L/E Flashcards
lumbar plexus
arises from L1 -4, anterior to lumbar TP’s and within the psoas muscle
“ interested in getting lunch on friday?”
lateral femoral cutaneous
Sacral plexus
from lumbrasacral trunk L4/5 and S1-4 spinal roots
posterior pelvic wall
Anterior branches: Nerve to quadratus femoris, nerve to obturator internus, pudendal nerve, nerves to levator ani and external anal sphincter
Posterior branches: Nerve to piriformis , superior gluteal nerve, inferior gluteal nerve, posterior femoral cutaneous nerve, perforating cutaneous nerve, pelvic splanchnic nerves
Terminal branch: Sciatic nerve (divides into tibial and common fibular/peroneal nerves)
Superior gluteal nerve, inferior gluteal nerve, posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh, pudendal nerve, sciatic nerve (SIPPS)
internal oblique
deep to external oblqitue and superfiscal to TA
O: anterior illiac crest
I: inferior ribs 10/11/12, lina alba
A: b/l trunk flexion, compression of viscera, expiration
u/l ipsi rotation and side flexion
external oblique
superfiscal to internal oblique
O: lateral surface ribs 5- 12
I: lina alba pubic tubercle
A: trunk felxion, compression of viscera, expiration
u/l ipsi side felxion, contra rotation
deep to external and internal obliques
run from posterior to antieror lateral banding around the abdomen
A: compression of viscera, exhalation, unilateral ipsis trunk rotation
rectus abdominus
anterior abdominal wall
O: pubic symphisis and crest
I: xiphod process and costal cartiliges 5- 7
trunk flexion, compression of viscera, expiration
O; anteriro surface of sacrum
I; greater trochanter of femor
A; external rottion and abductino of the hip, stabilizes the femor in the socket
I:nerve to piraformis
GOGO muscles
superior gemullus
inferior gemullus
obtrator internus
obtrator externus
ER and abduction of the hip / stablizes head of femur in socket
quad fem
O: ischial tub
I: introchanteric crest of femor
A: er ro tation of hip
O : nerve to quad fem
O: lumbar Tp’s and illiac fossa
I: passes under the inguinal ligament and attaches to lesser trochanter of femor
A: flexion and ER of the hip, flexion of the trunk, lateral trunk flexion (psaos major ipsi)
glute min
O: gluteal surface of illium
I: anterior aspect of greater trochanter
A; thigh abduction, anteior part dose hip IR, pelvis stabilization
N: superior gluteal
glute med
O: gluteal surface of ollium
I: lateral aspect of greater trochanter
A; thigh abduction, the anterior part does IR ofthe hip, pelvic stabilizartin
I: superior gluteal nerve
glute max
O: superior surface of illuim , sacrum, coccyx, thoracolumbar fascioa, sacrotuberous lig
I: greater tuberosity of femor and ITB
A: hip extension/abduction,
N: inferior gluteal nerve
O: outer lip of anterior illiac crest, ASIS
I: ITB, lateral condyle of tibia
A; internal rotator of the hip, external rotation at the knee, hip and knee stabilization
N:superior gluteal nerve
quad lumb:
O: illiac crest, iliolumbar numbar lig
I: inferior border of rib 12, tps of L1-L4
A: trunk extension, ipsilateral side flexion,
rectus femoris: AIIS, anterior acetabular groove
vastus lateralis: Intertrochanteric line, greater trochanter, gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera of femur
vatus intermeidias:Anterior surface of femoral shaft
vastus medials:Intertrochanteric line, pectineal line of femur, linea aspera, medial supracondylar line of femur
I: tibial tuberosity vis the patellar tendon
A: extension at the knee, rec fem flexion at hip
bicep femoris
O: lomg head (intial tub/scrotuberus lig), short head ( linea aspera of femur (lateral lip), lateral supracondylar line of femur)
I:head of fibula
N: tibial, common fibular (both branches of sciatic)
O: ischial tuberosity
I:proximal medail tibial condyle (pes anserine)
N: tibial
o: ischial tuberosity
I: medial condyle to tibia
N: tibial
A: flexion of knee, extension at hip, stabilization of hip and knee
aductor longus
O: pubis lateral to symphysis
I: medial thrid of linea aspera of femor
A: Thigh flexion, Thigh adduction, Thigh external rotation; Pelvis stabilization
N: obtrator
adductor brevis
O: anterior pubis, inferior pubic ramus
I: linea aspera of femor
A:thigh flexion, thigh adduction, thigh external rotation; pelvis stabilization
N: obtrator
adductor magnus
O: inferior pubic ramus, ishcial ramus, ishcial tuberoisity
I:Adductor part: Gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera (medial lip), medial supracondylar line
Ischiocondylar part: Adductor tubercle of femur
A:Adductor part:
Hip joint - Thigh flexion, thigh adduction, thigh external rotation
Hamstring part:
Hip joint - Thigh extension, thigh internal rotation
Entire muscle: Pelvis stabilization
N:Adductor part: Obturator nerve (L2-L4)
Ischiocondylar part: Tibial division of sciatic nerve (L4
O: superior pubic ramus
I: pectinial line and lina aspera of femor
A:Thigh flexion, thigh adduction, thigh external rotation, thigh
internal rotation; pelvis stabilization
N: femoral and obturator nerves
O:Anterior body of pubis, inferior pubic ramus, ischial ramus
I: medial surface of proximal tibia via pes anserine
A:Hip joint: Thigh flexion, thigh adduction;
Knee joint: leg flexion, leg internal rotation
N: Obturator
tib anterior
O: lateral surface of tibia and interousseus membrane
I: medial cuneform bone base of metatarsal 1
A: dorsiflexion, inversion
N: deep fibular
extensor digitorium longus
O:medial surface of fibula, lateral tibial condyle, interosseus membrane
I: distal middle phalanges 2-5
A: Metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints 2-5: Toe extension;
Talocrural joint: Foot dorsiflexion;
Subtalar joint: Foot eversion
N: deep fibular