
- I like this position because it’s consulting aspect. I would like to expand my commencial and business expertise. Since Google deals with different companies in size and industries, I expect account strategists to work on a very broad range of business cases.
Tell me something about yourself unexpected
As my professional experience has been mostly in communication-related roles, it may be surprising that main fear has always been public speaking. However, I have always pushed myself to do things I am afraid of. My first public speaking experience was in high school. I was asked to introduce a keynote speaker in front of 1700 students. Despite doing it very poorly, I asked to speak in every incoming student assembly. From then on, I have always been the first volunteer to speak in public. I am still very afraid, but I am now an effective public speaker.
We have interviewed a number of highly qualified students for this position. What sets you apart from the others?
During my CEMS experience I have been exposed to other people with incredible background. Yet I felt what was unique about me was my humbleness. It doesn’t mean I think less of myself but thinking more of others. For example, when I enter a new team the first thing i do is identify the strengths of my peers. This exercise not only increase the efficiency but also makes them feel valuable and increase their motivation.
Who is Philipp Schindler?
SVP & Chief Business Officer at Google Worldwide director of sales team based in HQ in Mountain View, California
Who is Sundar Pichai?
Google’s CEO
What is Google vision?
To make world information universally accessible and useful.
Who are Larry Page y Sergey Brin?
Google’s Founders. Currently Sergey Brin is Co-Founder, Director and President of Alphabet.
If you were a Google Product, which one would you be and why?
Google for education. I feel identified in this solution for two main reasons.
- Because I believe in never-ending learning. As mentioned, my primary motivation is acquiring experience and knowledge.
- Because I consider education the main area of accion to drive change. Therefore, aside from my experience in Guatemala, I have also cooperated in many projects for local NGO’s focused on education. One example, is the “Ashoka social entrepreneurs project”. I have designed and conducted public speaking seminars in schools within disadvantaged neightboorhoods around Barcelona.
What is Google History?
In 1995 Larry Page y Sergey Brin created in their dorm in Stanford a search engine that priorised the importance of pages in the World Wide Web.
What is Google business model?
At the core of Google’s business model is the massive collection of data from all of their common products (mail, video, mobile, social, search) and then monetise the data by selling ad space, targeted ads and customized services to people, companies, and website owners.
Who is Eric E. Schmid?
Executive Chairman of Google
How do you see yourself in 5 years?
To be honest, I have been contemplating the idea of a management role in 5 years. However, I am aware that Google has an horizontal organisational structure. The possibility of widening my range of skills in different roles and gain experience in new markets is for me a prospecting just as attractive.
If you could be remembered for one sentence, what would it be?
“She has never given up on her dreams”
“She was always grateful for what she had and willing to reciprocate.”
“ She was hard to be seen without a smile”
If you could only choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Mr Bluesky, Electric light orchestra. It is incredibly positive, energetic and motivating.
Don’t stop me now, Queen. It is a motivating and energetic song, which invites to move forward and never give up.
If I gave you $10 million right now, what would you do?
I would invest 1/3 in real estate and 1/3 in financing my own company and 1/3 would be left in an highly profitably saving fund.
Tell me something I don’t know about you (not on your CV)
I am an extremely curious person so I d would like to continue my studies in different fields from my areas. For example, I am now saving money to finance a major in creative writing.
Conducted “public speaking seminars” in schools within disadvantaged neightboorhoods around Barcelona.
Brand ambassador for ESADE and ESADE SUD. Volunteered in promotional activities to share my experience with the university and the SUD programme and provide advise and support for potential students.
What activities come naturally for you?
Finding opportunities. For example at Urbanite I was working in a co-working space and a freelancer working for another company came in. He was a very young product designed and, as I glanced at his scratches, I know he was very talented. Since at the time we were working on branding our properties but our internal resources weren’t delivering great results, I approached him and propose him to apply for this project as freelancer. He was enthusiastic and presented to our CEO some ideas within a week. The result was having high quality-originally designed merchandize for our property at a very low cost and the convenience of a freelancer working in direct contact with us at the office.
How do you stay motivated?
I stay motivated in situations where I am constantly learning. This means where I have the opportunity to change and discover new things.
