cardio respiratory Flashcards
Cardiorespiratory physical examination acronym
inspection-visual inspection of patient
IPPA physical examination, compentnets of Inspection
1 vital signs (HR, RR, BP, SPO2), line and tubes/monitors
2 mechanisms of ventilation (pattern-chest diaphragm other muscles, ratio of isp:esp, depth shallow or normal)
3 thoracic shape (funnel, pigeon, kyphoscolosis,barrel)
4 head neck extremieties (colour, cyanosis, nasal flare, accessory muscle use, Jugular distension, cap refil, clubbingm colour, edema, muscle wasting)
5 speech cough and sputum(effective, productive, wet dry, colour, consitency volume)
how to check HR?
index and middle finger on radial forearm
rate in bpm, rhythm regular or irregular, and strength
slow resting HR, less than 60 bpm
normal resting HR
high resting HR, greater then 100 bpm
normal HR children 1 -8 years
80-100 bpm
normal HR infants 1- 12 months
100-120 bpm
normal HR neonates 1 day to 28days
120-160 bpm
3 words to describe HR rhythm
regular- regular consistent pattern
irrigular- irregular but consistent pattern eg bigeminy, trigeminy
irregularly irregular- iregular inconsistent pattern eg a fib
slow resting RR, less then 12 breaths per minute
normal RR, 12-20 bpm
higher then normal resting RR, greater then 20 breaths per minute
normal RR children 1-8
15-30 bpm
normal RR infants 1- 12 months
25-50 bpm
normal RR neonates 1 -28 days
40-60 bpm
Procedure for obtaining BP
seated upright with arm at level of heart feet flat on the floor, patient should be relaexd ( not relaxed will increase BP)
palpate brachial artery pulse and place cuff 1 inch above. cuff should encircle at least 80% of arm (cuff to small overestimates, cuff to large underestimates)
place stethascpoe on pulse.
pump till pulse is occulded, slowly release
1st kortokoft sound is heard is systolic pressure, second sound is diastolic pressure
low BP, systolic less then 90 or diastolic less than 60
normal BP
values hypertention stage 1
values hypertention stage 2
> 140/90
critical > 180/110
orthostatic hypotention values
drop of >20 mmHg of systolic pressure going from lying to standing
dizzy lightneheaded due to O2 drop in brain due to gravity
SPo2, how to measure, values
peripheral capillary O2 saturation-percent of how much O2 Hgb is carrying (4 each molecule), measured using pulse oximeter on finger or ear
normal is 95-100
below 90% may warrent further investigation and supplementation
apical breathing
through shoulders, accesory muscle use, indicates severe dyspnea
paradoxical breathing
pattern in reveres, chest recoils on inspiration and expands with expiration
flail chest
multiple fractires in multiple ribs creates a flail segment that gets sucked in during inspiration
ratio of inspiration to expiration
normal is 1:2
obstructive is 1:3- hard time exhaling air, resistance
restrictive is 1:1- can not take as much air in shallow fast breaths
excessive abdominal use to expire
may indicate air trapping and effor to rid lungs of air. obstructive disease
depth of breath
shallow- indicates restrictive disease, often compensated by increasing respiratory rate
Funnel chest
pectus excavatum, sternum sunken
restricts anterior lung expansion
pigeon chest
pectus carinatum, sternum is forward
retrictions in in medial lateral expansion
barrel chest
AP:lateral diameter is 1:1
indicates chronic hyper inflation and air trapping
blue tinge to lips and mucus membranes, indicates respiratory distress
low arterial blood O2
jugular venous distension
obvious in R sided heart failure, large vein in neck bulges visibly becuase of pressure.
right heart pump can not keep up back up of blood evidendent in jugular vein
Edema in extremities
sign of righ sided heart failure, R side can t pump effectivley back up of blood in venous system, edmema most common in lower extremities becuase of gravity dependent positioniing.
muscle wasting in respiratory disease
indicates muscles not reciveing adequte O2-hypoxia
low o2 levels in tissues
forced expiration against a closed glottis, required to prevent retention, infection, atelectasis
effective- strong with ability to clear
productive/wet-things come up, vs non producrive or dry
persistant- how often?
