Professionalism Flashcards
What are the 4 ehtical principles?
define justice
equity, fair distribution of treatment
no discrimination based on any factor
no special treatment
define autonomy
Right to a have a say in ones own care
ie. self governing and function independently
provide all neccesary information that allows patient to make an informed decision about their care
define beneficence
duty to do good
actions should always be in the best intrest of patients
define non malfeasance
do no harm/prevnet harm or remove harm
through treatment (comminsion) or omitting treatment (ommision)
6 steps to resloving an ethical issue
1) identify an ehtical problem
2) identify facts (known benfits/harms) laws (goverment, college), ethical prinicples (autonomy, etc.)
3)consider the impact on stake holders including patient-who does the decision affect
4) find potentional courses of action
5) choose course of action
6) asses action outcome and decide whether further action is needed
-practice adivisor of college (CPM) can help guide you
Describe PT scope of practice
defined by ones education/training and governeing body
PT diagnoses: inclusion of physical funcitoning and impression of functional abilites
eg/ consultations, education, therpeutic exercise, manual therapy, soft tissue technecques, electro-physical agents, mechanical modalities, functional activity training, cardio-resp techniques, prescribing aids and devices
describe some actvities not within PT scope of practice
-diagnosing medical condition and diseases
-prescribing and discussing use of medication (pharmacists)
-other medical interevntions
do you have the training?
do you know the risks and how to manage them?
is there another better suited profession?
define controlled act or restricted activity
healthcare activity that by law should be performed by individuals atuthorized to perform them or by individuals who have been delegated the activity
must know what to do in event of adverse outcome, must have written instructions on how to manage forseable adverse outcomes
PT restricted activities include,
which ones can be deglegated?
-traceal suctioning, delgated to healthcare team and family if long term use
-spinal manipulation-cant delgate
-acupuncture-can’t delgate
-assessing/rehabing pelvic musculature-can’t delegate
-adminstering substance by inhalation-can delegate, especially oxygen
-can not delegate the communication of a diagnosis
define consent
PT’s have legal and ethical obligation to obtain prior to any physio services (Ax Tx, sharing health records to third party)
no minimum age
may be expressed or implied
may be withdrawn at any time
must be documented
only exception is an emergency
what is informed consent?
pt prvided with all neccesary information to make an informed healthcare decision
the Tx, benefits and risks, side effects, consequences of not recivieng treatment, alternate options, goals of Tx, evidence, etc
the four compents of consent are?
1) capcity
2) voluntariness
3) disclosure
4) understanding
describe Capacity (consent)
must have ability to understand interaction and appreciate consequences of their decisions
decision specific
no age determinant
describe voluntariness (consent)
patient must never be coerced or manipulated
persuasion is acceptable
information should not be framed with bias
give professional opioion by present information objectiviely
describe disclosure (consent)
PT must disclose any information a reasonable person in same circumstances would require to make a decsion
nature of treatment, benfits/risks, alternative options, consequences of not receiving treatment