Tell me about something you did differently
During my Master in Marketing a took a project management subject and we had to present our final project to the faculty and the other students, both audience had to score the project for its content and creativity of presentation.
I proposed my team to present in a different way: showing our progressing and outcomes as it was an art exposition. My team was convinced about the idea for different reasons: e.g. if it would be visible for the audience.
I therefore prepared a small representation of how the presentation would look like and they love the result.
The presentation was the highest ranked.
Why is your academic/work experience relevant to the role?
My bachelor in BBA provided me with a wide knowledge and practical expertise in different areas of management, allowing me to quickly understand the needs of different corporations and business units. My degree in Marketing Management and CEMS, provided my with a good critical eye, analytical skills and the ability to tackle real organisations problems to find effective and creative solutions.
During my experience as strategic consultant in Guatemala, the main challenge I faced was working in a very unstructured environment. I therefore developed high organisation skills and pro-activity. My work experience in account management at Adidas and my role as lead of customer experience at Urbanite, provided me with the communication skills and commercial know-how that are essential to this job.
If you were a fruit, which would you be?
‘I would be an apple. Apples can be juiced, baked, eaten on their own or in a fruit salad. Similarly, I am versatile and can perform well in different situations, on my own or in a team.
“I would be a banana. Is a fruit that everyone like, so I am always well appreciated by my colleagues and supervisors. However, I have a tough skin, so I am not easly manipulated. I know which side of me to pull of depending on the situation”
“Avocado. It brings fiber and high amount of potassium, which increases energy level. As me, I transmit energy and motivation of people around me. Also, is a very versatile fruit, I am also flexible and can perform well in different situations.
If you were a fish, which would you be?
“I’d be a Turritopsis Nutricula, also known as the immortal Jellyfish. Jellyfish despite being simple organisms, are able to use smarty resources to respond to any situation. The immortal jellyfish, in particular, have the unique characteristic of revert their biological process in extreme conditions such as starvation or sudden temperature change. I am also able to reinvent myself and adapt fast to any drastic change”
“I d be a dolphin. As me, they are highly communicative and sociable fishes. Also, dolphin individual strength relies in their group. As well, I believe on team effort over individual ambiscuous. Finally, dolphins can recognize themselves in the mirrors which mean that they are self-aware, I am also aware of my limits and strengths and leverage on them to respond to any situation.
Why are you interested in the tech industry?
First, because, as an industry, technology is focused on breaking new ground. I am a curious and creative person, so I seeking for an environment of discovery, innovation and advancement.
Also, because is an industry focused on coming up with new solutions to improve people everyday life. The tech industry is my opportunity to improve problem solving skills while delivering a meaningful outcome.
Finally, the tech industry involves flexibility and autonomy to adapt to the fast growth and change. That is the environment I am most confortable working with.
- Break down number two
- There are often chances to jump in to other projects. As I am very curious and love learning, I would love to have the possibility to get involved in another area and expand my range of hard skills.
If you were a color, which would you be?
Red is the color of energy, passion, action, ambition and determination.
Orange is the color of energy, enthusiasm, innovation and creativity.
If you were an animal, which would you be?
What is Google for Education?
Is a set of products and tools google offers to schools and universities to facilitate the learning process for students. The solution is adapted to the school needs and unique budget.
How do you handle criticism?
I would approach the criticism differently depending on its source. For a customer, my primary goal would be to listen to and empathise with their complaint, and then try to figure out a solution that would satisfy them. For a colleague, I would hear them out and try and ask questions to understand the situation completely, so you can improve. For my boss, I would proactively solicit feedback as part of your regular catch ups, since you want to continually improve and progress.
What do people most often criticize about you?
People said ofter i’m too focused on work. I d like to explain with an example why I don’t agree.
In Australia I didn’t had time for many social activities with my peers because I was spending most nights and weekends working. Since I was studying and working full time, I had to define my priorities.
My first priority was Urbanite since I was given opportunities for learning and high responsibilities that were rare for a entry level professional.
My second priority was USYD, because it was the first and last time I would acquire new knowledge and be in touch
I of course participated in social activities but, at that time, I decided it not to be the focus of the semester.