four things we want to know about sputum
describe the colour range of sputum
clear- salivia
white-normal, may be associated with asthma
yellow-mucopurlent, possible infection, chronic bronchitism cystic fibroisis, pnuemonia
green-prolent, possible infection, emphysea, advanded pneumonia, bronchietasis, lung abcess
brown flecks- carbon particples, smoker, smoke inhalation
pink frothy- pulmonary edema
frank blood-hemoptysis- Tb lung cancer pulmonary infarction
pink frothy sputum is indicative of what condition
pulmonary edema
frank blood in sputum is indicative of what conditions ( (3)
tuberculosis, lung cancer, pulmonary infarction
describe mucus of cystic fibrosis
lots of thick mucpulent yellow mucus, copius amounts
IPPA: palaption exam includes
1) chest wall expansion
2)diaphragmatic excursion
3) edema
4) pain and crepitus
5) traceal positioning
6) tactile fremitus
describe 2 ways to assess chest wall expansion
1) manual method- look for amount of movment and symmetry between sides, thumbs together-how far apart do they move with breath. assess upper(sternocostal), middle (vertebro costal) and lower (lateral costal)
2) circumferintial method- uses measuring tape to measure diffrence between full inlation and exhalation. measure at axilla, measure at 10th rib. 3 measurments-best of 3
disphragmatic excursion
1) hand placed on apex of belly during inspiration
2) measure diffence with tape measure apex of belly during inspiration
3) diaphragmatic percussions
Edema palpation
pitting vs non pitting
pitting pressure leaves an indent which persits indicates fluid retention that is gravity dependent,Right sided heart failure
non pitting edema-chronic, lymphedema
others: systemic pregnancy
if palaption of chest area increases pain
this indicates oraganic or pain of musculoskeltal orgin
crepitus with breath
bubbles of air in subcutaneous tissue, sub cutaneous emphysema, air leak from chest tube, trauma, pneumothoracx
requires medical attention ASAP
tracheal positioning
should sit between the SC joints,
increase in pressure pushes contralateral
decreae in pressure pulls ipsilateral
tactile fremitus
ulnar border of hand on chest as patient repeats 99, feeling for vibrations.
increased sound transmission indicates more dense tissue (not air) pulmonary edema, consolidation, tumor
decreased sound transmission =hyperinflation, emphysema, pneumothoracm pleural effusion, sound waves attenuate in less dense tissue like air and fluid.
diagnosit precussion of chest wall
purpose: determine density of underlying tissue, up to 5 cm in depth
extended finger between ribs-tap firmly with other fingers 2-3 strikes
resonat= normal tissue
dull= nonareated lung tissue
hyperresaonant= hyperinflated lung
percussion diaphargmatic excursion
patient sitting. max exhale and hold as physio percussates makes mark , max inhale and hold physio percussates makes mark
normal distance between is 3-5 cm
define auscultation
art of listening to sounds porduced by the body, pt takes slow deep breaths though MOUTH when assesing, check for dizziness every 2-3 breaths
normal lung sounds resonant
abnormal dull indicates consolifation, plueral fluids, pulmonary edma, pneumonia, atlectasis,
hyperesonant hyperinflation, COPD, acute asthma attack, penumothorax
list R lung segments (9) and where to ausltate
RUL-apical (above clavicle)
RUL-anterior (between clavicle and 4th rib anteriorly)
RUL-posterior (between C7/T3, above spine of scapula-posteriorly)
RML-lateral (mid axillary rib 5, stethoscope beneath orts bra inferiorly)
RML- medial (anterior mid chest, beneath breast tissue between costal cartilages 4 and 6)
RLL-anterior basal ( between ribs 6 and 8 in the mid clavicular area
RLL-superior ( enclosed by T3 to T7 and medial scapular border)
RLL-posterior basal (enclosed by T7 to T10 and mid scapular line)
RLL- lateral basal ( enclosed by T7 to T10, mid scapular to posterior axillary line)
medial basal- can not ausultate
list L lung segments (8)
LUL-apical posterior ( above clavicle anteriorly, posteriorly C7 to T3 above spine of scapula)
LUL-anterior (between clavicle and 4th rib anteriorly)
LUL-superior lingulus,(over 5th rib anterior lateral)
LUL-inferior lingulus ( between costal cartilages 4 and 6 anterior mid chest)
LLL-anterior medial basal
LLL-superior ( posteriorly t3 to T7 and medial border of scap)
LLL-posterior basal (T7 to T10 and medial to mid scapular line)
LLL-lateral basal (T7 -t10 lateral to mid scapular line)
describe vesicular breath sounds
where are they normal?
soft low pitched
Inspiration to expiration 3:1
heard over peripheral lung tissue (not over trachea and bronchi)
indicates normal lung
describe bronchovesicular
where should you hear
Mixture of branchial and vesicular
inspiration to expiration 1:1
inspiration is soft and low pitched
expiration is loud and high ptiched
heard over main stem bronchi in 1st and 2nd intercostal spaces and posteriorly between scapular
bronchial breath sounds
loud high pitched hollow quality
louder on exhalation
inspiration:expiration 1:1 or 1:2
distinct pause between inspiration and expiration
heard over trachea and manubrium
describe crackles as a breath sound
abnormal breath sound
short explosive
inspiratory or expiratory
fine or course
course crackles
air moving retained secretions cuaseing intermittent closing and opening of the airway, wet, insipration and/or expiration, can be in any area of the lung
fine crackles
sudden opening of collapsed alveoli, typically dry, inspiratory, typically in basal lung (area more proone to collapse)
late inspiratory fine crackles
abnormal breath sound
differnt pitches-high (bronchospasm), low ( secretions in upper airways)
inspiratory(rare-severe obstructions) expiratory (most)
pleural friction rub
extrapulmonary sound
long low pitcher leathery creaking produced by frictional resistance between layers, may be asociated with pain
loud musuical high constant pitch, audible from distance without stethoscope, most promminent during inspiration
due to turbelent air flow -upper air way obstruction or narrowed air ways
pulmonary function tests
a group of tests which help evaluate the mechanical functioning of the lungs, researched norm and predicted values are used for comparison, used for determination of presence of restrictive and obstructive diseases, determining severity of condition, determine response to bronchodilator treatment, as an out come measure for disease progresssion or effectiveness of treatment and medications.
obstructive diseases
trouble getting air out, leads to air trapping, lots of junk air and no room for new air
increased airway resistance, narrowed air way leads to increased resisance to air out
chronic bronchitis, emphysema, COPD, asthma, bronchiextasis
increased lung capcities due to air trapping
decreased flow rates FEV1, FEV1/FVC,
restrictive diseases
decreased ability to expand lungs and take air in, stiff chest/lung/ribcage, decreased strength to expand
decreased compliance–> decreased negative pressure–> decreased air entry,
colume of air in lung is reduced
results in increased work of breathing
increase RR that may lead to hyperventiliation (decreased PACO2)
increased accesory muscle use
increased pressure required to maintain lung expansion and ventilation
increaed fatigue ( lots of energy for breathing, depleted O2 deconditioning)
tidal volume
the amount of air taken in or out during normal quiet breathing.
about 500 mL in normal adult
diaphragm moves down on inspiration, the primiary muscle 70%. thoracic space increases and chest wall expands. intrapleural presure becomes more negative and draws air in. diaphragm is its lowest at the end of inspiration
acccessory muscles: external intercostals, SCM, scalenes, pecs
expiration is a passive recoil of the lungs and rib cage.
forced expiration/reduced elastic recoil requiers contraction of abdominal wall and internal intercostals. these muscles press the abdominnal organs upwards into the diaphragm reducing the volume of the thoracic cavity. inspiratory muscles are relaxed. throacic volme is decreased intrapleura pressure becomes less negative and forces air out.
Inspiratory reserve volume
maximum amount of air that can be inspired above tidal volume, Inspiratory capacity - tidal volume
2- 3L
used during exertion or exercise
Expiratory reserve volume
maximal exhalation after tidal volume expiration ( max expiration - tidal volume)
residual volume
the amount of air left in the lungs after maximal exhalation, cant exhale all the air
cannot be measured by spirometry
total lung capacity
the volume of air in the lungs after a maximal inspiration
residual volume, tidal volume, expiratory reserve volume and inspiratory reserve volume
vital capacity
the maximum amount of air that can me exhaled after a maximal inhaltion
expiratory reserve volume, Tidal volume and inspiratory reserve volume
3.8L females 4.8 L males
inspiratory capacity
maximum amount of gas that can be inhaled from resting expiratory level
tidal volume and inspiratory reserve volume
functional residual capacity
amount of air in the lungs after a normal breath out
expiratory reserve volume and residual volume
dead space
volume of ventilated air that does not participate in gas exhange, ventilation with out perfusion
1. anatomical - volume of air that fills the conducting airways (nose trachea bronchi) where gas exhange is not possible because there is no alveoli
2. physiological dead space= antomical dead space plus alveolar dead space. neligible in healthy indiviudals. value increases in lung desease states
does decreased tidal volume indicate restrictive or obstructive disease
increased residual volume indicates restrictive or obstructive
decreased residual volume O or R
increased inspiratory reserve volume indicates O or R
decreased inspiratory reserve volume indicates O or R
decreased expiratory reserve volume indicates O or R
do lung capcities increase or decrease in restrictive diseases
do lung capcitites increase or decrease in obstructive diseases
forced vital capacity
the total volume of air that can be exhaled after a maximal inhlation indpendent of time
forced expiratory volume (FEV 1 is common)
maximum amount of air that can be expired in 1 second after maximal inhalation
% of of FEV that can be exhaled in 1 sec.
80% is normal
in a restrictive disease both FEV1 and FVC decrease the ratio is normal or greater then normal
<70% is obstructive disease becuase it indicates there is lots of resistance to getting air out, FEV1 reduces beucase hard time removing air.
differentiate between normal, restrictive and oabstructive flow volume graphs
normal: most of the air is exhaled in 1 sec, steady decline afterwards
Obstructive: less air is exhaled then normal, takes longer to exhale air, graph scoops, increased scooping indicates increase severity of disease, longer horizontallly
Restrictive: air is exhaled fast, less air to exhale, graph is shorter horizontally
FVC in obstructive diseases
normal or low
FEV1 in obstructive diseases
low, becuase of resistance to air getting out
FEV1/FVC in obstructive diseases
<70% and is diagnositic
FVC in restrictive diseass
low, can not take as much air in therfore less to exhale
FEV1 in restrictive diseases
normal or low
FEV1/FVC in restrictive diseases
normal to high
diffusion capcacity of carbon monoxide
mesures the functioning of gas exchangefrom the lungs to the blood
low: could be a problem with pulmonary or circulatory system eg// emphseyma, fibrosis, anemia
high: problem with circulatory system-not pulmonary eg// polycythemia high RBC count viscous blood
Respiratory muscle strength tests
nose clip, breath trhough tube attached to gage
indicated when resipiratory muscle weakness is expected, when perscribing a inspiratory muscle trainer
inspiration: pt’ attempts a maximal inspiratory effort through blocked mouthpiece, reflex strength of inspiratory muscles
expiration: patient attempts a maximal forced expiratory effort through blocked mouth piece after a full exhalation, reflex strength of patients expiratory muscles
normal blood ph
a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration indicating acidity and alkalinity
normal PACO2
35-45 mmHG
controlled by ventilation
normal HCO3
22-26 mEq/L
normal SPO2
% of saturation of hemoglobin molecules with ocygen
measured by pulse oximeter
normal PaO2
arterial blood gas test
test of arterial blood to measure blood gases and acidity
assess effectiveness of gas exhange in diagnosis of acute respiratory conditions
body tries to maintain homeostasis
patient hypoventilating, how does this effect PaCO2
increased PACO2
patient not breathing in fresh O2 and retaining CO2
respiratory acidosis
patient hyperventilating, how does this effect PaCO2
decreased PaCO2
patient breathing too much
offloading excess Co2
repiratory alkalosis
< 22 mEq/L HCO3-
metabolic acidosis
> 26 mEq/L HCO3-
metabolic akalosis
PaO2 mmHg
mild, moderate, severe hypoxemia
mild 60-80mmHg
moderate 40-60mmHg
severe <40 mmHg
respiratory acidosis values
low Ph and high PaCo2
respiratory aklaosis values
high Ph, low PaCo2
metabolic acidosis values
low HCO3-, low Ph
metabolic akalosis values
high Ph, high HCO3-
if Ph and PaCO2 move in the oppisite direction…
if Ph and HCO3 move in the same directions..
- respiratory
- metabolic
compensated ABG
notmal ph but other components are abnormal
uncompensated ABG
abnormal ph, one component HCO3- or PaCo2 is abnormal while the other is normal
partially compensated ABG
ph is abnormal, PaCO2 and HCO3- are also abnormal
ventilation perfusion ratio
ratio of the amount of air reaching alveoli to the amount of blood reachingi the alveoli
optimal =1
ventilation is the exhange of gases, movement of air in and out of the lugs
perfusion- amount of blood that reaches the alveoli via the capillaries which enables the movment of O2 and CO2 across the alvelolar membrane and capillary membrane
shunt- low VQ ratio , alveoli are perfused but ventilation fails to supplu the perfused region
deadspace- hihg V/Q ratio, air is inhaled but unable to take part in gas exhange
Causes of obstructive lung diseases
smoking-inhibition of cilary motility airway irritation
air pollution
genetics-alpha-1 antirypsin definciency elastin breakdown, floppy lung
infection- repeated/chronic
aging due to increased compliance fo lungs
allergy-asthma attacks
what is COPD, 2 types
progressive airway obstruction that is not fully reversible
associated with RHF
Chronic bronchitis-small airway remodelling
emphseyma-parenchyml destruction- destruction of air ways distal to terminal bronchi, destruction of interalveolar septa cuasing mergin of alveoli into larger air spaces